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Fahrenheit / Indigo Prophecy
Posted on Friday, September 30 @ 19:02:49 EDT by Suislide
Adventure Game ReviewsSo this game is called fahrenheit but whenver they give you a temperature in the game its in celsius... Anyways this game was supposed to be really innovative but they kind of failed completley. Most developers do because they all suck dick save a few of them. The main problem with this game... is theres really not any gameplay. Who the fuck makes a game with no gameplay?

Graphics: Of course a fucking ps2 port.. who would have thought. The awesome developers again instead of making the graphics engine based for the pc (which we all know can produce graphics about a mllion times better than sony's shitty old ass crap tastic console) and then scaling it for the ps2, the retards decide that HEY! I know we can take this game and make it look like shit! Then we can wipe this shit all over the screens of everyone who plays it on the PC. Thats right it has ps2 graphics which basically means it looks like a pile of shit. Be amazed and you fly through a world of low resolution textures and low poly models with stubby looking fingers that look as if some dumbass put their hand in a saw. I wish the saw was in the developers head though because of the shitacular garbage they made this game look like. The faces dont look too bad on the characters but thats about it. Theres tiny ass enviornments. Were talking if i shot a fucking midget with a shrink ray tiny. Tiny, PLSD's penis because he is hung like a bee. Explore your massive 200 square foot world! WOO. Of course there some use of pixel shaders as an attempt to make it look decent for the pc but you need to be fucking superman to notice them. Atleast there isnt any shitty camera angles because you can turn your camera yourself. Unlike Resident evil when the camera is buttfucking your guy. Also the animations for everything are pretty damn good but they better fucking be considering there really isnt any gameplay.

Sound: So the sound has its good parts such as good voice acting which is a surprise because ive had to listen such fucking hideous voice acting fill my ears for a long time. The only problem whoever wrote the dialouge must have been hired from some low budget horror film. The black guy acts like the typical niggy.... what a surprise...actually there is a surprise because he isnt the first to die... to bad eh. Anyways the dialouge is just so shitty at parts you will wonder why you havent already shot a nail gun in your face in attempt to die. Who the fuck writes this, a 3 year old? The music wasn't bad at parts which is another surpise..enviornmental sounds werent too bad either but nothing special or noticable.

Gameplay: A fucking game with no gameplay? You either do one of three things.... walk around then use the mouse and move it a certain way to pick up or exame some shit. You mash two buttons together really fast as you watch some shit happen in the background or you fucking play simon with your computer. Thats right you have two circles with colors on them and you have to press the button when it lights up. Thats about as though as fucking a dead chick with rigor mortis... which is tough so i guess its not like that at all.

Ok seriously whos fucking idea was it to make this game and decide to put in the least amount of gameplay possible. What the fuck is that. You dont really ever do anything in this game. Not to mention you are two busy watching the fucking circles on the screen light up to even watch the animations happen. Its basically them giving you something to do so you dont have to watch the shitty movie happen before your eyes.

Story: This game has the worst fucking story i have ever heard. Its up there with... well any fucking stupid teenager movie that all girls want to see because they are stupid. You start off murdering some guy but you were possed..... then you find out who did it from your gay priest brother. The cops are looking for you. Then you find out it has something to do with this bullshit Purple clan. The reason they chose to posses you to kill someone is because of nothing. There is no fucking reason they just wanted to have you kill someone. The purple clan is really abunch of stupid fucking mayan shamans. You heard me... mayan shamans.... what the fuck. They are after some girl who hasnt lost her virginity or some shit like that. Then out of no were you die and this Orange group brings you back to life... they want the girl as well.. but they are fucking AI from a computer. Yes thats right AI from a fucking computer is attacking Lucas (the main character). All the sudden Lucas gets fucking super powers ( from some dumb thing called CHROMA OMG SWEET NAME) where he can dodge bullets and run on the side of buildings. While the cops Carla and some other douche bag are lookign for him. New york is getting colder every day. There is a secret society of fucking trash ass bums you meet up with at the end and they tell you where to go to save the world. The story is basically a cluster fuck of garbage.

Theres no gameplay....6/10

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Re: Fahrenheit (Score: 1)
by flaming_ass_packet on Friday, September 30 @ 22:05:56 EDT
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that review was fucking retarded, it was so retarded that it makes this review somhow look less retarted in comparison. how is this possible you ask? this review sucks so hard that it creates its own dimention of sucking, therefore making 2 copys of the same exact gay review to compare them with eachother.

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Re: Fahrenheit (Score: 1)
by flaming_ass_packet on Friday, September 30 @ 22:09:03 EDT
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for those of you who dont understand remedial atrological physics 101, i basically told suislide to go fuck is slippery wet bar of soap of a mother.

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Re: Fahrenheit (Score: 1)
by flaming_ass_packet on Friday, September 30 @ 22:13:50 EDT
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seriosuley dude, this makes the blood - PC review look like the declaration of indapandance.

where you fucking high on talcum powder and bleach when you wrote this?

konami is going to use this shit as its next metal gear plot now which i guess is ok because it probally would be better then what they originnaly had in mind.

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Re: Fahrenheit (Score: 1)
by M0nKeY on Saturday, October 01 @ 00:31:03 EDT
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Awww c'mon man it wasnt THAT bad. Ok at least you gave it a 5 I thought this, and even fable was somewhat entertaining. BTW Its supposed to be called Indigo Prophecy for the US release.

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Re: Fahrenheit / Indigo Prophecy (Score: 1)
by Mean_MOFO on Saturday, October 01 @ 06:52:07 EDT
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Shit, I was going to review this game like 5 days ago but I didn't feel like doing it cos I'm lazy and shit.
Fahrenheit deserves a bit higher rating, you're right, the first 1/3 of the game is really fun to play. U can solve it in 8 hours but it just kept me playing it so that's a good part. It's short but what, you don't have to buy it, rent it. It's fucking worth playing it through at least once.
And did u even mention the loadings? There are no loadings!
And btw, the story isn't that bad cos it's well executed and voice acting was superb. fuck you.

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Re: Fahrenheit / Indigo Prophecy (Score: 1)
by flaming_ass_packet on Saturday, October 01 @ 10:17:48 EDT
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hey, woah, lets not go to far here... i trust suislides suckmental judgment on this game. if he says it sucks then i will blindly follow his good word of suckology.

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Re: Fahrenheit / Indigo Prophecy (Score: 1)
by sliznut on Wednesday, October 26 @ 03:52:50 EDT
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i thought the game was cool up until the last part when all the dumb shit starts happening. its like they didnt know how to wrap up the game so all this insane shit starts happening that doesnt make any sense. a computer manesfestation, mayan shamans, chroma(magic powers). all that happened in the last part of the game in a relatively short period of time.

the graphics were horrible. why would you make anything for the ps2 first? why not just make it to run on a 486.

the simon says did suck. so did the pushing to buttons back and forth. i liked the mouse thing. at least you didnt just click you had to move it around.

even though you miss out on some of the good points of the game your review is pretty accurate. i would pass on this game given a second chance.

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Re: Fahrenheit / Indigo Prophecy (Score: 1)
by AdolfHitler on Monday, December 05 @ 16:22:32 EST
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Holy shit, if this game wasn't a PS2 port, it would probably have rocked 10^8 times more.

PS. Consoles are fucking gay.

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