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Obscure II
Posted on Monday, October 08 @ 17:30:31 EDT by Suislide
Action Game ReviewsI had to put this game under action because this is no category for THE WORST FUCKING GAME EVER MADE. You can play the game with one or two my friend joined my in this adventure of massive fucking elephant shit. Its a survival-horror type game with a twist.... the twist is it sucks fucking rhinoceros ball sack. I rather masturbate with razorblades are my cock while watching 2Girls1Cup.

Graphics: Well this game is an awful port of an awful game from the playstation you can already imagine what sort of beauty you are in for. Absolutely none. This game looks like a fucking crap. Be prepared to witness what low resolution textures, awful art direction, and shitty character models can do for your game. It helps to make you realize...hey my life is fucking worthless and I can't believe I made this game. Basically the graphics everywhere you go are just pretty much awful. In total there is about six different enemies you fight from the fat fucking gabe newell blob monster to some crocidle thing. Basically the graphics are just awful..The worst part is whenever you open a door or open a thing to a new area there is a 2D picture that is supposed to show the room you are going into. But guess what? Its a fucking stupid blurry low resolution picture that you can see the sides of! The environments all have the same shades of blue and brown..from the school, hospital, and the woods they basically just all look awful. So you get a beautiful expose of what never to do when making graphics for a game. All the characters and enemies are dumb...shitty designs. I rather stick my dick in a printer and print out Quentin tarintino on my dick then look at this game again.

Sound: The voice acting and so realistic when it comes to the women. They talk too much...whine, bitch and complain...whenever you hit them with a spiked baseball bat. Shut the fuck up, you are are only used for making babies and you bitch and moan during that too. The dialog in this game is so fucking awful it makes all the characters look like complete idiots. I actually wanted them all to die. All the characters sound like complete douche bags who deserve to get consumed by the black darkness. The music is fucking terrible to with some soft rock/ska pussy some awful techno where a woman sings. Shut this pussy shit off but I think its meant to resemble the characters. Finally the ambient screams and moans sound like a dude getting fucked in the butt. The developers of this game are clearly gay.

Gameplay: What to fucking say...So this game controls like ASS. You cant move and reload so you get hit by the bosses all the time. THE CAMERA IS SO FUCKING BAD...half the time it does whatever it fucking wants to like clip through half the wall so you can't see the characters. Yeah thats fucking great I like seeing the camera clip...or it turns and faces something so you can see shit. So you run around solve puzzles and fight enemies in the worst combat system ever made since ever using each of the characters special traits. One of them has lockpicking, strength, agility, or inspection....but then there is one called black aura.....What the FUCK? She sucks the fucking black off of doors and THATS IT...shes useless to the max. Its the worst specialty in any game ever. Not to mention she is some gay goth who should fucking kill herself. All the specialities are gay, the puzzles are lame, the combat is awful, the boss fights are equally stupid requiring gay teamwork. Health kits...there is about 6 the whole fucking game..The weapons all blow ass...the pistol and the shotgun are all right, tazer not bad, and crossbow works decently well. The melee weapons all FUCKING BLOW and the flare gun is the most useless piece of shit ever. It shoots so damn slow your enemy could go get a coffee, come back and jerk off on your face and then move back to his original position before it hits him. Weapons, controls, characters, powers all just awful.

Story: The story is just plain balls...some demons attack your school..all your friends are gay...and you fight the demons. So then at the end you fight some stupid tree boss and kill him. THEN THE CREDITS FUCKING ROLL but guess what? The game fucking continues on and you fight a previous boss who should be fucking dead again....and then the credits fucking roll ONCE AGAIN. This game sucks dick.

Ill give it a half point for existing...but awful...just awful 0.5/10

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Re: Obscure II (Score: 1)
by Jokur on Wednesday, October 10 @ 04:09:41 EDT
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why do you even play games if all you do is bitch about them?

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Re: Obscure II (Score: 1)
by Nenad on Friday, February 08 @ 11:49:59 EST
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I just finished the game with my bro and i gotta say..this review rocks! xD

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