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KumaWar The War on Terror
Posted on Wednesday, October 20 @ 21:26:41 EDT by Suislide
FPS reviewsEver take a shit and then have someone take it and shove it back up your rectum? Well yeah that is kind of how i felt when i was playing this game.

Graphics: Man the graphics in this game are so fucking great that they look like they are from 3 years ago. Who knew! Hell Quake 3 looks better than this hunk of ass. The world is void of anything that even looks remotley good. The player models like a awful and when they run they seem to hover across the ground. Man and i thought we solved this problem back in 1998! Also all the textures are fucking awful. They are all low-res and blurry pieces of anal matter. The level design is just as bad because its abunch of boxes. The streets feel boxy, all the buildings are boxy and your grandmas cunt is boxy. Hopefully someone takes a box and shoves the fucking graphic artists and ships them into a furance because the graphics are just plain awful.

Sound: I didn't really pay attention to the sound at all. OH YEAH THATS BECAUSE ITS FUCKING BORING. The gun shots are just average gun sounds. My favorite part is no ambient sounds at all. I love fucking beating my meat just standing in alley alone and not hearing a thing because there is no ambient sounds. Surley someone has to be in the damn street to make a damn sound? RIGHT? NOPE! Now you are probably wondering how this shit sneeze of a game could get any more boring?!? Well then lets go to the gameplay.

Gameplay: Squad-based action based on a current day war! You must be thinking great! It could be fun to see what the hard times the soldiers have to go through. Well if this is what the war in Iraq is like then its a fucking snore-fest. OH LOOK a few towel-heads sitting in a building here and there. You have a squad of people and you run around and kill the people that you are told on your objectives. So this game shows me there is about 10 fucking enemies in Iraq who have the intelligence of a crushed brick. The AI in this game is terrible, i haven't even seen any of the stupid enemies move. They stand around and fire at me. No tatics necessary consdering you can run right up and shoot them in the face! Amazing! THIS IS THE BEST FUCKING AI I HAVE EVER SEEN! I mean look at their tactics! Standing and crouching! They are like fucking Neo. The gameplay isn't fun at all and its the easiest shit i have ever played.

Story: Story? USA invaded Iraq and this is a "simulation" of it. Heh simulation my ass. This seems more like a game released to make a small shitty company MONEY! Oh LETS RELEEASE A HALF ASS GAME BASED ON A CURRENT DAY WAR. IT WILL ATTRACT ATTENTION AND WE CAN BE RICH. No all it did is prove to me that you guys make the shittiest fucking games that are ever possibly made on Earth.

I am now sterile in 3 places because of this game 1/10

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Half-Life 2

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Re: KumaWar The War on Terror (Score: 1)
by M0nKeY on Thursday, October 21 @ 02:51:19 EDT
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BUT DUDE... they have the John Kerry swiftboat episode!!! []

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Re: KumaWar The War on Terror (Score: 1)
by SeiGe_Jet on Sunday, October 24 @ 19:47:34 EDT
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Never even heard of this steaming pile of elephant turd, but just by judging a book by it's cover, you should know better. This is the type of shit that'll make your dick rot.

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