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Advent Rising
Posted on Sunday, November 27 @ 00:15:38 EST by Suislide
[XBOX] Action Game ReviewsFuckinghateyou writes "Soldier: How do they fight?
Alien: They Throw Rocks...

Oh yeah thats what I want to do to this game...

Un Fucking Real... I take time to buy a game that is supposed to be kick ass, but the only kick ass I got out of this game was me kicking my ass for buying it...

Graphics: The Game graphics are pretty good, but still, this game looks like it was made Ray Charles. I Found that alot of this shit in the game to be Blured together up close to make it look good. Yes it does look good... From a Distance... The Good Aliens of the game looked like Fags, and the bad Aliens looked like Micheal Jackson with another set of legs...

Sound: The Sound is beautiful at first, voice overs are done pretty well, and weapons... Human weapons sound okay, Alien weapons sound like they put a hare lip in a room with A Mic and said go crazy... The Main Character sounds like a fucking super hero, and his brother sounds like Kyle Katarn from Jedi Knight, not only that, he also looks sorta like him to...

Game Play The Game play is what makes the game good right? I mean I can look past ugly Graphics as long as the game play is the shit. Well guess again... This Game is so fucking easy, all you have to do is find and empty room and practice your *cough*DBZ*cough* like powers over and over again and boom you level up, or do the evade over and over again, and boom you level up. The powers is what gets me, Who the hell decided to ask Akira Toriyama to port Dragonball Z powers to this fucking game? They have moves that shoot energy from your hand, push shit without touching it, go from point a to point b in an instant create shields, What the fuck?

Story: The story is what got me... It is well into the future, probably a good 5000 years. Gideon and his Brother Ian are space Pilots and are invinted onto an Alien ship where they learn they have like 3 days to gather a defence around their planet, well 3 days turns out to be 30 seconds and these Micheal Jackson looking Aliens attack the Space station and planet. Well after choosing who to take, your brother or Fiance, to the home planet you watch as the Bad Aliens get their ass kicked. Then They play dirty and throw a Giant Meteor at the Planet while your escaping and kills everyone but you, your brother(or Fiance), and a chick who is piloting.... Well the Good Aliens rescue you and you learn you have powers that no other Human has because they were Panzy ass bitches to forget... This story is so Fucked up its not even funny...

Plain and simple, the game is on a low level for how much it was advertized on TV...

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Re: Advent Rising (Score: 1)
by Grumpy_Boy on Saturday, January 07 @ 22:44:36 EST
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XBOX wtf I use mine as a door stop, stop crying let go the XBOX blows

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