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 | |  | Re: Worst Game Site
also, unlike most of the other gamers sites, anybody could post their open un-bought, un moderated, free speech opinions about the shitty sequence of pits burnt into a plastic circle of a disk the top "gaming" companys throw at us. do you think i fucking like stealth missions or jumping puzzles? or mabey you fucking think i like four eyed fucking fags running around with gravity guns throwing trash at shit. oh and lets not forget the wonderfull rts clones of wc3 and the shitty expantions for games that offer NOTHING but good grafix like doom3. would it have fucking killed ID to make some guts and shit spill out of a imp afteter blowing your shotgun up his ass? orcs are fucking gay, trolls are fucking gay, selecting a character class and/or creating your own is gay (it should be done like gothic 1 & 2 or atleast like fallout 1 & 2) paying monthly fees is gay, nudity rocks, linear worlds are gay, ingame cutscenes are gay (with the exception of SA who had actual ACTORS doing the in game cutscenes) ign is gay ugo is gay gamespy is way fucking gay, rpg dot rules, zelda rules (fuck windwaker) timed missions are gay, and so on... according to the top game reviewing sites, the following i have posted is "original" and should be repeated to oblivion in every new game release for the next 5,000 years. fuck that and fuck you.
also, your mother is retarded. |
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