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Midnight Club 2
Posted on Saturday, August 16 @ 11:54:59 EDT by M0nKeY
Racing Game ReviewsNever played midnight club one but I'm quite pissed that I wasted my time playing midnight club 2, a whole 30 mins. of my pathetic life.

Its basically a freaking GTA3 MOD.... a poorly done mod, with the most annoying "tough guy racer" cartoon cutscenes I've ever scene. Theres absolulty no point to the game and they basically recycled the GTA 3 engine and took out the good parts like jumping out of your car and wacking poeple with a baseballbat.... yet they somehow managed to end up with a game much larger than GTA3. As soon as I started playing the game all I could think was.... I want my fucking 2 gigs back.

Yes there are new textures, cars and stats... but frankly I didn't care, it was just too much like GTA3 and the driving physics were nothing special. (NO... real cars do not jump buildings)

Rock Star games... You are a one hit wonder company. Pack it up already. No one cares.


The midnight club 2 demo can be found here
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Re: Midnight Club 2 (Score: 1)
by Shn on Monday, August 18 @ 03:38:17 EDT
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I tried this game a few days ago...
Its graphics are ok, but it's really unplayable with a keyboard !
I don't understand why they didn't keep the same controller settings as in the GTA series.
At least in GTA, it was fun to drive cars and when i pressed during a millisecond on the right arrow key, the cars wouldn't do a 90° turn, unlike in midnight club 2...

Ok, i'd rather reinstall GTA (3 or VC) and just cruise around, racing against cops...

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Re: Midnight Club 2 (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thursday, June 02 @ 08:23:20 EDT
Now ya little lamers...

Why don't you leave gta for fucks sake!?
GTA was made by Rockstar NORTH

MC2 was made by Rockstar San Diego. Different dudes right?

Anyway it took 5 months to me and my brother to finish this game! It' so damn difficult. Sometimes I was so angry that I freaked out and smashed on the keyboaqrd and hit the cd cases to the wall.

Anyway it was fun, and the arcade part is really nice!

I like the tough guys and pussies in the videos, and the feeling of LA, Paris, Tokyo KiX AZZ!!!

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Re: Midnight Club 2 (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Friday, June 03 @ 06:01:35 EDT
Not to mention the cool soundrack with kool Hip-Hop, Trance , House, Dance tunes.

LA Begins with Hip Hop & House.

Paris with mostly Dance Music

In Tokyo you hear bangin' Hard Trance!!!!

It is a games worth playing, but you lose pretty much braincells while playing with it, thanx to the difficulty

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