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 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion |  | Posted on Monday, April 03 @ 19:56:16 EDT by Suislide | Fuck yeah the sequel to morrowind. Grab your swords and get ready to slice some titties as this game kicks some huge ass!
Graphics: Holy shit this game has the best fucking graphics to date. Anyone who says otherwise either has a shit PC or likes to whine to hell like all the fucking europeans are good at. First of all the caves and ruins all have amazing fucking architechture and incredible lighting. Not to mention pixel shaders being used everywhere on the rocks and such in doors. The skeletons, goblins, etc all look just fucking incredible. I thought a real crab was actually snipping at my balls until i sunk my huge ass sword between its head. Take that shithead. Then you go into the cities where each city has its each own unique style and just looks FUCKING amazing. Everything has tons of detail... food, plates forks all lying on a table with candles (just like in morrowind). The gothic style citadal in the cities as well is fucking incredible looking. Then you go outside into the lush fields full of either bandits or wild life with trees and shit everyone AND TONS of grass. As of now no one can really turn this game to full details with the draw distance to the max as your PC would take a dump on you then commit seppuku and beat up your mother. The swords and and armor are all highly detailed and it just looks plain amazing.
Now there is some negatives.. such as the performance as the game runs about as fast as granny with a walker after shes hopped up on vicodin. Of course i read abunch of whining on how the game doesn't look the best.... and expect to run the game on full details with there 2 year old video card. Well guess what fuck face! IT CANT! Quit whining like a stupid pussy because a game was made that your shitty old ass card cant handle now (or anyones). Then they use stupid excuses like "well other games look blah blah and it runs it fine)" Well guess what you sloppy vagina, this game doesn't. No other game uses this many 3d sprites to render huge fucking grassy fields/plants and trees. So shut the fuck up. This game looks simply amazing and if you disagree you clearly brush your teeth with dick. The only complaints about the graphics anyone could have is the animations can sometimes be crappy and the neck part of the model looks like someone popped the head off a doll then tried to put it back on without anyone noticing. Besides soon tons of mods will come out and fix all the problems and probably keep updating the game with better looking graphics.
Sound: The sound varies throughout the game. The speech and the dialouge is all fine and sounds all fine. The best part is the clashing of the swords and the armor or shield. When you hit a guy and he screams as you put your sword through him. Take that fuck face. The music fits the game fine but gets a tad repetitive. The only other complaint is the shitty fucking enviornmental audio is garbage. A guy 5 feet away i cant fucking hear at all. Horseshit. Other than that its fine
Gameplay: Hell yeah the best fucking part of the game. First of all they added fast travel back in so i dont have to fucking run around every where like in morrowind. The fighting system is improved hugely with power attacks. I fucking charge at a guy slice him with my sword then he fucking bursts into flames while i cut him 10 times more in mid air falls to the ground and instantly turns into a fucking steak dinner. Thats how much my warrior rocks. The fighting is just so much better than in morrowind that you should kill yourself. There is tons of differnet classes not to mention you can customize your own. There is tons of different armor, weapons, and spells to shit aorund with. There is TONS of caves, ruins, oblivion gates to go and do shit around. Not to mention theres the guilds which you can join and have tons of quests to do. This game is packed with so much gameplay your mom just fisted your dog. You can join the fighters guild and kick some ass or the dark brotherhood and kill some people just because they suck. You level up by using your major skills more and can become experts or masters in them and if you didn't know this you must be gay.
The hud system is completley gay though. The hugely consoley text pisses me off and the invetory system is completley retarded which is for the people using consoles (they are retards). There is a mod though to make the text size smaller and hopefully someone comes out with a smaller hud. Also they simplified the armor sets which blows ass. The sets only consist of 5 pieces instead of 12. Who made that stupid ass decision?
Story: Some turd burglers try to kill the emperor and they succeed. Now you are left to be a super duper shit head and find the heir then protect the whole stupid useless town from OBLIVION. Everyone in the town is too stupid and useless so you are stuck doing everything. A real badass would have killed the heir and crowned himself emperor of everything. The story is ok and Martin is clearly a lover of dick.
