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MARVEL Ultimate Alliance
Posted on Monday, November 13 @ 15:29:20 EST by Suislide
Adventure Game Reviewsm9x writes "the "ActionRPGAdventure" game!

one thing first, usually I dont like RPG's and I barely play them more than an hour.

the graphics are not too bad, but theyre more like a shit improvement to the previous game of this kind, "x-men legends 2". you shouldnt expect too much from a game like this, as its a almost-3rd-person-view-rpg-action-adventure. but it runs great on older machines also. the models are pretty neat.

are as good as they can be for a comic-like game. the voices are the ones you know from the movies (eg wolverine) and they sound quite professionally produced. nice bashing sounds and special-attack-sounds and garbage.

this is the most interesting part. in this fucking crazy game you get to play those marvel comic book heroes you want to. you can select your own team of four heroes, and handle them like in a 3rd person beat em up or so. and it gets even more interesting when you upgrade your guys with special fuckzorizor ability points and neat stuff like ultimate attacks, new outfits, gear items and blah, you could spend hours listing the possibilities. you can control any of the four heroes ingame by using the directional control on your gamepad (if you dont have one, fuck you, go play titan quest). I found the enemies were way too easy, and I beat the game in only ~15-20 hours, which isnt so long for an (even if not fully) rpg. so its rather short also. but the bashing is plain fun, whether you using spiderman, wolverine or some other freaky son of a bitch in hotpants. yay you like that dont you? oh and theres lottsa woozy boozy time eating quests which kinda dont belong to the main story cause theyre sometimes rather stupid. nevertheless they exist.

the story is good for a strange comicbookgame. theres this fucking hell of an evil guy named DR DOOM (not related to idsoftware) who tries to rule the world by stealing the power of some gaylord god named AZGARD if I remember this right. when you get into the game the story is rather entertaining actually.

the multiplayer is plain fun in this game. you dont even need an online account or similar. you just host a game and play. best part: you can play the story with up to 4 dudes in co-op, which is how I played the game all the time. its twice as much fun, unless you have lamers on board.

SCORE: ok aspite this being a maybe childish comic book game, the quality of this game is good. its very decent and its worthwhile. and if you dont like comic book games, fuck you and your twatty little boyfriends you gay cocksucking jews. thats why it gets a
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