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Posted on Friday, August 22 @ 17:55:23 EDT by Suislide
FPS reviewsI only played it for 30 days because its fucking gay that you have pay to play online. Anyways thats enough to write a review.

Graphics: They look alright but they arent anything special. All the guns look like fucking cement. They arent shiny i dont know what it is but the weapons look like fat leaky anus. To sum this up basically the graphics are mediocre. Oh yeh and it runs like a shithole unless you turn on tripple buffering. Why is that fucking neccesary? Leave it SOE to suck poopy shit coverd ass.

Sound: Sounds ok, i dont think there was any music because i didnt notice it. If there was it probably would have sucked dick considering sony sucks dick. Those dick suckers.

Gameplay: Its not bad. You can go in a party then go into massive wars and shoot the shit out of tons of people then laugh. THen you capture a base and you go fucking w00t w00t. Get in a fucking revear and bomb those shit heads. Then you can kill your own team because thats fun too and they are mostly dipshits. Infact about 85% of the game is full of n00bs. Faggot ass newbie n00bs, they suck ass and its annoying. Second yes its tons of fun but guess what IT LAGS LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER. Its like i have an 800bps modem. This game lags so much its fucking annoying makes me wanna piss on my keyboard. Basically you are paying for lag, Thanks alot Sony you fucking bitches.

Story: There are three teams and they are fighting wow a lot of thought went into that one. Fucking sony.

Yeh the game was fun but it lags like hell. Also if you cant tell i hate SOE (Sony Online Entertainment if you are a retard). So i give this a 6/10

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Re: PlanetSide (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, November 04 @ 22:57:41 EST
right on!
Sony sucks.
Kill them all
those bastards

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