The game kicks ass (but not as good as morrowind) 9/10
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Re: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Score: 1) by Ape_Shall_Never_Kill_Ape (i_raped_your_grandma_in_her_coffin@msn.com) on Tuesday, April 04 @ 18:55:53 EDT (User Info | Send a Message) | HELL FUCKING JEAH! I ran this game quite smoothly at the fullest settings @ 1600 x 1200, 8XS AA and 16X AF and my fucking FX-60 decintegrated like a jew baby in a German oven. because i left the fans on low (like an asshole). So now I have to resort to playing the 360 version (like an asshole). To tell you the truth, I see no visual differences aside from draw distance (which is a bit farther on my PC). But since i can play the 360 version on my PC monitor, which has HD support, it looks identical. |
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Re: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Score: 1) by M0nKeY on Tuesday, April 11 @ 15:10:52 EDT (User Info | Send a Message) | Anyone see the "official plug-ins"? What is this bullshit; charging $2 for plug-ins?
When you go to their little plug-in site from the main site they proclaim... "Please be aware that you are now entering a website that is beyond the control of Bethesda Softworks and is not covered by our ESRB Privacy Online certification"
Yet both sites are registered to ZeniMax Media Inc
obliviondownloads.com |
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 | |  | Re: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Score: 1) by flaming_ass_packet on Tuesday, April 11 @ 16:29:33 EDT (User Info | Send a Message) | man suislide, your such a grafix whore. i could roll down a street and throw a pixel shader at you and get the best sucki fuckie of my entire life.
first of all, all the fucking towns and shit look the same. every town has the same style of houses, a fucking statue of some stupid shit nobody gives a fuck about that happend 300 Deptrinons ago in the city of Asgrdinark5. theres a church in each fucking town that looks the same (where suislide likes to go and get molested) and to top it all off, THE IMPERIAL CITY IS I GIANT ARCITECTUALY BLAND CIRCLE OF REPETITIVENESS. infact the whole fucking game is!! all the fucking caves you wet yourself over ALL LOOK THE FUCKING SAME. HOW MANY FUCKING RUINED TOWERS ARE THEY TRYING TO GET AWAY WITH? theres like 50 of them, that all lead to the same shit.
most of the quests are bland, and dont really give the game justice. who the fuck threw in that "aid for bruma" shit, god i wanna slice his fucking neck and stuff him with electric eels.
i mean the game just dosent really have that vibe to it. the entire enviroment is static (meaning it dosent ever move or change) i mean it would be nice to like find some small lever out in the grass and you flip it and a fucking giant temple rises out of the ground and shit, you know causing like the fucking dirt to move and the ground to crack and like the trees under it to fall down and shit. oh and some extra gore would have been nice, doing a power chop with your sword should result into the enemys head being lobbed the fuck off. i mean why add all those physics when your not even gonna make it real. the items in the game still suck, some of them have nice effects but none of them really give me a feeling of actual ownership and accomplishment. they just feel like mundane shit represented by a stupid little icon in my gay ass inventory. i mean the whole arcitecture of the game is just set up in a way were nothing fucking feels right, its kinda like when suislide's uncle comes over for a visit.
all and all, oblivion is still a decent game. theres ass loads of shit in it which actually takes time and money=(voice acting). the grafix do make my cock sore but i think thats somthing i picked off your mom thats bacteria related.
Real score: 8-8.5/10 |
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Re: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Score: 1) by flaming_ass_packet on Wednesday, April 19 @ 01:21:53 EDT (User Info | Send a Message) | oh fuck you and your misconceptions.
1.) i fucking LIVE WITH MY GF U FAGG0T
2.) playing RPG's or spending weekends/free time on your computer is not a "nerd thing" anymore. people are fucking gay, chillin with friends got old like 4 yrs ago. going to fucking bars is fucking lame and partys out here are nothing but nig fests.
I also don't know how to use the reply links and therefore enjoy a sweet sweet penis slipped into my ass. |
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 | |  | Re: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Score: 1) by ColonOscopy on Monday, May 22 @ 02:24:34 EDT (User Info | Send a Message) | Oblivian has mediocre graphics. The foliage pops in like some amateur air popper machine, and the "vanity mode" crap is the suck.
