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S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadows of Chernobyl
Posted on Friday, April 06 @ 15:19:43 EDT by Suislide
FPS reviewsWell...The game many people have been anticipating is finally here and it feels only half complete. Anyways after playing through the entire thing I'm going to say it. This game is nothing special at all......Infact its the epitome of mediocre, however the graphics are nice but the game play seems like a seriously less-fun Deus Ex.

Graphics: Well against I'm going to say it this is pretty much the best portion of this game. HOWEVER, the graphics are only good with the Full Dynamic Lighting on. If you turn it off, it instantly puts the game into Direct x 8 mode and it looks like utter shit. It looks so shitty in Direct x 8 mode that you will literally die masturbating while choking yourself with a belt. Basically the game looks like Vivisector: Beast Within when you put it into Direct x 8, however it runs about 300 times faster which is probably because it looks so shitty otherwise. With full dynamic lighting on though it looks pretty damn good which nice lighting effects coming from the flame barrels and other shit outside. However the graphics don't truly shine until you go indoors in some stupid ass sewer, then with flashlights and the other lights down there it looks pretty fucking good. The textures are detailed and look pretty nice however every fucking character looks fucking exactly the same, all the lone stalkers you run into look like the same fucking model over and over. However the people from different factions look nice however it just seems like there isn't shit for variety in characters. The weapon models look pretty damn good and well-representative of the real guns. The outdoor environments can be quite large with large buildings however there is loading points for the different fucking sections which is lame. Oblivion could do it, so why the hell couldn't they? What the FUCK? Russians suck ass at life. One last thing is the sky looks really fucking good and the weather looks pretty damn nice as well so at least they did good with that.

Audio: OK, lets atleast start with the good because its going to go rolling downhill faster than a fat bitch. The ambiance of the game is pretty good with the fags around the campfire playing guitar and other things you can hear in the background. That is about where the good ends and you are about to get a face full of dirty twat juice sprayed into your eyes. The voice-acting fucking sucks more dick than Andy Dick on steroids. They all have the same stupid russian voice and accent. Its like they hired one guy to do the voice-acting and paid him in potatoes and vodka. Seriously, its so fucking bad you will literally start smashing everything you own in a fit of gay rage. Then music is allright I guess, it isn't anything special in the slightest. The guns have the worst fucking audio ever though. They all have the most tinny rinkey fucking dick sounds ever. They get so annoying and just sound utteraly lame, and it will leave you feeling like a pussy for having such a pussy sounding weapon. The audio is only half-good. Oh yeah and the dialouge with non-vital NPCs is FUCKING PISS POOR WRITING EVER. It sounds like it was translated by a dirty mexican who just snuck over the border last week and stole some social security numbers because hes a fuckhead. Also if standing next to an NPC they will repeat the same phrase over and OVER. Its so fucking dumb that it will make you want to stab your screen with your dick and cum all over the transistors and such.

Gameplay: Well here it is the main portion of the game that is supposed to make or break it and instead they made it completley mediocre. So you have an inventory system where you can only carry up to 50 pounds because apparently your guy is the biggest pussy on the face of the planet so you will always end up carrying too much shit. There is also various types of damage you can take and you get newer and better armor as you go on for better protection. And you can carry various stones which increase your stats and decrease some depending on what they are. So that is all allright, sounds like a good system right? Oh another kick ass thing is the large assortment of weapons available in the game. The guns each have stats and durability that you can use which is kind of neat and you can get better guns with upgraded stats and shit. However, all the fucking guns in the damn game jam so much its fucking ridiculous. Every two seconds you will be reloading because the fucking gun jams. Also you bleed and get hungry in the game which ok, except it seems no matter what, every fucking time you are hit you start bleeding again and it never stops until you bandage and sometimes the kits don't fix it. It gets fucking annoying sometimes bandaging every two seconds. Now lets move on to the gameplay itself. You run around in big levels which aren't seemless at all and you can shoot shit obviously. The gun combat is allright, its nothing special and its own sort of tactics but isn't anything too special, just average shooting. The AI can be quite good sometimes and flank around you and do some smart moves sometimes. However, other times they are fucking retarded and you can walk right up to them and shoot them to death with the pistol because they sometime turned retard mode on when you were hiding behind some cover. The shooting can get exciting sometimes if you get in a larger battle with abunch of guys shooting all different ways. Sometimes walking back to the same places over and over can get boring but its nothing too bad at all, where the fuck are the vehicles? However the large battles are definatley quite enjoyable.

Story: The story is you are some fuck named Strelok (I RUINED IT BITCH SUCK MY DICK). But you lose all your memory and end up in a ditch and some other guy picks you up and you have a notepad that says kill strelok. However you find out later it is yourself. The main quest lane doesn't explain shit and they never tell you what the fuck is going on so you won't have any idea. Not to mention there is like 9 different endings with only one or two real ones. The endings are all pretty gay and underwhelming. So basically you are left with your dick in your hand not knowing what is going on. Then there is also the side quests which are completley fucking useless and get you absolutely no where.

Well the large battles can be quite enjoyable sometimes and the graphics can be nice but the shit story, mediocreness shines through on this game 6.5/10

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadows of Chernobyl (Score: 1)
by Mean_MOFO on Sunday, April 08 @ 17:34:23 EDT
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