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Wonder Boy
Posted on Thursday, August 21 @ 16:01:44 EDT by M0nKeY
ROMsAhhh finally a game that does not suck.
This is a fucking arcade classic.

Ok if you don't have MAME32 or some other emulator, you need to get one, and make sure it plays wonderboy. This is one of the best classic arcade games ever. It makes me want to pee all over my joystick (thats a good thing). MAME tells me I've spent over 5 hours playing this game and I just cant stop.

The Wonder Boy series eventually developed into a game for the Turbo Grafx 16 called "Dragons Curse" wich is also a kick ass game but more of an RPG/side scroller. The adventure Island series is a totall rip off of Wonder Boy.

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Re: Wonder Boy (Score: 1)
by Suislide on Thursday, August 21 @ 18:58:00 EDT
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