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Rainbow Six 4: Vegas
Posted on Wednesday, February 28 @ 11:30:07 EST by Suislide
Action Game ReviewsWhat the fuck? How the hell could something with such good graphics be such a pile of shit you ask? Well Rainbow Six 4 is here to surprise us once again that the series is a completle pile of shit. Yes, no more tactics, no more setting up your squad, instead you can just spray bullets in a stupid ass casino and call it a rainbow six game!

Graphics: This is pretty much the best part of this pile of shit game. The graphics are quite impressive and very detailed. Of coruse it better fucking be if it using the Unreal Engine 3 and if they fucked that up too then they are the ultimate failures. So anyways the graphics are definatley top notch with rendering full cities in the background as you fly over top of them with a helicopter and it is all completley seemless. Vegas itself looks damn good and has bright lights and casinos galore. The characters are pretty damn well detailed as well with having small stubble facial hair and the weapons look damn nice as well. Pretty much the graphics in this game are top fucking notch and there is no debate about that. The huge backgrounds lush with detail, the amount of objects in the enviornment and the actual interactivity is also nice. Sick of fucking losing at the casino because its stacked against you're retarded ass? Well just blast a row of slot machines with whatever various weapon you chose and they all blow apart. Pretty much most things you can see can be blow away and the physics are damn nice too. However the graphics and the objects in the enviornment being nice is about the only non-donkey-anal-rape-shit that is contained in this 4 gigs of game.

Sound: The dialouge in this fucking fecal pile sounds like it was written by that 2 year old baby that was raped. Not to mention, the voice acting is more hideous than britney spears stupud fucking egg head. The piece of shit salon that is selling her hair probably contributed some retard into the voice acting. Seriously there is about four people who talk the entire game and all of the dialouge is just completley lame. Then the enemies banter out stupid shit like "You're going down" Yeah because Rainbow Six is supposed to be a game where enemies shout shit at you before you blow them away. The music is nothing special either. The music is so uninteresting that it will just randomly play random tracks and you will pretty much never even take notice to it because you dont fucking care. The only thing nice is the weapon sounds because they sound pretty spot on and actually have some umph. That umph is always nice with you are unloading a clip in some guys nutsack.

Gameplay: The gameplay in this piece of shit was clearly designed by some fucking inbred family hicks. Sweet home alabama my ass. There is nothing sweet about Alabama, that is a fucking lie. The gameplay is so fucking arcadey that its a fucking joke now. Seriously, I was running around with a Mac 11 just spraying bullets at enemies and I was winning. Blame the stupid fucking consoles for this shallow ass gameplay. Thanks now your big retarded Xbox controller can handle such simplistic lame ass gameplay. So this game has the same take-cover system as in gears of war. You basically just move against a wall and can lean out and fire. Thats about as tactical as this piece of shit gets. FOR FUCKS SAKE, your health regenerates. How fucking lame is that? That makes this game incredibly easy because when you are taking cover the enemies never can hit you. Wow, what the fuck happened since Raven Shield? Why can i not have a team of 6 anymore? Why can i not slightly prop open a door, throw a flash, run in and start shooting some bitches. I'll tell you why. Because they made this game a stupid arcaedy consolistic piece of shit. Painkiller has deeper gameplay than this pile of donkey ass. Anna Nicole Dumbass placenta could program better gameplay than this. The most tactical part is the take cover system which is prettty simple to use and not very tactical at all. You just lean out and spray and the job is done. Or you can just send your squad ahead and have them do everything for you. Either way. Not to mention the AI for the enemies is only about average. They take cover behind objects and lean out and fire. Rarely do they ever change position or try to flank you. FEAR still has the best enemy AI. This gameplay is simplistic King Kong sized shit.

Story: So you go to shitty Mexico or one of those piece of shit countries (Ding Chavez should feel right at home) and you shoot up some shit. Then you're guys get captured by some bitch. Then you leave the city and start shooting up vegas. That is about the extent of the stupid ass story in this game. Seriously, the way they presented the story in this game is like watching You Got Served or Stomp the Yard. If you ever watch those movies you may get a sudden urge to throw a banana at the screen.

Good Graphics. Bad Dialouge. Bad Voice-acting. Bad Gameplay. Simplistic Gameplay. No Tactics. Horrid Story. 2/10

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Re: Rainbow Six 4: Vegas (Score: 1)
by Mean_MOFO on Wednesday, March 07 @ 04:45:41 EST
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How many cocks do you suck per day, 7 or 8?

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Re: Rainbow Six 4: Vegas (Score: 1)
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