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Dungeon Lords
Posted on Tuesday, May 10 @ 19:40:22 EDT by Suislide
RPG ReviewsWell i was waiting for a game like this since i enjoyed gothic 2 because it kicked some good ass. Although this opposite of ass kicking. This game does no ass kicking at all and infact causes suicides in teenagers. This game fucking sucks dick.

Graphics: Why would they even make a game with such completley shitty graphics. They are so incredibly bad that it doesnt even make sense why the fuck they would do that in the first place. Hey developers instead of making the graphics for the ps2 and porting them to pc WHY DONT YOU FUCKING DO THE SMART IDEA of CREATING IT FOR PC then REDUCING THE GRAPHICS FOR PS2 OR OTHER CONSOLE. So great ready to walk in a world of shitty looking low polygon models, low res textures ALL OVER. This game has atleast 3 fucking times more low resolution textures than doom 3 does. They all just look like complete shit. The animations on the models are also dog turds. The guy fucking jumps 10 feet in the air like hes trying to fucking cover a grenade. Its so fucking stupid looking. He extends all his arms and legs out and magically floats forward! What garbage... not to mention the water does not have pixel shading and some green fucking fecal demon took a dump in it. This game looks like someone squeezed out a fucking horse turd on my monitor.

Sound: The sound is guess what... OH MAN ITS GARBAGE WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT. The fucking speech/voice-overs in this game are fucking horrible. But thats not the bad part. For some reason EAX Seems to be enabled in this game and EAX is a piece of shit.... but theres no way to turn it off! Great so now i dont fucking hear sounds when i should and other such garbage. EAX is fucking terrible and creative should be shot in the face for creating such utter garbage.

Gameplay: Here is where this shitfest really shines and by shine i mean hopefully they will shine a laser in your eye so you dont have to play this heap of fucking cum blobs anymore. So the action is SOMEWHAT similar to gothic 2 except boring as hell. You can block and swing and maybe cast some magical spells bullshit. Thats about it. THATS ALL YOU DO the whole fucking game. So when i was creating a character you know you get your stats and such bullshit because its an rpg. Well ichoose human male and there is tabs for customizing your look... but for some magical reason you never can! Thats fucking awesome it just skips right over character customization. Although who really gives a shit because the gameplay in this game is COMPLETLEY boring and its like staring at a harlequin fetus the whole time. Edit: Oh yeah i forgot to add, which i just remembered, that there is no fucking map at all so they just leave it up to you to find where the fuck to go..... not only that the fucking quest system is all messed up and sometimes doesnt even give me the quests.. what a piece of shit. Everything in this game is complete ass... the combat is just so completley awful.

Story: You are walking then all the sudden some cunt slap at a camp gives you a message so you have to go to the city which is negative feet away. Its so fucking close there is absolutley no reason they had to send a messenger because the guard thats at the city would have just walked 3 feet and talked you. But even though you have business in the city you cant get in so you have to go through the sewer. WHEWWW THE SEWER... now let the shit graphics and boring gameplay ensue. Get ready to format your hard drive because this game is a wrist-cutting good time *cough*.

Boring gameplay, poo graphics, crap story = 0/10

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Re: Dungeon Lords (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, May 11 @ 01:46:14 EDT
Yeah Gothic II has top graphics & sound but for a game to be "enjoyable" - ie. for it to be a game - it also needs proper GAMEPLAY. And the gameplay & controls in Gothic II ... um ... they suX0r :|

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Re: Dungeon Lords (Score: 1)
by Ny24 on Wednesday, May 11 @ 08:32:06 EDT
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I like your "shine"-relations xD

well done again

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Re: Dungeon Lords (Score: 1)
by fuhrer ( on Thursday, May 12 @ 21:17:40 EDT
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See I would have skipped right over this game giving it the gay^2 rating in my book because one it's an rpg (no gameplay exists) and two, it has a really fuckin gay name that sounds like homo porno african movie. Don't ever play a game with the word "dungeon" in it. There are 0 games out right now so it's probably worth dumping shit on since it sucks nigger.

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Re: Dungeon Lords (Score: 1)
by Daniel_Vanzant on Friday, May 13 @ 15:21:12 EDT
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I played the shitt demo and got to play as some big breasted dyke with a lightsaber. I was slashing wolverines then I got fuckin bored and uninstalled it. Not much fun at all Lucas should sue...

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Re: Dungeon Lords (Score: 1)
by fuhrer ( on Wednesday, May 18 @ 01:27:36 EDT
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I don't think I could ever like an rpg, even with star wars, those KOTOR were really gay and I was expecting the character (mine was a slant) to fuck that white jedi chick's brains through the back of her head.

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Re: Dungeon Lords (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Monday, June 06 @ 16:24:17 EDT
you know I could'n agree more, however the reason why they first improve the game for ps2 and them reduce the grapics for pc is because there is more money in ps2 game sellings then pc. (that piraty bussiness, you know, copying and stuff).

still you rule man, I made a lot of publicity lately, keep on the good insults (but not to me man, I'll break you're shit).

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