Date: Saturday, April 16 @ 17:04:20 EDT
Topic: FPS reviews

Well this game was made by the same people who made the biggest fucking piece of shit Tribes game ever. Tribes: Vengence. Luckily this game isnt so bad.. except that after you beat the levels once.. its about as fun as a fucking a dead girl.. which is ok to some people.

Graphics:Ok its using the Unreal Engine and in some places it looks good while in others it looks like complete fucking garbage. Most of the enviornments are pretty nice and realistic and some of the lightmaps are pretty cool. Other than that a lot of the shit in this game looks like someone dropped a fucking cleavland steamer on my screen. The weapon models.... pure shit.... the m4 looks... just fucking awful... the pistols werent so bad but most of the assault rifles and such just look like a floating piece of shit on my screen. Some places there is nice use of bump mapping but theres a big problem with the character models. Not only do they look like generic shit but also when you arrest the people their arms clip through the body. SWEET. I thought we fucking solved clipping issues back in 2000 but apparently not in Swat 4. The flashbang effect and stinger effects were actually pretty good but other than that there is some shit looking models.

Sound: The music is completly average and fucking starts really going when there is some enemies. OH NO! The yelling you do is all right and one the guys sounds like he is on fucking drugs. Now the dialouge that the enemies have to say is beyond stupid. They shit like, i dont know, "THE CATS OUT OF THE BAG NOW" atleast sometimes they swear which is good. Swearing and violence for the most part can contribute to a game... although not so much in ManHunt that game was a huge piece of delapatated pussy. The sounds for the bullets are pretty much average also.

Gameplay: Ok the single player is fucking stupid as hell. The multiplayer less so. First off all to get to the next mission you need to earn a certain amount of credits which is done by being a good swat guy. Well what the fuck thats incredibly lame.. it should be as long i fucking complete the mission (which is the case on easy but that mode is for pussies and animals). Also the unauthorized use of force is fucking bullshit in this game. A guy is running twoards me with a gun what the fuck am i supposed to do yell at him while he he shoots a bullet into my crotch? No fuck that, i bet any swat member would drop to one knee and blow the guys fucking dick right off then put it in a jar and label it with the other jars of his terrorist dick collection to show what a badass he is. Anyways the AI for your team mates isnt so bad as they actually help out and you can command them to fucking bust in and kill everyone. The enemy Ai is also all right.. they will run away when you are about to blow out his trachea with a 45 caliber bullet. There are some decent weapons and the beanbag is funny as hell to shoot people with. Although it seems lacking in the weapon department. The multiplayer isnt so bad when you are playing with a friend in COOP but as soon as you beat all the missions once you probably wont ever play the game again. Its repetitive as hell once you beat one mission you beat them all.

Story: There some terrorist in some places and you go and arrest/shoot them....every single level.

This game was fun for a little while but i will never play it again 6/10

This article comes from Video Games Suck

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