Camera angles are pathetic at 1600X1200, and it's often difficult to fight efficiently because of the sad fucking camera. The angle of vision is totally constrained, when one would expect a clear panorama at 1600X1200 on modern hardware.
The game is essentially unchanged in whole from the sad, slow, sluggish, meandering and pointless loser piece of shit that was Morrowind. That stinking piece of steaming, maggot infested, overrated dribble.
Let's face it, Morrowind was a stinking, asshole sucking piece of shit. Wander about aimlessly for days, run back and forth like a moron cashing in worthless shit, shampoo, rinse, repeat.
However, Oblivion is not totally without pleasure, and I'm playing it now. The "Guild Wars" travel-from-the-map RIPOFF is acceptable, and is the one device that actually makes the game somewhat tolerable. As opposed to that piece of stinking vomitous residue, Morrowind, that would have you running for hours to do the simplest thing.
Bethesda loves the "running back and forth as a substitute for actual gameplay" tactic. Not to mention the "click on every asshole that shows his face for five minutes (one time a day) or fuck you" tactic.
Screw Oblivion, and double screw the piece of shit Morrowind it ascended from. Hopefully some actual intelligent game designer will emerge in the near future.
I mean seriously. You can hardly design a character that looks decent. Mine looks like some cross between a homely Mexican and a fat Negro. I'm a blond, blue-eyed Nordic chap, I would have appreciated some manner of making a character that looked like me. Fags. And what's with the storylines? I get to waste an hour ninety minutes following some queer around the capital city because he's undercutting prices? Hello. That's called competition. Except in Oblivian, where price-fixing and collusion is moral, and someone undercutting prices is actually an unwitting grave-robber. Spare me your pathetic schoolyard political correctness, especially if it's going to cost me 90 minutes of sitting on my ass listening to sub-par voice acting. Pathetic. Combine your sad fucking political bullshit with a tedious and transparent mechanism for wasting my motherfucking time doing nothing. "Forty hours of solid gameplay, most of it sitting idly on your ass picking your nose, waiting for something trivial to happen". Morrowind, part deux. The total suck. And what's with that sad-assed piece of shit "Canvas the Castle" quest? OMFG. I thought those sorts of pedantic replacements for actual creative gameplay were long discarded. Nope, to Bethesda, they are the makings of a modern game. Bethesda has always sucked, and they still suck. The only reason Oblivian is worth playing, is because it sucks less than anything else at this moment, which is terribly faint praise.
P.S. Your warrior doesn't rock. Morrowind was easy as shit, so is Oblivion. Bethesda isn't into challenging the player, they're into giving it all away. That's why you can become a billionaire just by scavenging all the barrels and boxes sitting around. Bethesda is a bunch of wankers, your Warrior is a sad, pathetic loser.
P.S.S. It's losers like you who want to pretend your Warrior is "bad to the bone", and don't recognize how much the game has been dumbed down to make you feel that way, that have ruined the industry. You have no ability to objectively analyze, as long as you can slice and dice with no intellectual or cognitive effort, you think it's all good. Like this pathetic board, where a person can't even edit his own posts and is forced to extend his commentatry in one post after another.
P.S.S.S. You do realize, don't you, that PhP Nuke is a complete piece of shit. Look at all the effort you
Read the rest of this comment... |
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Re: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Score: 1) by DORPWNZYORUASS on Wednesday, October 17 @ 17:51:03 EDT (User Info | Send a Message) | Jew baby ? fuck you . i rape your mother evry day like a crazy chrsitian baby on drugs that got cutted [because he is a christ!] No talking about jews if i knew you you werent exicst..Shut up
Slapping your mothers ass and your face at the same time |
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Re: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Score: 1) by berzerker on Saturday, December 03 @ 17:45:44 EST (User Info | Send a Message) | Let the record show that Suislide revoked the 9/10 rating and replaced it with a 6/10: http://www.videogamessuck.com/review461.html |
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