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Trackmania Nations
Posted on Thursday, February 02 @ 16:24:52 EST by Suislide
Racing Game ReviewsHell yeah its free so i thought why the hell not! Free games a lot of times are way better than half the shit that gets released such as Enemy Territory. So yeah I normally don't play racing games because they are usually massive piles of shit such as Need for Speed but ill make an exception

Graphics: So the graphics are pretty fucking good. The textures on most of the objects are pretty sharp and and pretty damn good looking. The cars textures are all based on what nation you choose but you can make your own... but who the fuck would do that? The tracks all look great and so the does the arena the game takes place in... the cars also look nice. The thing is there's only one fucking model for the cars so it damn well better not look like a low polygon hunk of shit. Not to mention the only enviornment there is, is some homosexual arena.... nothing else. So the graphics are nice but of course limited.

Sound: Ok the music in this game is just so fucking terrible. If you like ashlee simpson you are a faggot. You also might enjoy this pile of garbage music. For the most time its the same gay repeating techno with some annoying ass clock in the background. I'm going to smash that clock over whoever designed the music for the game. There was also some fucking song called Daddy Cool. It was so fucking gay i had to quit the game. The guy who did the music must have worked on Brokeback Mountain. Other than that the other sounds are fine... there's only one engine sound of course and that's about it....

Gameplay: You race around tracks and do stunts and other shit. It usually takes a tad bit of skill and the actual fun part is playing online. There is a bunch of retards online but that happens with any free game probably. So you can design your own tracks with the editor which is what most do and then play online. Its fun for like an hour then you probably don't want to play anymore. You just race around over and over..... YAWN. Its funner than piles of crap like Need For Speed Most Underground Wanted Nigger Edition. Even the tracks in this game have more variation then that pile of crap.

Story: The story is you are a faggot and that's about it.

The game is free and its somewhat fun 7.5/10

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Re: Trackmania Nations (Score: 1)
by flaming_ass_packet on Friday, February 03 @ 01:01:36 EST
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lol most wanted nigger edition... classic.

well, i downloaded it mine as well play it now, this all reminds me of the old game stunts 3d.

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Re: Trackmania Nations (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thursday, October 04 @ 10:05:07 EDT
Daddy Cool was a song attached to one of the user made tracks that was making the rounds on the various servers. It wasn't actually part of the game.

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