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Painkiller: Battle out of Hell
Posted on Monday, December 06 @ 20:48:14 EST by Suislide
FPS reviewsOMG Finally the addon for this game has come out and my god does it FUCKING ROCK! Everyone loves painkiller and now the addon is here so rejoice!

Graphics: First of all the graphics now have a HUGE fucking improvement over the last game. There is tons more detail and the levels are fucking gigantic. Also there is more new enemies with weird twisted shit about them like Nurses trying to inject heroin in you or a zombie penis coming out of a giant mutliated clitoris. You may have missed the clitoris only because you are a dumb ass. Anyways the level design is awesome and the textures are all great, and the models for the new weapons of course kick ass. There is one thing though, dreamcatcher should fire the dumbasses who made the cutscene vids. They look like complete shit. Seriously, Daniel (the main character for those of us who are a little slow) looks like a fat fucking oaf who sits on his couch eating 10 bags of potato chips and staying thin with diet pepsi. He looks fucking retarded and his fat ass chin looks more deadly then any of the weapons. Otherwise ingame looks sexy.

Sound: Voice acting is just average, infact it kind of sucks. They should just cut out all the voice acting bullshit and stick to what they are good at. The weapon sounds and enemy sounds kick ass though and YES ANOTHER KICK ASS SOUNDTRACK. No more of that pussy music, MORE OF THE ASS KICKING MUSIC. The kind that makes you want to smash glass in your face, which i hope you do.

Gameplay: Of course its more of the same painkiller ass kicking as before only with two new weapons with alternate fires that kick ass. The 5 shot stake gun diddy piece of shit thing, well its a sniper and fire 5 pieces of metal. OMG IT kicks so much ass, people flying against the wall getting the shit stabbed out of them. Its like fucking a women once but ACTUALLY having her orgasm five times (never will happen). Also there is a semi-machine gun and flamethrower which both rock. The levels are all awesome and are like the first one but larger and better looking such as a world war 2 city and a modern day type city WOOOOOO. Although the theme park world did kick ass. Its short as hell though. Really short as in i beat it in about 2-3 hours. GAY MAKE IT LONGER.

Story: This bitch alaster only pretended to die and now you have to get out of hell which you do by killing this ass. Then eve takes his powers OMG I RUINED CRY YOU EMO PUSSY. Anyways there isnt much of a story but who cares

This game kicks some good ass but its short 8.5/10

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Re: Painkiller: Battle out of Hell (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, December 07 @ 02:24:30 EST

Do you actually think your funny?

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Re: Painkiller: Battle out of Hell (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Friday, December 10 @ 23:45:24 EST
Not enough swearing, this review was bordering on intelligible, so you need to kick it into gear and make sure to use more profanity for your next review!

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