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Sam and Max: Culture Shock - EP1
Posted on Tuesday, December 05 @ 18:09:22 EST by Suislide
Adventure Game ReviewsFuck Yeah. Sam and Max are back with a new game that kicks ass. Its funny, enjoyable, and has the same greatness Sam and Max did back in the day. If you disagree then you are clearly the biggest cock sucker on the planet.

Graphics: The graphics are damn nice and cartoony and fit the game perfectly. The may be slightly low poly but it all fits in together and the textures are great as well. The artists deserve a high five and five hot bitches to go along with that for doing such a good job. They kept the same style as the original game but put it into 3D and made it great looking. They are very polished and sharp as well. Pretty much the graphics are great and fit the exact style the artists should have been looking for. Sams Gun is fucking huge and not to mention hilarious.

Sound: The dialouge in this game is fucking hiliarious with its dry humor goodness. The voice actor s did a damn good job on both Sam and Max and the rest of the characters have the perfect voice actors as well. The dialouge is just fucking great im going to stab an elephant in the heart with a broadsword. The slightly jazzy music also fits the game perfectly and is great for the intro at the beginning. Overall the voice acting for all the characters is great, the dialouge is great, all put together with some music that sets the mood of the game just perfectly.

Gameplay: You basically just click around the screen and have your standard inventory. You solve puzzles and shit, duh its an adventure game. Click, chat, and solve puzzles is all that you do which is exactly how this adventure game should be god dammit. Theres a kick ass driving mini-game though. You can hit the shit out of things and other cars, shoot at them, and then pull them over for absolutley no reason. These freelance police kick the ass of all others.

Story: You start office in the good ol Sam and Max office and this rat bastard fucking rat stole your phone which is a call from the chief. Your job is stop the Brady culture bullshit thats fucking up the town. Basically you have to solve some shit to stop some shit from this guy. WHatever. The point is everything about this game is great and i want the next god damn episode now.

Sam and Max kick more ass than ever 9.5/10

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