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Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Silver Earring
Posted on Monday, September 06 @ 14:02:44 EDT by Suislide
Adventure Game ReviewsWhat an adventure game? And one that doesn't suck terrible ass? Finally and this one has sherlock holmes in it.

Graphics: The graphics in the background are all pre-rendered, its fucking obvious. Although they are incredibly sharp you could notice someones pube in the crack of a tile, thats how damn sharp they are. Some of the pictures almost look completley real. The models of the characters also kick twat. They all have good textures and a good amount of detail. So the graphics in this game are damn good. Also you can crank up the resolution, the only thnig is the shadows looks like someone took a fat dump on the floor.

Sound: What a game with good voice acting? Yeah, finally i wasnt fucking bored to death listening to the cut scenes because the voice acting sounded good for once. The only thing is they should have metal playing in the background instead of crap classical music, how the hell is sherlock going to solve a crime if he needs to atleas thave good music.

Gameplay: The same as all the other adventure games of this style. You click on shit with the left mouse button and use the right to open the inventory and use items. Also there is some gay notebook you can use to review dialog and clues but mostly you use it for the damn quizzes. You have to take stupid quizzes after certain sections of the game which is gay. Im trying to play a game not give sherlock a boner because he gets off on solving crimes. Other than that the gameplay is fun trying to find clues and other crap all around the level.s

Story: You are Sherlock Holmes, you can solve a crime by slapping a woman in the face then taking a fat dump in her purse. So you are invited to this party and the host of the party gets fucking SHOT IN THE FACE AND BLOOD SPARYS EVERYWHERE. You are then out to solve the crime of who killed this guy and why. So you do and at the end sherlock holmes gives the most elaborate longest ass speech of who did it, how and why. The story is sort of cliche but still good.

So the game was fun except for the stupid quizzes 9/10

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Re: Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Silver Earring (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, September 07 @ 17:15:38 EDT
Why do you insist on swearing? I enjoy reading your reviews but swearing only belittles the overall impact. I do hope you find happiness someday. I will pray for in church.

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Re: Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Silver Earring (Score: 1)
by M0nKeY on Wednesday, September 08 @ 03:59:41 EDT
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Yo, jesus freak. He may be the saviour, but the bible is a cesspool of hatred and intolerance.

How convienent it is to ignore that.... as I'm sure you will. You probably have not even read the entire bible.

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Re: Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Silver Earring (Score: 1)
by Grumpy_Boy on Tuesday, September 14 @ 18:07:20 EDT
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I don't what fucking drugs your on mate but this game blows, mann it fuckng blows worse than that fucking hurrrican smashing through your country at this fucking moment this site has'nt started taking it up the arse from the game industry has it like "game spot".

The Voice acting was shit. The game is soooooo dull who gives a shit if some stupud fat cunt banker gets shot.

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