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Posted on Tuesday, August 19 @ 17:26:30 EDT by Suislide
FPS reviewsThis is the greatest game ever created. If you dont agree you fucking suck.

Graphics: Back in the 1998 the graphics fucking r0x0red everything that was ever released that year. Now they arent so great but from mods such as AHL (action half life for the slow) has some of the best fucking weapon models i have ever seen. Also with Blue Shift comes a HD pack which makes all the guns look a hell of a lot better. The grunts look fucking beautiful.

Sound: Fucking beautiful gun shots, explosions, speech, all sounds great. The speech is a little fuzzy but its from 1998 so wtf do you want from it.

Gameplay: Fucking great. For a nerd he can move like a jew in a concentration camp. Nothing feels too stiff. It all feels right. Also you can control turrets and fucking blow shit open or shoot abunch of aliens. I can fucking shoot down a osprey helicopter have it come crashing down in a massive fiery explosion. Also all the scripted sequences are sexy as me. POOPSHIT BLOWING UP SHIT HITTING FANS AND FLYING ALL OVER AND EXPLOSIONS AND DEATH ITS FUSCKING BAUTIFUL!

Story: You're a nerd named Gordon Freeman. Although Gordon may look like a nerd he can kick some asshole out someones mouth and then catch their turd in mid air, throw it in a toilet and flush it with his mind. You are doing this experiment but this fuck named the g-man decides he wants to fuck shit up and then stuff explodes and you are there to kick ass.

Well this is the best game ever created. You know it is because i said so. So obviously it gets a 11/10

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Most read story in FPS reviews:
Half-Life 2

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Re: Half-Life (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 08 @ 21:51:57 EDT
LOL your review had me laughing for an hour.

Good work

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Re: Half-Life (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thursday, October 07 @ 19:02:30 EDT
One of the best reviews I have ever read. Period.

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