A nifty little point and click RPG using the Dungeons And Dragons 3.5 ruleset. Kinda like diablo for smart poeple.
Yes yes... Point and click RPGs are fucking BORING unless you are into that sort of thing. Luckily this one is not half bad.
The graphics as top notch except for the fact that the screen scrolling is jittery and if you go beyond 1024x768 the chrachters are too fucking small and I cant see what the hell is going on with my deformed nerd glasses eyes. The backdrops are pretty damn nice with lots of 3D effects like the leaves on the trees ECT. And the dungeons are very "sinister" I could almost feel the urine seeping to the end of my pene becasue of the severe anxiety the enviroments created.
Sound and music are excellent and the character voice acting sounds like the NWN sound packs except a little less annoying and loud. The background music is kinda ethereal and creaters a nice mood.
The gameplay is much like every other point and clicker but there is a bunch of other complicated D&D stuff thrown in, like the fact you party has an overall alignment and you cant join up with charachters that are not within your alignment parameters. That pissed me off. The gameplay at the begining of the game is difficult to say the least if you don't know what your doing and select a lot of magic using characters WOAH THE WIZARD CAN SHOOT A FIReBOLT I WILL PICK IT! Then you get in the game and find out you only shoot it once once per battle and the rest of the time the fucking character is usless unless you want to heal someone for 2 points.
if you have like eight hundred free hours on your hands, like me, this one might be worth the time. I will append this review If i continue to play the game. 7/10
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EDIT: This game is REALLY hard at the beginning, its a pain in the ass to level your characteres up enough to even traverse into the first castle so I didn't get very far. If your looking for a real challenge this is it. If you just want a fluffy game to kill some time look elsewhere.