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Dungeon Siege 2
Posted on Sunday, September 04 @ 14:34:37 EDT by Suislide
Action Game ReviewsFinally a game that comes out and kicks some huge ass. The sequel to the first game where they took everything that sucked a dick and fixed it up. This game fucking rocks.

Graphics: The graphics are slightly above mediocre. Certain places such as the forests and the dungeons look quite good while the desert and such looks like someone took a shit on my eyes. The character models could have been high poly but for the most part everything looks pretty damn good save for the some of textures which resembled someone wiping their ass on the screen. There is a ton of different models for all the different weapons that you can hold as well as with the armor. This kicks ass because then you dont have stupid shit like sacred where your character looks the same the whole fucking game because the creators are too fucking stupid to think of different looking types of armor. The graphics are pretty good but can ocasinally can have parts where they are turd.

Sound: For the most part the sound is fine with the weird ass sounds for the creatures, and the sounds of people small creatures with large spiked weapons. That all sounds great. The music could have been better as it wasnt really anything special. The part that gets me and im sure everyone else is the shit fucking voice acting that sprayed out of my speakers like diarrhea. What the fuck were they thinking here? They hired autistic children to do the shit voice acting for this game... atleast thats what it sounds like. Other than that everything else is all right.

Gameplay: Here is where the game kicks the most ass. They took the first dungeon siege and then decided HEY what the fuck! lets throw in some diablo.... and then Jesus was born. Nevermind jesus sucks. So now instead of the characters automatically attacking you now have to right click on them which is a fucking million times more enjoyable because the first game was almost automated. So the more shit you kill, your stats go up based on what weapons you are using. Now they added a seperate characters level so that when you level up you get a skill point to spend to power up your characters even more. Also they added duel weilding and these special moves you get where you blow the shit out of everything in front of you such as the mages ice spray... or some other shit. The fucking point is it kicks ass now. Infact it kicks so much ass i cummed on your mothers face and gave her an abe lincoln. Now the game isnt an automated turd.

Story: Some piece of shit of stole a sword and there is a shield and when they hit each other.... everything gets fucked up. The story sucks dick of course... they hired people with down syndrome to write the stories of course. So anyways at the end the shield and sword crash but you put your gay medallion in it because you are some special guy and then the sword breaks and everyone becomes a faggot.

This game kicks ass and your mother does anal 9/10

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Re: Dungeon Siege 2 (Score: 1)
by flaming_ass_packet on Sunday, September 04 @ 15:01:51 EDT
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only child molesters play this game, you get a free copy when you register as a sex offender and/or join NAMBLA. when you play this online you are introduced to hordes of slobbering 12 year olds who are like sheep in the valley of wolves, if ya catch my drift. the game is a perverted front end to a giant boy machine. automation is fucking chill, it was the only thing that made me give a fuck anough to play the original peice of shit. it made me think "hey, this fucking game sucks but atleast i dont have to do anything, i guess i should keep playing" now the fucking game is all like, "hey keep pounding on my ass and while your at it, try and get some kids phone number". fucking ghey.

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Re: Dungeon Siege 2 (Score: 1)
by Mean_MOFO on Sunday, September 04 @ 18:46:56 EDT
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this game sucks.. again, you fucking failed suislide.
it has bad character movement, bad saving system, bad gfx and overall, a bad presentation.
it fucking sucks ass. it's a shit ass bitch game and I was planning on writing a review but Suislide beat me to it. and fucked it up as well. fuck you all.

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Re: Dungeon Siege 2 (Score: 1)
by M0nKeY on Sunday, September 04 @ 22:42:48 EDT
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I like the saving system. Made the game more fun and the new character development was not bad. Overall it is pretty fun.

My main problem with it was that in some enviroments the screen was too "busy" at the highest res the characters did not stand out enough from the vomit looking ground tiles. I did not like the limited resolution choices either.

I turned the automated acttacking back on becasue I didn't feel like sitting there holding the right mouse button down to make me feel like I was doing somthing.

BTW Suislide, Microsoft called and it wants its penis back. Apparently you sucked it clean off.

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Re: Dungeon Siege 2 (Score: 1)
by flaming_ass_packet on Monday, September 05 @ 02:22:18 EDT
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ok mabey i should play the fucking game before i talk shit about it... still thoe, the demo sucked ass, i gave up on it as soom as i hit the stupid archery test.

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