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American Mcgee Presents: Bad Day L.A.
Posted on Wednesday, September 13 @ 21:08:53 EDT by Suislide
Action Game ReviewsBad Day L.A should be re-named Stupid Fucking Game from Amercian Mcgee. This game is the biggest pile of arabian dog shit i have played in a while...who funded this game? and why are they not dead?

Graphics: So the artists and modellers decided to go with cartoony cell shading which is all fine and dandy. The only problem with this is you have tons of super-low poly characters with shitty looking enviornments. Not to mention theres a total of like 10 character models so you see the same jackass running around like 600 times. Either way the graphics in this game suck the fat end of a whale cock and it burns my eyes to even look at it. Sure it has decently large enviornments excpet they all look like low-poly low-res ass. Not to mention the clipping in this game is so fucking bad you will want to smash your cock in a mouse trap. Everything clips through everything. Hell on the main characters model his gun and shirt clip through each other almost the entire game. Or when you blow up a car it will clip through half the enviornment. Better even yet when you are riding around in the tank at the end you just magically clip through whatever is in front you even including the damn NPCs. Maybe in LA clipping doesn't exist but who knows because the graphics in this game are ass. Also theres no way to change the details or resolution because, you know, thats not useful at all.

Sound: The sound is as equally awful as the graphics. The music track skips around more than my sister's twat does with guys (seriously what a whore). It sometimes plays then will just randomly stop leaving the game with an emptiness sound feeling. Seriously, half the game just sounds like nothing is going on. There is a complete lack of any ambient sounds at all. It basically sounds like an audience when Carrot Top is telling jokes, or just generally around. That guy sucks a dick. The gunshots are all bland and have absolutley no umph to them. They decided bass isnt neccesary just crank up the treble. The dialouge can sometimes be decently funny espcially because he kicks a baby and lets face it, babies deserved to be kicked. Another kid also gets his ass smashed against a pole, thats what kids deserve... we need more parents beating children. The voice acting is all completley sterpotypical... the black guy talks like he has a 2nd grade education with no teeth. The Beaner talks like he just crossed the border. There is abunch of racist jokes in the game which is basically the only good part about the game. Reason being? No one likes mexicans. Overall the audio is generally just plain garbage, no umph, lack of ambients sounds, the music is on and off.

Gameplay: The gameplay is so utterly lame and boring that i just kicked my fucking cat out the window. You have to prevent people from going crazy by helping them out. THere is a meter at the top to judge how bad the situation is. Put out fires, kill terrorists, and cure/kill zombies gives you smiley faces which is what you want. Otherwise you get the sad faces and then shit goes crazy and you will probably end up dying. You are usually given an objective and the game is pretty linear as there is one path to follow. Your objectives are pretty lame as the consist of kill 10 terrorists, save some people, or put out a fire. Boring as shit. You just do this crap the whole game until it ends and then you throw the fucking cd out the window. Take a Plane to American Mcgees office; Kick his door in and then beat the living shit out of him for ever making this shit. The controls are simple with just w,a,s,d and the mouse. You do get an arsenal of things from toe nail clippers, shotguns, ak, rocket launcher, fire extinguisher, and healing shit but it doesn't matter because they are all lame as shit just like the entire repetive game is. You just run around doing the same crap over and over and its not fun to begin with.

Story: The story is just as equally retarded as abucnh of disaters happen all in one day. Terrorists crash planes full of chemicals turning people into zombies, then an earthquake hits, then meteors, floods, gang wars, and other stupid crap no one cares about. The story is stupid as hell just like the entire game.

How does American Mcgee go from Alice to this pile of mexican feces? 0.5/10

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Re: American Mcgee Presents: Bad Day L.A. (Score: 1)
by Kalafan on Friday, September 15 @ 07:48:14 EDT
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According to "American" Mcgee himself, he outsourced the game's development to some design team in China, which explains why the end product sucks harder than Ron Jeremy sucks his own cock. On his blog, Mcgee vilifies big EVIL corporations for screwing over the American common man, all while justifying his cheapskate 3rd-world labor development methods by saying "Everyone else does it!" What an ass.

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