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Jade Empire: Special Edition
Posted on Friday, March 09 @ 22:55:54 EST by Suislide
RPG ReviewsBioware...... how have you fallen so? This game is a serious travesty to the previous record Bioware had going...Such masterpieces of art such as Baldurs Gate and NWN and KOTOR. This game is so fucking boring I'm going to stab a dog in the face. How the hell did they make such a piece of shit?

Graphics: Hmm another game using the neverwinter nights engine (aurora) which isn't a bad thing but the engine is kind of old now days. The graphics are basically completley average. At least bioware didn't do the absolute worse porting job ever and actually decided to update the graphics, adding such things as higher resolution textures. Even with all these new textures and the such its still the fucking original NWN and looks completley average. The character models aren't bad but the textures for the faces have the completley weirdest flat look. They make it look like everyone has had their face smashed in with a pan, perhaps this is what Asians look like in real life? The towns have a lot of buildings and some decent architecture however most of the shit looks all the same and all the cities look pretty damn dull. The environments aren't too bad looking and for the most part is just forest to forest and cave to cave which is basically pretty fucking boring to be honest. They might have added HDR for the PC version but who cares it doesn't make anything look better. Consider how old the game is everything looks pretty mediocre. Anyways thats enough about the graphics because talking about completley average looking things makes my anus bleed black.

Sound: HOLY FUCKING SHIT. This game fucking talks more than a woman with a working jaw. Seriously, there is a fucking speech before every god damn battle about the same damn shit that you don't give a fuck about. There is nothing wrong a speech here and there however when every fucking person on the street happens to have some pre-written speech to say before battle you tend to want to punch someone in the fucking face. The dialog itself isn't too bad but for the most part they will talk about your "destiny" and other crap you could care less about. The voice-acting is pretty damn good though but its to be expected from Bioware. The music is also nothing to write home about however its not that bad. Its just the fact that everytime you go to do ANYTHING someone has to fucking talk to you with some useless information you could care less about. If I wanted to fucking hear this much talking I would go hang out with my great grandma. Seriously, you could knock that bitch out cold and she won't stop talking.

Gameplay: Ok, So Bioware instead of sticking to what they are good at which is D&D based RPGs, decided to get rid of all that and make an action fighting game with some shitty RPG elements thrown in. So basically there is three areas you can spend your stupid point things in which is Body, Spirit and Focus which is each used for different shit. There is also abunch of different fighting styles you can use ranging from some garbage magic, to weapons, to hand to hand shit. Seriously the magic is fucking anus piss in this game. By the time the douche bag in the game finishes casting a damn fireball the guy has already walked up to you and fucking karate kicked your nutsack into oblivion. So when you level up you get points to spend to improve your fighting styles and 3 points to put into body spirit and other random shit. Now this sounds kind of cool but its not. I just put most of my points into focus and use the damn sword and the game becomes the easiest pile of shit I have ever played. I just finished the first city and I'm fucking so bored of this game I never want to play it again. The combat gets lamer than a gay ass British tea party. The AI sometimes becomes more retarded than a hillbilly taking oxycotin all day. They said they fixed up the AI abit for this port but it seems every single enemy is still a fucking joke once you get out the sword. So the game focuses around this combat system but of course your go around and do stupid quests that you have seen before a million times recycled in other RPGs. Its not that bad, its just that everything has been done a million times before so it becomes a snore fest.

Story: Ok, get this, you are Asian and apparently you have a destiny that can change the world. May I interject that this is HIGHLY FUCKING ORIGINAL and NEVER DONE BEFORE EVER ANYWHERE. But master chinkface doesn't tell you about it until some shit goes down on the Island. Anyways apparently you are a spirit monk and you do some gay homo shit to finish to gay homo quest to stop the gay homo emperor in this super gay homo quest for power. Basically the story tastes about as good as my dick after i soak it underneath an old mans moobs.

Good port. Average game 6/10

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Jade Empire: Special Edition (Score: 1)
by Mean_MOFO on Saturday, March 10 @ 07:57:40 EST
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How many cock thrusts per minute do you let inside your anus every day, 107 or 108?

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Jade Empire: Special Edition (Score: 1)
by Starkweather on Monday, March 12 @ 01:31:30 EDT
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Shit, I almost stopped reading after you referred to NWN as a "masterpiece of art". That shit sucked more cocks than a ghetto crackwhore.

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Jade Empire: Special Edition (Score: 1)
by jackass ( on Tuesday, March 13 @ 01:52:32 EDT
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suislide if you stab one innocent dog in the face i will slit your throut with a scythe then eat your braains.

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Jade Empire: Special Edition (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thursday, September 27 @ 01:14:09 EDT
Not to be rude, but......go fuck yourself. Jade Empire was an amazing game with an amazing story and amazing characters. it DESERVED a sequal.

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