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Neverwinter Nights 2
Posted on Sunday, November 19 @ 13:15:41 EST by Suislide
RPG ReviewsThis time Obsidian didn't fuck up the sequel! What an amazing feat for them. Another AD&D 3.5 game out now and god dammit does it kick ass. Infact it just did 3d6 damage to your rectum.

Graphics: Ok well first of all the graphics are way fucking better than NWN1 which i would hope since that game is over 4 years old. This game has pretty damn nice graphics. The first thing to notice is that everything has a more realistic size to it unlike in NWN1 where everything was tiny for some fucking reason. The textures, characters and enviornments all look great no matter how zoomed in your are. There is also way more detail to everything which chairs, debris, and other random shit just laying around to give more of a sense that someone actually lives there. The enviornments themselves look way fucking better and are somewhat reminisicent in the style of oblivion but of course not as big. The environements are the best part. No longer is every area you go to a big fucking block that you just wander through. Caves and temples now have more sense to them and look at least 30 times better with excellent use of textures and bump mapping. The characters are all well-designed as well and look great and most of them being compleltey unique to each other (except for the stupid shit like "workers). The graphics here are just way fucking better with better scaled enviornments, cooler looking enviornments, better character and enemy design. The Trolls dont look like a fucking retarded fish like in the first one. All the enemies look great and one main thing. Dragons look cool as shit again. In NWN1 they were small as shit. Now dragons are fucking gigantic again which is a nice thing. The graphics in this game look fucking fantastic from the city of neverwinter, which looks way cooler, to the forests and other shit. All the spells look cool as hell now too, way better designed than in the first one, they actually look devastating now. Basically everything just looks fucking great.

Sound: The voice acting is fucking great. Another improvement over the original is the dialouge is fucking stupid like half the characters were. And as always there is the funny-as-hell chaotic evil type dialouge where you can kill a man for being a dumbass. The voice acting for the characters is all well-done and thats about all you can say about it unless you are a faggot. The general sounds are also quite nice of swords clashing and the magic spells being cast. Some of them are re-hashed from the first game but thats no big deal as there was nothing wrong with them. The music fits the game and gets more amped up when you are in combat.... duh happens in every game now. So overall the sound is pretty damn good.

Gameplay: The best fucking part about this game. The gameplay tends to be more of a mix of of baldurs gate and the orignal NWN which makes it great. It uses the updated ruleset of AD&D 3.5 which is ok. First of all the character generation is way more detailed than in the original and you can finally design a character that doesn't look like a fucking idiot. The leveling up system is basically the same as well and you get experience for quests and monsters blah blah everyone already fucking knows. So the gameplay is way fucking better than NWN as it actually has more RPGness to it then just fucking running to some point and picking up a stone and giving it back to the main guy you have to talk to. Also you actually get a party of people to go with you (in the style of KOTOR) and they actually interact with each other and you can influence them (which can affect certain parts of the game) which is nice. Much more resemblent to BG where you could have a party of people and then have them piss each other off. You can control them all yourself which is also nice because the AI is dumb as shit. Its so fucking bad you want to stab yourself and everyone around you. Seriously you will go into combat and they will just fucking stand around like retards. Thats my major complaint is here how dumb the AI is. Its like i have a party of fucking sheep with downs syndrome. So controlling them works much better (they still follow you). The combat is way cooler looking and it now actually has a timer thing to show you when your next attack is. It still shows you all the rolls and shit but who cares about that. So the UI is fucking clunky and huge, but i just cranked up the resolution and that solved that problem. The interface too is also more resemblent to BG where each item takes up one square and you equip it on you. The fucking gameplay is fun as hell which better and cooler looking combat. More enemies to kill, larger enemies and way more RPGness to it. Unlike that piece of shit first one which i now realize what a pile of rotted shit it was in comparison to this. Most of the characters you meet can be cool while some can be annoying as shit. You go on your main quest to save the world as always and of course there is always side quests. The gameplay is just plain fun as hell and fitted with a good story and voice acting to make it better. One more thing to mention is the game is actually long as hell to which is nice, sick of all these short ass rpgs.

Story: So you are this guy from this shithole swamp in the middle of nowhere along the sword coast and some bitches attack your land. They want this shard thing in you so you go on this adventure to figure it all out and it turns out this guy wants to do some shit to fuck some shit up. Blah Blah Its not a bad story and unravels itself in a good way but i just dont feel like explaining it so suck the underside of my balls.

Finally another good D&D rpg 9/10

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Re: Neverwinter Nights 2 (Score: 1)
by m9x (ret@rd) on Saturday, November 25 @ 13:43:23 EST
(User Info | Send a Message)
i can agree with the rating. this game is good. but it eats lottsa hardware :) gotta upgrade cpu ram & graphics card beginning of next year

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