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Silkroad Online
Posted on Friday, February 24 @ 12:00:15 EST by Suislide
RPG ReviewsOh man another piece of shit but free MMORPG that is most likely from Korea. Why the hell do these guys keep putting this crap out and why the hell is there so many of them?

Graphics: Ok don't let the screenshots fool you, the graphics in this game look like a chicks ass after she just had two fists rammed in it. The only good part is the character models which look nice and have decent enough textures on them. Everything else is a bland, boring, and overall shitty looking. Sure the graphics in the screenshots sort of look like Guild Wars but then when you get in the game you realize you are a fucking moron. Once you leave the somewhat boring and ugly and shitty looking city... you go to a big field with one tree that looks like shit and NOTHING ELSE. Its a big stupid field full of nothing. Just green on the ground which looks like shit because the landscape looks like a retextured version of something on the original Half-Life engine. The enemies have the worst design anyone could ever believe. They range from stupid ass characters such as HAYSTACKS THAT HAVE KNIVES to Weasels. OH lets not forget the stone statues which look like shit and low-res. The whole damn enviornment is just boring and uninspiried. Why couldnt they think of something funner to kill like babies or cows? Not to mention the graphics for attack repeats the same two stupid up and down swings OVER AND OVER. Way to be creative, just like every other MMO it has the constant boring same fucking swings over and over. Why the hell can't anyone just make like 5 different animations? The graphics are a pure pile of bland feces.

Sound: The sound is just plain garbage. The music in the beginning menu is so awesome that i completley forgot what it sounds like. Of course you also get to hear the same god damn sound over and over as you swing your same repetitive animation. The sound is just there... it doesnt stand out as its nothing special. The ambient sounds are barely there. Basically you could turn off your speakers and would barely notice a difference with this crap.

Gameplay: Surpisingly they actually have a unique system of leveling up and combat. Oh wait, no they don't. Its same the fucking pile of shit moves and grinding as any other fucking korean MMO. You level up and put points into STRENGTH OR MAGIC. HOLY SHIT THEY ARE GETTING CRAZY. Then you also can level up certain skills like A SLASH THAT DOES EXTRA DAMAGE. Holy shit way to go guys! You did the same fucking thing that everyone else does! So you can either go with one handed weapons or two handed weapons and master them. Also you can master in ranged weapons. Holy shit! This is making me hard on how creative this is. But here is the kicker. YOU CAN MASTER IN MAGIC such as lightning! or fire! Hell fucking yeah! So then after you make your character out of one of the 5 heads and then choose body size you can go into the game. Then you can do some gay pointless quests that get you no where which just basically end up in you grinding. Theres a total of like ONE QUEST per level. Holy shit move over WoW! They have 1 quest a level! Not to mention the quest is fucking stupid and the translations are horrible. Clearly the people who translated this pile of shit that should have never been brought to the rest of the world either have downs syndrome or they are dyslexic. So then you just go around and grind and hit shit with your sword and then get better shit. You can then proceed to go farther out into the land and hit bigger shit until you are leveling up again. The only unqiue thing this game has at all is the fact that this piece of shit lets you buy disposable horses. Buy a horse and as soon as you get off it dissapears. Thats the biggest fucking retarded system ever. Where the fuck did the horse go and why did it dissapear? The gameplay is basically all grinding and its boring as fuck. Also there is nothing that hasnt been done before a million times in this game.

The Servers are a fucking pile of shit as well and always full. Full of abunch of cunts who just want to sell you items they bought at the vendor for more money then they bought it for. Thats so fucking sad.

Story: The story here is the developers want you to take a fat shit on their chest because they enjoy cleavland steamers.

I rather piss out kidney stones 1/10

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Re: Silkroad Online (Score: 1)
by flaming_ass_packet on Sunday, February 26 @ 11:49:05 EST
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isnt "silkroad" like some thing 2 faggets do?

sombody told me that a silkroad is when like a fagg0t cumms in another faggs ass and like then he wipes his ass starting at his chest and moving up to his face, drawing a streight line.

well, nobody told me about that, i just made it up.
suislide inspires me.

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Re: Silkroad Online (Score: 1)
by Ball_Sack on Sunday, February 26 @ 15:00:23 EST
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i blew my load as soon as i got to the graphics bit

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You ass. Youre an FPS player, arent you? (Score: 1)
by Asilyth on Saturday, May 13 @ 10:16:36 EDT
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You only played the first fucking 4 levels. that isnt NEARLY enough to get yourself going on that game. Way to inform without giving it a real shot. Idiot. I'm LV42 on Aege and ill tell you, it gets a lot better. Theres a lot more to this game than your fucking Noob intro. For starters, get a better computer if you think the graphics suck. your shit comp is no excuse to bash this game's graphics.
The sound could use some work as well, i agree. It isnt that great, and it does get repetitive. BUT IT DOESNT SUCK.

To call you out on that last point, the leveling system is a lot more complex than you realize. you only have room for 300 levels of mastery, and if you dont choose the right ones for the character build and you try to master too many things, youll be up Shit Creek without a paddle. Again with the lv4 bullshit "slash that gives extra damage." fuk you and get to lv10. youll like it a lot better.

Yeah the servers are full, yeah the AFK sellers lag the server like fuking mad, botters run rampant, hackers nab high lvl players from time to time, yeah it might not be worth YOUR time. But for a game thats free, its PHENOMONAL. and nobody's making you play. so shut the fuck up and let ppl have their fun.

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Re: Silkroad Online (Score: 1)
by Enigmas on Friday, August 04 @ 16:18:35 EDT
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i agree with the last comment....just because ur pc does suck you shouldnt complain about the gameplay...and yes u havent seen half the game to say anything.. im level 64 and the game just keeps getting better from level 21

So before u jugde a game maybe u should play it past the beginning levels....

The sound does suck though...stupid ass birds...or whatever the fuck they are

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Re: Silkroad Online (Score: 1)
by ZeroSpawn on Saturday, August 19 @ 13:30:00 EDT
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wow, i have a lvl 70(Max level) character in Xian, and i totally agree with Suislide, this rewiev is actually the truth, exaggerated a bit tho.
But i love this rewiev and all other rewievs on this page.
Good job =)

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Re: Silkroad Online (Score: 1)
by natedoog2004 on Monday, August 21 @ 10:03:07 EDT
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well im lvl 31 in this game cant wait for lvl 70......dude its free what are u complaining about if u pay for that shit then you complain u got a problem with the sound turn off the daym speakers lol.... its a good game the server is the only problem always discoonect me other than that is good cause u dont have to pay for shit...

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u ppl suck (Score: 1)
by noobfucker on Monday, February 26 @ 21:17:06 EST
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dude this is a true and very realistic post u see all i played this fuck piece of shit up to lvl 5 and let me tell u i wasted my time, this fucking game sucks balls and that fucker that is lvl 70 well let me tell u dude u have no life u are a 20 year old sucker that hasent get laid ever with some big ass glasses and ugly as fucking hell, u know why? well cuz to get to high lvl in stupid mmos u need to have those requierments and let me tell u dude.. U CLASSIFY TOP 10 dumbass.

and whats the thing with "NOOB" i wanna kill ppl when they say so stupid high lvls that suck cock let me tell u something dont call low lvls noobs because let me tell u somthing U ARE THE NOOBS IN REAL LIFE, o yeah u ugly fuckers so before u start calling low lvl ppl noobs take a look in the mirror and realize what a nerd sucker u are and get a life cuz u ppl suck.

Not like i have nothing personal with this ppl but ppl should realize such things

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