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Serious Sam
Posted on Friday, August 22 @ 18:03:32 EDT by Suislide
FPS reviewsGuns, Shooting, Lots and lots of shooting, Huge guys, Blood What could be greater?

Graphics. These graphics fucking rocked (released in 2001?). They are fucking excellent and thanks to the engines great design you can have a bajillion great looking enemies on screen. I can fucking blow away a billion guys in a huge fucking egyptian palace piece of shit. The graphics are good yes.

Sound: Sounds good. No it doesnt. The music sucks ass and all the gun shots sound kind of muffled like they are 22khz. Except for the minigun which is good.

Gameplay: OMG ITS FUCKING ROCKS. THERE A BILLION FUCKING GUYS ON SCREEN AND I CAN BLOW ALL THOSE FUCKERS AWAY IN A GIANT BLOOD FUCKING MESS. Not to mention the last boss is FUCKING HUGE. This is so great. And the main character is manly unlike all these other pussie games (Not HL though). Hes a huge guy with huge fucking muscles that can blow away anyone. Except in SS:SE and the xbox version he looks fucking gay. Like BigBoy with a huge ass, ass chin.

Story: Shit is going down with the egyptian past or something and you go to kick some ass. Lame ass story but who cares when you are blowing the shit out of hordes of guys with a giant ass minigun.

This game was beautiful and full of death. I give it a 10/10

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