The Sims: Makin' Magic
Date: Saturday, November 01 @ 18:04:06 EST Topic: RTS Reviews
Another pointless expansion from those good folks over at EA games.
Well as you can guess the theme is magic, largeley thanks to the harry potter craze thats going on, and harry potter fucking sucks cock aswell.
anyway, on with the review... I cant fault the graphics, but the music fucking sucks, and why the fucking hell to they talk like there AOL tech support monkeys... its so fucking retarded
But mypoint in this review is that this is now the 7th expansion the fucking SEVENTH expansion, and they have been shit from the start, i will play The Sims 2, but i cant foresee anything great for it.
Whoever the fucking hell thought of removing the "nude" bit is a complete fucknut, and whoever thought of putting it there is also a retard muthafucker, go get help nerds. the new items are all magically designed so they are so insanely crap that theres no point in having the expansion. Also, my main problem with every sims game so far is that A)you cant have a gun b)you cant have a car c)you cant go on a fucking insane rampage with a M4 carbine (Colt owns all) and blow the heads off the fucknut waiters downtown. this is the most cliched piece of vermin infested bullshit i have ever seen, ok, all u do, is go up and like... read and suddenly your sims that were in no way magical for the last 6 expansions get super powers.
Expansions generally sucked
This sucks
Theroey prooved 1/10
