Hooray an addon for AOM. I dont know what much else to say heres, its a RTS and its an addon big fucking deal.
Graphics: They look pretty much exactly the same as AOM's so what the fuck? The graphics are still pretty good and i think a few things were updated. That or i am high on crack and those things that were updated were only for the new group that comes in this addon. Anyways they added a new campaign and all the levels are pretty damn detailed. Thats just bonerific. The only problem is though all the shit you see in singleplayer campaign you cant fucking use in multiplayer. So no matter what your city looks fucking gay you suck and you fail. The main menu was also changed, looks a little better, but who gives a fuck? Its the main menu, i can't fucking play the menu.
Sounds: The main theme song for the game seems to be updated and stuff. Except everything else SOUNDS THE FUCKING SAME. WHAT THE HELL I DONT THINK THERE IS A SINGLE FUCING NEW SONG IN THE FUCKING ADDON. Thats of the gayness.
Gameplay: Guess what! Its exactly the same! Most likley due to this only being an addon for the game! There is a new campaign, a new group of people god things, and like 2 new builds, but best of all TITANS! Me and my friend were laning this bitch up and had some titan on titan buttsex0r action. They my titan blew and it the other titans head blew clear off and fucking crushed his town center and caused a massive explosion. Oh yeah the campaign isnt very long at all but who would expect it to be its an addon.
Oh yeah theres all sorts of new buildings and people type shit for the Alateans. Such as the civilians are fucking expensive! 3 population for one of these bitch sluts. Doesn't matter though because they collect shit like they snorted 2 pounds of crack, they also build stuff fast too. So you really only need like 4 or 5 of them. 10 if you fucking blow at this game. Also the houses for them support 20 population but only 5 can be built. Honestly what the hell is the point of that? Its exactly the same as before. Anyways the addon is fun because you can titans now and stuff.
Story: Play the fucking single player campaign you piece of shit. How much of a story could there be for this game?
Yeah AOM is still fun but this game needed more stuff to addon. The conquerors expansion added so much shit it gave me cyanide diarrhea. 7/10