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4x4 Evolution 2
Posted on Tuesday, August 19 @ 20:21:42 EDT by Suislide
Racing Game ReviewsOmg I finally do a racing game, but who cares this one sucks ass.

Graphics: I thought they were ass. They were ok but im going to call them ass anyway because i think that. The video at the begging is a fucking low-res piece of shit. Has abunch of black lines through it and I go fucking blind trying to watch that shit.

Sound: Dull, the music is annoying and fucking repetitive theres one track for the level and its like 40 seconds long. After that 40 seconds it repeats making you want to punch yourself in the face.

Gameplay: You drive a fucking truck, you can upgrade it with shit, then its faster wow! The gameplay is the exact same as the first one. Manual is useless unless you are gay and want to shift. Either way its nothing special. There is single player missions and like competition bullshit. You win money then upgrade your car. Creative.

Story: There is no story its a fucking racing game, even if this game did have a story it would suck balls.

This game is almost the exact same as the first one except with updated cars and shit. It sucks fat balls so i give it a 2/10

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