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True Crimes: Streets Of LA
Posted on Monday, May 17 @ 14:06:16 EDT by Suislide
Action Game ReviewsOh god, its such a hunk of shit i couldnt even play it very far. If you played this game, you will ask yourself why do you still want to live anymore.

Graphics: I thought we would get updated graphics because we have PC's which own consoles in every aspect. But nope, we have fucking terrible graphics. First of all the game is too damn dark, but OF COURSE there isnt a god damn option to turn up the gamma or brightness. I mean who the hell would need that. The textures on almost everything are from like quake 2. They fucking have the lowest res, blurry ass textures you could possibly put in a game. I thought someone shit in my eyes. The character models and cars are all blocky hunks of shit. The city is joined by one common theme which is the color brown and black. Woo i love driving around a shit dark city.. which leads me to believe that the people who made this game are RACIST. Yeah of course you are an asian guy and OF COURSE so is your partner. Lets not forget that your boss is black. The people who made this fucking game dont like white people at all. YOU RACIST CUNTS. I bet the boss is like a giant white business man. This graphics in this game are just plain ugly. GTA3 has better graphics than this game and that came out back in 2001.

Sound: The music is ok, atleast they have real songs, Although most of the songs and shitty 80s music or some gay rap. This game is like a fucking bad movie, full of shit one-liner's. "Mess with the EOD you will end up DOA." OH WOW THATS FUCKING COOL. REMINDS ME OF A SHIT STEVEN SEGAL MOVIE WHERE HE BREAKS A GUYS BACK AND THROWS HIM DOWN AN ELEVATOR SHAFT. AND OF FUCKING COURSE THERE IS A SPIKE AT THE BOTTOM. One other thing i noticed is that all of the sound files are in bink format. Who the fuck puts the god damn sound in bink format? Is this game really that shitty? Yes, yes it is. Oh yeah the voice acting sucks too.

Gameplay:The gameplay is basically like GTA3 without any element of fun. The guy you are seems like he can only go in 8 fucking directions. I try to turn just a little bit and he moves fucking 30 degrees. The guns are all terrible and the only thing fun is running over people then crashing into a wall and dying. I was trying to beat this stupid time limit so i was cutting corners and i thought i could drive through this bush. Turns out the bush is made of fucking steel. COMPLETE REALISM. You can also fight in this game which is about like 90% of every mission . All you have to do is press punch abunch of times and you win, so clearly they put in a clever fighting system. You can dive like max payne except its just fucking retarded. The missons are like 10 minutes of intermissions and like 10 maybe 15 seconds of actual gameplay. Thats how i like my games, i like to watch them because that makes it funner. You fucking idiots how about you shut the fuck up and let me play the god damn game. The gameplay blows

Story: Your father was a cunt so he died. Then you want to avenge his death and you get a job at the EOD. And obviously you have to race a time limit to get your job, because thats how cops get their jobs in real life. They beat a time limit to who can get to the police station first and thats who gets a job. So then you get the job and find out these bitch Triads are responsible. Im guessing you eventually just kill them all, including the mob boss. Who cares

True Penis Streets of Shit ..... 3/10 ------------- True Crime

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Re: True Crimes: Streets Of LA (Score: 1)
by Grumpy_Boy on Friday, June 04 @ 13:01:28 EDT
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Your right the car was impossible to control, the game is a playstation2 port except they chose to not allow you to use a gamepad bacause they think people with pcs are spastics who can't use games pads.

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Re: True Crimes: Streets Of LA (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Sunday, July 18 @ 07:35:08 EDT
quote: "Yeah of course you are an asian guy and OF COURSE so is your partner"

your partner says that in her past she was hooked up to some latin gangs... LATIN, maybe instead of mindlessly driving around (which is fun for about half a second) maybe do pay a bit of attention to the first 5 minutes of the game.

Other then that, yes the game sucks, loads of bugs and deprevation of polygons, cars handle like going down a snowy mountain in a wardrobe.

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Re: True Crimes: Streets Of LA (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, March 29 @ 14:47:33 EST
Why didn't you mention that in the end of a game, you go into underground and you fight demons and skeletons? I'm not even lying. U really do go into the undeground and shoot demons and skeletons. WTF WTF WTF THIS GAME IS GOTTA BE THE SHITIEST GAME EVER MADE BECAUSE THE STORY DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE AT ALL AND IT LOOKS, PLAYS and SOUNDS LIKE SHIT TOO. FUCK THIS SHIT!

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