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Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault
Posted on Tuesday, November 09 @ 17:36:15 EST by Suislide
FPS reviewsEveryone likes Medal of Honor games and finally another one came out. But if i remember correctly the original developers of MOH:AA left and started a new company and created COD. So lets see what the left over retards were able to put together. Oh yeah and EA SUCKS.

Graphics: Ok the graphics in this game kick ass. The models for all the characters all have a good amount of detail and also nice sharp skins. EVERYONE LIKES SHARP SKINS. The environments also had a nice look to them and the forests dont look like split open asshole like they do in Men of Valor. The weapon models also kick ass, i dont really know what the hell else you can say. They use pixel shaders in the game which kicks ass espically when you use a machine gun and the view gets blurry. Also of course the water is pixel shaded, if you dont have pixel shaded water by now then you fucking suck as a developer and should just give up.

Sound: The sound in this game does kick ass open although its nothing like Call of Duty. It doesn't give you that feeling that you just shot guys testicles off and then you JUMP OUT AND STAB THEM WITH YOUR BAYNET AND A FUCKING TESTICLE DINNER. The sound was quite boring in some points. The voice acting was good except it was too fucking repetitive. "ok guys keep quiet so we can move in" I then proceed to shoot a guy " NICE FUCKING JOB TOMMY YA FUCK!!!!" You fucking hypocrite. Also they say the same stupid shit over and over "TOMMY SMOKED THAT GUYS PENIS WOW NICE JOB" or "MAN TOMMY GOT HIM WOO SEX!" Well maybe if your queer ass wasn't so fucking helpless you could kill something too.

Gameplay: The gameplay is all right but no where near as cool as Call of Duty. Also those fuckers didn't let me use a fucking m1 carbine the whole game. This time it takes place and you are killing chinks because they are jealous of the round eye so they attack. You got all you same standard run around and aim using the actual model sights. Although in this game it fucking sucks.. it doesn't work right at all and just plain feels like ass. I don't like feeling ass of a guy either because im not a fag. Also if you have AF the fucking mouse feels like you blew your load into a ball mouse and doesn't feel right at all. Other than that the gameplay is ok, exciting at times but nothing new or special. AS you can tell i like Call of Duty better becuase in that game there way more explosions and action and shit going on. This game just feels cliche and boring. Maybe because the only people left are the fucking retards who decided to stay. You can have the medic come over and heal your ass because you suck a fat cock and he has to save you. Also the game is only like 8-9 Hours long BORING. CANT ANYONE MAKE A LONG WAR GAME. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST IS IT THAT HARD? Also Gamespy and Gamespot (shit sites, if you visit them you obviously swallow) said them game was quite difficult at times. No its not that hard at all, you just fucking suck because you guys are biased fucking money sucking faggots who swallow publishers cum because you only care about money. The gameplay is ok and exciting at times but cliche

Story: You are a guy named Tommy Colon or something like that. Who gives a fuck.. anyways you go to war and you fight japs with your friends. Thats about it. They really excell on the story here. They tried to add him talking making it all dramatic OH WAR IS SO HARD BOO HOO WE JUST WANT TO GO HOME AND CRY BECAUSE WE ARE EMO. Suck it up you faggot and go and kick ass. You didn't hear the soldiers in Cod bitching about it did you?

The game is fun but its cliche and COD is way better 6.5/10

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Re: Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault (Score: 1)
by Suislide on Tuesday, November 09 @ 21:21:11 EST
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Oh yeah there is one part where you have to fly a plane in a gay mission, in first person and it controls like shit. Stupidiest mission ever

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Re: Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault (Score: 1)
by Suislide on Thursday, November 11 @ 15:31:57 EST
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you know what that flying mission fucking sucks im taking off a point

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Re: Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, December 11 @ 23:54:02 EST
I got the full game now and it still eats a horse cock. There is a lot of dumb shit like when the gooks come to stab you while your reloading and your buddies just sit there and watch instaed of fuckin cappin him.

The most annoying thing is when you are lying on the ground behind a rock and sniping and the game registers it as if you are hitting the rock instead of around it. Even tho you are clearly shooting from around the rock... but you CAN get hit... fuckin great...

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Re: Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault (Score: 1)
by Brock_Samson on Friday, December 24 @ 00:06:40 EST
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you forgot to mention how much the multiplayer blows because its unoptimized and laggier then a hungry 700 pound fat ass chasing an ice cream truck.

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Re: Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, February 08 @ 15:17:14 EST
ya that game is ok but i think it is way to short. it took me 10 hours so over all i give it a 5.5

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Re: Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thursday, June 09 @ 19:15:40 EDT
wow a decent comment from this sight im impressed id never think id see it even thou you still gave it a 6.5 ......some times i think i chould make my own site and suced if this one has.........

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