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Posted on Tuesday, February 28 @ 20:49:32 EST by Suislide
Racing Game ReviewsOk yes i played another racing game only because there hasn't been anything else coming out as of late. Crashday fucking sucks. Crashday perfectly describes this piece of shit as it crashes to the desktop in the middle of races. Not to mention i want to crash my car into a lightpole and hope it falls on my car because this fucking game makes me lose the will to live.

Graphics: This game looks so fucking terrible my grandma made fun of the graphics. Then she shit her pants. First of all the damage models on the cars SUCK ASS. The cars basically just look really dented and not even like parts got smashed in after driving 90 mph into a brick wall. The windows constantly break even when i jsut drive down a hill. Also apparently my windows shatter more times then i have windows. Holy dog shit! The damage models are just plain awful. Not to mention all the tracks are filled with low-resolution textures and are bland as hell. The background of the track consists of a few trees and some hills. The cunts who made this must have been taking advantage of Silkroad Online awesome enviornment. And by awesome i mean im going to perform brain surgery on myself with a rusty knife in hopes to never remember HAVING THIS FUCKING GARBAGE INJECTED INTO MY EYES AGAIN. All the tracks and just BLAND and ugly. They just dont have much too them besides some cones, wood fences ,or generic buildings. The graphics are just so awful it looks like someone ripped out your eyes and stuck a turd in each socket.

Sound: The sound basically has the same fate as the graphics as in it just plain blows. The engine sounds are the SAME for every car (atleast thats what it sounded like) and THEY SUCK ASS. Theres a grand total of two sounds for engine revving. The crash sounds for everything aren't anything special or stand out at all. The worst fucking part is the soundtrack that was like locust infesting my ears. If Hamlet heard this soundtrack he would whine more like a bitch then over his father being killed. His father had it comming. The soundtrack in this game consists of garbage punk rock, faggot emo music, and negroid rap. So i get to get treated to 3 whole chords on the guitar with whiny ass singing about how some guy was a loser in high school. OK then it moves to the faggot emo music were some guy cries about how much fucking penis he took up his ass and then made out with some guys because he is a fucking homosexual just looking for attention. Yeah dye your hear black and caramel and put it over your eye like a faggot. You arent emotional. You are a fucking 15 year old spoiled piece of shit who has it better off than most people and find some shit to whine about. You dont know shit about shit, emo faggots. So we also get treated to some awesome rap! I love hearing some black guy talk about how he beat a woman then proceeded to shoot some other black people over some drugs. Way to go losers. The music in this game is so fucking awful i can't describe it any other way.

Gameplay: This has to be the worst racing game ever. Ok so there basically 3 types of racing and some stupid mini games. There is regular checkpoint racing. All the cars and fucking slow and clunky and poor handling. The races are boring and slow as fuck. We also get some sweet ass combat mode which is anything but sweet! There is a grand fucking total of 2 weapons in this game! You can either use a minigun or a missle. Holy shit way to give us variety and originality! Basically the combat blows ass as its EXTREMELY tedious and boring. The final gametype is time trial. Beat a boring ass track with your slow clunky ass car before time runs out! OH NOES! Of course you win money for these and upgrade your car. So basically there is absolutley NOTHING even remotley fucking original.

The minigames fucking blow ass for the most part. The high jump is a big ass rip off of shit from Flatout. This gameplay is just so bad no wonder Atari is going out of business.

Story: There is no story or atleast not one to even care about. This game sucks too bad to even have a story.

Atari you suck 2/10

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Re: Crashday (Score: 1)
by Mean_MOFO on Friday, March 03 @ 08:07:45 EST
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Worst racing game ever?
You obviously didnt play "Big Rigs". So hold back on such comments if you don't have the true KNOWLEDGE of the worst racing game ever. YOU ALL SUCK AND I SUCK YOUR MOTHERS PUSSY

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  • Re: Crashday by turbocueca on Sunday, March 05 @ 05:16:52 EST

Re: Crashday (Score: 1)
by flaming_ass_packet on Monday, March 06 @ 21:03:39 EST
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ogm!!1!1 this,gam e meh thj AIDS!12!``111`!~`1`~

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Re: Crashday (Score: 1)
by crapthings on Tuesday, March 07 @ 10:24:44 EST
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well another review about this game.
i'll keep watchin' you guys write new shits for fun whatever.

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Re: Crashday (Score: 1)
by lemontea on Sunday, March 12 @ 15:40:15 EST
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I concur!

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Re: Homosexuality (Score: 1)
by fstick on Sunday, March 19 @ 13:20:12 EST
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What's with people releasing all these shitty games lately?

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