Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb
Date: Friday, August 22 @ 20:27:52 EDT
Topic: Action Game Reviews

Another PC game that feels too much like a console port for me. Sort of tomb raider with a whip.

This game is very similar to the tomb raider series and the limited options gave the game that wonderful "console port" feel us PC gamers are still getting used to. The lack of graphical options like View Distance just shows the inherent laziness that goes along with games that are released on systems like PS2 and XBox before they hit the PC. The 1.01 patch helped improved frame rates a bit, but damn without the patch the frame rates were really low on my 250MB GeForce 5600FX card and I wasn't seeing anything particularly taxing going on.

Side note to game developers: Hey we don't give a shit if the turds who buy consoles get to play the game first but at least give us the decency of enhancing the game for PC use *cough* view distance, filter options *cough*

The game is somewhat challenging at points especially when you cant figure out how to get to some obscure ledge you need to reach. The camera is also too jittery for me. It seemed to jump all over the place, and you can't keep the camera in 1st person mode.

The voice acting is decent and there is a decent story (though it has nothing to do with much of the action gameplay) Any huge Indy fan or a fan of the tomb raider style of gaming will want to grab this title, but for the rest of us... Pass this puss-sac of a console port up.


EDIT: Please randomly insert the words "fart" and "fuck" into this review as you read, I forgot to include them. (I.E. "Indy is a FART")

This article comes from Video Games Suck

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