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Scarface: The World is Yours
Posted on Thursday, October 12 @ 00:52:24 EDT by Suislide
Action Game ReviewsSo they decided to make a game out of an old ass movie no one cares about anymore. Not to mention is the game completley average... the port for the PC is the absolutley worst fucking port on earth. Thanks a lot you lazy fucking developers, probably dont even have a patch planned either. OH yeah and IGN gave this pile an 8.7. Well FUCK YOU IGN! YOU FUCKING PIECES OF SHIT! They probably took some sort of kickback because they will do anything for money. Tony Montana is back and should probably kill himself for even having his name said in this puke of a video game.

Graphics: OH MY GOD THE GRAPHICS IN THIS GAME ARE HIDEOUS. Its like some porn-sult vomited up the bucketloads of cum she swallows onto my monitor. There is so many bad points about these graphics where do i begin!? Well first of all this game looks like it was made in 2001 as it looks no better than GTA3. Its also looks like its using the same damn engine too.... once again another game that has absolute shit graphics just so they can fit it on that heap of crap playstation 2. All the character models are completley BLAND and generic and WAY too inumerous. You see the same damn low-poly model walking down the street every fifteen seconds. Oh man speaking of low-poly the cities are complete fucking blocks. EVERYTHING is a block..... the buildings, signs, the cars... its like someone got lazy and wanted to see how much shit they could make look like a giant block. Not to mention everything is coated with a nice garbage blurry ass texture to smooth everything over. ALL OF THE TEXTURES in this game are the lowest-resolution pieces of shit ever....everything is a blur. The graphics in this game are a freaking joke. There is also graphical errors out the ass and in the ass too because clearly the artists in this game take it up the ass. There is flashing blood textures on walls and CLIPPING EVERYWHERE. Hell Tony's own model clips through itself quite obviously in many cutscenes. Yeah thats fucking sweet, you know what else is? The tires on the cars clip into the ground most of the time... yeah thats right your fucking octagon stop-sign tires clip into the ground at all times. Not to mention theres points where im supposed to be pulling a guy out of the car except the door never opens i somehow pull the guy and get in! Little did we know Tony Montana is a fucking ghost. Also it runs like absolute garbage for no reason. The perfomance in this game is pathetic. There is no excuse for these graphics, hell i feel like being backed to 2001 when i play this piece of garbage. I mean its fucking insulting to trying to pass this game off..... the graphics ARE SO UTTERLY POOR that i was seriously pondering whether i should shoot my cats or not.

Sound: Ugh god why? Why was these festering pile of rotten cat shit sent into my ears? It seems like they had to add a shitload of swearing to add to the appeal of the 12 year dumbass kids (oh the irony, but this site is 13+). The dialouge in this game is worse than the shits you get after drinking a gallon of apple cider. Every 5 seconds someone is swearing at you a billion times. Hell every person you bump into on the street has to stop and call you some sort of retarded thing. The voice-acting is complete ass, its abunch of generic sounding voice actors who were paid about a dollar and dont give a shit about how it sounds. The only thing is they do have a guy that sounds similar to Al Pacino in the movie (although they couldn't afford the real guy because this game sucks). So basically Tony Montana sounds like a retarded cuban that was punched in the mouth. Every two seconds they are trying to make him say some reference to the film and its lame as shit. Hell at the beginning and later they actually use direct audio from the film and you then realize how lame this game is. The audio from the film doesn't fit the models animations at all....dialouge is poor, voice acting is poor, the music is the only thing saving it. They have a collection of early 80s music for the game which actually fits the atmosphere of the game and thats about the only saving point of the audio. The rest is a slueth of weak weapon and car sounds, complete mediocre voice acting and dialouge.

Gameplay: Where do i even begin? Well first of all due to being an absolute garbage port of a ps2 game theres tons of errors and one of them is you can't change the controls! Thats right, sure it may look like the controls are changing but in reality they are same retarded default controls made for a fucking circus freak with 19 fingers and somone who can type with their dick. So you are stuck using what ever they give. Now everything in this game, the cars, the characters, the weapon combat controls how sylvester stallone acts or how uwe boll directs. The cars feel like im driving a snow mobile on cemet. The combat system is completley lame. They didn't even tried to hide this fact as in the beginning of the game they have you go through a shit-fest of boring ass gun-play to start off. You just run around and shoot the guys that come in and stand around. The AI is more brain dead than a kid with downs who has his head smashed in. I got so bored with the shooting in the beginning that i was just able to run past everyone without worrying about dying because your health replenishes itself. Or you can go into Super Duper Faggy Tony Montana Super Hero Rage Mode. You press v to activate (although it only sometimes works because the game sucks) and you become invincible and and can just go around shooting people. So in the game Tony loses his shit and you have to regain it all back through a series of lame missions with garbage dialouge to explain what to do. You can go around to re-claim your territories in certain areas and try to get more of your drugs and cash back until you control everything. This sounds like a decent concept (haha no it doesn't) except that its boring as hell. You do the same lame repetitive missiions throughout this game that we have all done before in better games *cough* GTA3 *cough*. The game is so riddled with bugs too but dont worry because they will patch it about as much as EA patches Battlefield 2. This game is a pathetic rip off thats just trying to make some crap developer money because they got rights to a popular movie (only popular amongst stupid foreigners). For the love of god the gameplay is so bad.

Story: So they completley change what happens at the end of the movie to retard-talking tony and he magically survives. Apparently the cops werent looking for him after he was drug pushing and laid waste to abunch of cubans and tony come backs in all his retarded talking-fashion to reclaim what is his... the stupid city. Boring. Sounds like a shit way to make a story out of a movie that was concluded within itself.

This game sucks. IGN sucks a dick as well 3/10

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Re: Scarface: The World is Yours (Score: 1)
by Suislide (FUCK YOU@penis in my on Thursday, October 12 @ 00:52:55 EDT
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IGN rated this thing an 8.7. yeah right.

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Re: Scarface: The World is Yours (Score: 1)
by Kalafan on Thursday, October 12 @ 05:47:17 EDT
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Hell, even the "high-res" (I use that term liberally here) commercials did little to make me want to even rent this game. This seems like a really bad ripoff of Vice City, the game that more or less stole it's style and theme from the Scarface movie.

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Scarface (Score: 1)
by MEee on Friday, February 11 @ 02:38:41 EST
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btw Al Pacino smoked his voice to his anus and doesnt sound anything like tony montana anymore

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  • Re: Scarface by sixor on Saturday, November 12 @ 08:53:29 EST
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