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GTA: Vice City
Posted on Saturday, August 16 @ 12:07:42 EDT by Suislide
Action Game ReviewsYay i liked GTA3 and i like smashing stuff with other stuff and shooting stuff with guns.

Graphics: Looks a hell of a lot nicer and brighter than the original GTA3. Also looks way better on the PC then the PS2. Those fucking PS2 faggots can lick my anus. Everything is nicely done except the character skins. That one chick thats mexican or something looks like shes fucking 60 years old. Thats gross.

Sound: Sounds nice although it needs more base when im smashing into a cop car or running down people.

Gameplay: Fun as hell. I can run people over get out of the car shoot them with the m4. Steal a cop car then fucking drive it off a bridge and die YES! What could be funner than stealing, shooting, and violence, nothing i tell you nothing. So yeah gameplay is good

Story: Your some mexican guy who was making a deal and shit went wrong and you need money to go after some guy that fucked it up. So you do and you fucking kill that short fuck. Oops did i give spoilers? Yeh well fuck you. Story isnt too creative but who cares i can hit stuff with cars or bats or shoot stuff with guns.

Replay Value: Tons, even after you beat the main missions there is like 500 bajillion things more you can do like run over people or side missions whatever.

Yeh so this game is fun and stuff so i give it a 10/10

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Re: GTA: Vice City (Score: 1)
by Shn on Monday, August 18 @ 03:34:22 EDT
(User Info | Send a Message)
I also liked the game, even more than GTA3...

I also liked the fact that it actually runs on my crappy computer !

Ah and motorbikes are fun.
Ummm the story is nice too.


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Re: GTA: Vice City (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Friday, January 09 @ 19:14:00 EST
vice city suck

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Re: GTA: Vice City (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Friday, January 09 @ 19:17:31 EST
vice city sucks true crime streets of la better than vice city and gta 3

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