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Vampire The Masquerade : Bloodlines
Posted on Monday, November 29 @ 12:36:49 EST by M0nKeY
RPG ReviewsA new vampire game using the source engine, and the rules from white wolf studio's live role playing game. "Vampire - The Masquerade".

Story: You are sired without the permission of the vampire prince of L.A. so he whines like a little bitch and cuts your sires head off. Then you have to run around being the prince's nancy boy slave. The story lines are good and theres a decent amount of funny one liners and humorous plot twists. As well as a slew of side missions to keep you occupied and build up your levels.

You can use blood magic (wich can give you the power to make people explode or let you see through buildings), creep around in dark alleys and just do the average "ooh I'm a wicked evil decedent of Caine" stuff. Some characters are more focused on feats like the various blood disciplines while others are better at hacking away at enemies with a firemen's axe.

Gameplay: This game remains true to the basic rule set of the vampire rpg. You get to slowly build up your character using small amounts of EXP in categories like melee, ranged weapons, and FLYING VAMPIRE BLOOD KILL SHOW ME THE TITTIES.

You can play in first person or 3rd person mode. When you use ranged weapons like the submachine guns or colt to attack the interface becomes much like a regular First person shooter. Theres a limited inventory and you have to find the best locations to buy quality weapons and ammo. Personally I loved attacking hookers in the street and mowing down the police. The problem is theres this bullshit called the masquerade and your not allowed to let humans see you doing vampire shit.

Graphics: The graphics are great and they pack a LOT of stuff onscreen when you are outdoors so you cant be using some turd RAGE PRO card on your 486 or your gonna be disappointed. The characters are some of the best looking and most intriguing to date, partly do to the technology of the source engine. It allows for a wide range of facial expressions (and jiggling body parts).

Summary:If your into the cyberpunk goth crap or just looking at some quality designed hot vampire bitches then hacking apart some freakish underground mutants, You will enjoy this game. Theres one problem... too many fucking bugs. Theres even a few bugs that make it impossible to play until you find a website with the crappy work around.

This game also needs a nude patch! The stupid vampire bitches will act all like "Oh yea I want your schlong!" Then theres not even one crap ass nipple!

Bad bugs and no nudity bump this one down to a 6.9/10

Latest official/unofficial patch site for "vampire bloodlines"
~OLD~ unofficial patch for "vampire the masquerade: bloodlines"

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Re: Vampire The Masqurade : Bloodlines (Score: 1)
by Suislide on Monday, November 29 @ 15:21:15 EST
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wow you reviewed a game! im amazed

Anyways, the graphics are not so great though.. in some parts they look like complete ass and there is lots of graphical and animation errors

and also the game stopping bugs are good as hell

Yeah you pussies at white wolf studies saying OH ITS DONE, WE JUST HAVE TO WAIT FOR HL2!!! OMG! Well maybe you should have fucking played your game first so you could realise theres more bugs then a dead hookers vagina

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Re: Vampire The Masqurade : Bloodlines (Score: 1)
by Law on Wednesday, December 01 @ 00:04:05 EST
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I agree with the review but, compared to most of the other reviews on here... it was boring as hell.

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Re: Vampire The Masqurade : Bloodlines (Score: 1)
by leadmasterofmasterchiefs ( on Wednesday, December 01 @ 04:42:02 EST
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wow!, nice..
if i wanted to be bored to death
i may need to here suislides expert judgment of the game before i can consider my purchase ..

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Re: Vampire The Masquerade : Bloodlines (Score: 1)
by berzerker on Wednesday, March 04 @ 07:01:43 EST
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The link to the unofficial patch should be updated. The unofficial patch is still being improved and is currently at version 6.0.

The 'official' download site for the unofficial patch is The official patch is there too so the link to the official patch site (which now refers to the crappy activision site) may be removed too.

Yeah I know there are multiple unofficial patches but this is the most credible one.

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Re: Vampire The Masquerade : Bloodlines (Score: 1)
by GRUIA on Wednesday, November 04 @ 00:33:31 EST
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Y, also the camarilla mod is out ... and a new patch comming soon. With those i think it will be up 2 points . I'll sure play it again this winter

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