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Need for Speed: Carbon
Posted on Monday, November 06 @ 14:38:39 EST by Suislide
Racing Game Reviewsm9x writes "wait, is this underground 1 and a half? or most wanted + drifting? damn

ok lets just get to work..

al right the graphics in this game are so-so. they're not an improvement actually. looks like most wanted "by night". nothing else. theyve totally fucked up with the bloom effect which will have your game look like a bunch of colors mixed around in ms-paint when you reach like 70mph. turned this rubbish effect off immediately to even be able to see my fucking wanker corvette. well nevertheless the car models are pretty neat. some cities look good also, got lotsa stuff and colorful textures on most streets. all in all the graphics is ok, nothing special, but ok for this year.

the sounds in this game are quite nice. nice engine sounds, they differ to each part you upgrade on your car. the music is well like a wet old box of dogshit and catpiss. why cant the fuck developers decide for one musicstyle? i mean afterall this stupid vinyls make your car look like a nigger-ghetto-pimp-my-ride-jackass-car. why not put only hiphoptracks in this game? well but i dont like them either. doesnt matter then. voices, well, theres little voice acting. and that little acting cant be called acting, it sounds like they did this in their sparetime. so the carsounds and stuff are neat, the other shit is shit.

worst but best part of this game. for one thing, driving those neat fast cars is fun of course. other thing, its fucking unrealistic, even for an arcade racer. oh and i mind my fucking force feedback wheel wont even have force feedback in this fuck game. and its nearly impossible to win a race online when playing with my wheelfuck. stupid shit oh well. theres not too few cars in this game, but why do i have to see shit ten thousands of mazdas, dodges or similar? they could have put more variety (is this correct) in the car selection... ok the performance tuning is nice to handle. theres 3 packs of upgrades: street, professional and racing. you can change every kinda part, the engine, the nitrous, the brakes, turbo and so on. you can even decide for example the nitrous if you want a long wanking duration or just a fast quickie. or better topspeed, or of course better acceleration. the probably newest feature in this game is "AUTOSCULPT". with this "tool" you can customize some parts for your vehicle, eg the rims, the hood and shitstuff like that. you can decide how deep them "speed-cuts" should be on the hood, or how many spikes your rims should have. and of course how thick they are, if they is pressed in or out, blah blah lottsa shit for you crapheadkids. theres vinyls again, different paints, new parts, new stickers, and maybe even a new way to fuck up your car so it looks like a shitty colormix which nobody wanna lookat when you drive it. of course theres even more neat stuff you can tryout with your own cars, just named a few. those full of shit developers removed the drag races to include the drift racing. ok how stupid is that, wait, there was drifting in underground, wasnt there drag also? oh and in mostwanted there was no drifting but dragging? are you retarded you pieces of canadian shit or what, OR WHY ARE YOU TOO STUPID TO PUT THIS IN ONE SINGLE GAME? sigh anyways however this is stupid, but still its fun this game.

you kidding or what you fucking idiot why you even care for a story in a racing game? oh wait this is need for speed isnt it, theres always some stupid shit city you get put into and suddenly you get fucked in a race and the guy who fucked on you fucked your girlfriend too, now she your ex girl but she still trying to fuck with you and the other guy is your main enemey whos gonna be fucked when you complete the game, but of that, you dont notice much, because theres no real outro. so you dont even get to fuck some of the girls in the game. but you get their cars of course.....

first of all THERE IS NO NETWORK(LAN) PLAY. ok ok, lets keep cool, theres the online play at least. quickly created an account, logged in, select non ranked game, AND FUCKING HELL WHERE IS THE LOBBY? for fucks sake YOU CANT CHOOSE THE GAME YOU WANT TO JOIN, YOU GET PUT IN ONE RANDOMLY! which retarded crackminds think of a SHIT LIKE THAT? omg i cant stop complaining about this shitty fuckthing. right now you cant select a game to join. ok, lets create one. you set the shit up, and hit spacebar to "search for players" which ACTUALLY should be put in your game (of course randomly) to play with you. good at least this sounds like it could work. but wait a minute, why is it only searching for 10 seconds? zomgomrwtf! yes you heard it, after 10 secs the game stops searching and you is gonna play with 1 opponent if one joins at all. if not, the server tries to put you in another guys game. this is hard enough, if it wasnt for the bugs of course. when you manage to get a game going, either you get disconnected, you all get disconnected, or some guys get disconnected. thats it. no other way, really. and the best thing is, once this happens, and you is back in the menu, you for heavens sake cant seem to get in a new game because somewhat the game logs you out and the great message appears "unkown error detected". oh i love this company...

ok besides the not updated graphics, the boring old story, the unrealistic shit not supporting ffb driving, the similarities to the previous versions and the FUCKING MULTIPLAYER OF HELL, this game is some fun and kept me playing.
i give it a
and if you whiners dont experience the online buggy shit, you can suck my ass"
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Re: Need for Speed: Carbon (Score: 1)
by Mean_MOFO on Tuesday, November 14 @ 05:11:22 EST
(User Info | Send a Message)
"why cant the fuck developers decide for one musicstyle?"
Because this game was made for stupid ass MTV mallcore kiddies. Fucking retards...

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