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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2
Posted on Wednesday, March 02 @ 19:38:51 EST by Suislide
RPG ReviewsWell i finally decided to get off my ass and write a review about the new Kotor. The real story is i was swamped with women and there was only one option for me which was to do them all in the butt so i did. Oh yeah and the first KOTOR is about 300 times better than this.

Graphics: Ok no one can deny the graphics in this game are complete ass. Hell the first one looks better than this hunk of garbage. They decided instead of making cool looking lush enviorments they made the great fucking design choice of making boring ass looking corridors that are repetitive and also that just plain look like big pieces of shit. I swear to god Telos was the worst fucking thing i have ever seen. Jesus was next to me and he looked at the game and just shook his head. The charcter models, well, half of them are from the first fucking game for most of the NPCs. Bastards got lazy and use the same crap models from the first game. You partners dont look bad and atleast have their own models. Everything else though looks like i fucking took a dump on the screen. The enviornments just look so fucking terrible it makes old people want to die (not that they shouldnt). The in game videos though, AGAIN, abunch of fucking morons take the IN GAME ENGINE MAKE IT LOOK LIKE FUCKING TRASH AND THEN RECORD IT. WHY? Why the fuck do you retards do this? If you are going to do cutscense get off your fucking lazy ass and makes SOME FUCKING DECENT CGI dont use the shitty ass in game engine.

Sound: Ok the voice overs arent so bad which is a positive because if i had to listen to terrible fucking voice overs i would have killed myself. Atleast they put some decent. Other than that the sound wasnt really anything special. The music is just some standard bullshit classical music. SO YAWN.

Gameplay: This is where the game really wants to make you flush it down the toilet. Its not bad but its definatley sucks fucking fat elephant dick compared to the first one. Instead of an interesting cool plot you get some piece of shit garbage a retard wrote by smashing his retard face into a typewriter. But thats another story. The gameplay is the exact same as the first one except with boring ass tedious missions that all you fucking do is go to someone, then go to someone else, then come back. WOW FUN. THATS MY IDEA OF FUN RUNNING AROUND IN A FUCKING CIRCLE. Who thought of this shit? They did a great job in the first one and then this they make a stupid piece of shit. One thing they did though was make it alot easier to be a light master. Also you level up so much this game is as easy as getting a gay guy to suck you off. Some of the missions arent bad but alot of them are boring and tedious.

Story: MY god, its so fucking terrible. You wake up on some planet after being exiled by jedi and for some reason Sith are out trying to kill you because they think you are a jedi. So you eventually become one and then for some fucking reason some other stupid people join your ship and you fly around trying to get the jedi masters together. The story is just plain crap and made about as much sense as putting fucking apple juice in my gas tank. This story blows ass compared to the first one.

Yeah its all right for awhile but it basically sucks dick 6.5/10

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Most read story in RPG Reviews:
Star Wars: The Old Republic

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Re: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thursday, March 03 @ 13:03:34 EST
Nice review, but I think you're getting older. The insults diminish fast.

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Re: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Sunday, March 06 @ 07:41:28 EST
Jesus was next to me and he looked at the game and just shook his head.


Ok I forgive you your fanboy-ish HL2 review.

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Thanks (Score: 1)
by Grumpy_Boy on Tuesday, March 08 @ 01:51:45 EST
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Not a bad review but it seemed you feel almost dejected even perhaps tired with this game like it wasnt even worth having a good old rant about.

Any way thank you saved me a lot of bother.

I wont go near this sack of shit game now.

jedi get on my fucking nerves anyway the fucking stupid stuck up wankers..

Its a shame just stupid queer doddering cunt emperor did'nt stick them all in a fucking gas chamber, ild pay to see that fucking film.

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Re: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 (Score: 1)
by Daniel_Vanzant on Friday, March 11 @ 05:23:38 EST
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Every one of these fucking Star Wars games are repetitive. In one version of games you are a Jedi waving a giant neon dildo around and hitting robots or BDSM troopers with it , the other you fly some stupid fucking sex toy around space hoping to find a fat vagina to shoot into with laser cock beams. Fuck Star Wars the moves blow elvis presleys dead cock.

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Re: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Sunday, March 13 @ 17:46:51 EST

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Re: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 (Score: 1)
by Kalafan on Thursday, April 27 @ 10:26:52 EDT
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Leave it to LucasArts to take a good thing (even if it's of their own creation) and fuck it up royally, just as they did with the prequel movies.

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