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Kaskrin, allow me to sum up what you are trying to say:
all Eastern Europeans are either whores or low lives.
and here I thought you were only an anti semite
No, I hadn't said that, I said I've experienced 99% of romanian girls in Spain are only interested in money of all kind, but that I suspect this is because they are the ones desperately trying to be richer at all cost (hahahah what a country they have chosen to immigrate) and the rest of them aren't like that.
If you think my opinion of eastern europeans is negative (it isn't), you should listen to my opinion of spanish girls LoL.
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 11:45 am
A Winner is me!
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I'm just bustin your chops. There is a massive influx of eastern europeans in western europe.
The marvels of capitalism
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 12:05 pm
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puk wrote:
Kaskrin, allow me to sum up what you are trying to say:
all Eastern Europeans are either whores or low lives.
Yeah that's pretty much it. There's more corruption in this country than in dark vader's soul.
As for the girls in spain being interested only in money... if they're not leaving with their husbands or boyfriends for a better life for their family, they're going to suck it for cash.
Unfortunately this country is not empty, we breed like rats apparently since we're all around the world yet traffic here is still a bitch. Also there are those fucking gypsie scum that have shit loads of kids. It pisses me off that those cockroaches go around the world and give my already shit country a shittier name when it's not fair because they're not even human, they don't count.
P.S. Karskin if you're from spain....please take me!! I'll suck your dick man (for cash of course, i'm prime class whore)!
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 12:10 pm
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it's like chavs in england. they gave the country an even worse name than it already has.
I fucking hate chavs to the point where I want to steamroll every one of them.
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 12:12 pm
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Brit slang, derogatory a young working-class person who dresses in casual sports clothes
That doesn't sound so bad. Care to explain?
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 12:51 pm
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Alez wrote:
Also there are those fucking gypsie scum that have shit loads of kids. It pisses me off that those cockroaches go around the world and give my already shit country a shittier name when it's not fair because they're not even human, they don't count.
Yeah, here we had previously a shitload of gypsies too and they aren't human, maybe a mix of dirt, crime and rat.
Alez wrote:
P.S. Karskin if you're from spain....please take me!! I'll suck your dick man (for cash of course, i'm prime class whore)!
Hahahahah good one. But you don't need it, because every single one from ANY country in ANY planet can come to Spain without any kind of trouble and start making dirty money through stealing houses or jeweler's and the cops don't make a shit and the law is uber-pussy level. Perhaps now it's more difficult because our pro-"get everyone on the Earth here right now!" goverment is facing about 4.500.000 unemployed over a total 46 million population (by now, the highest rate in the world) due to the collapse of the housing bubble.
Alez wrote:
Brit slang, derogatory a young working-class person who dresses in casual sports clothes
They aren't only working-class kids, they are stupid retards who have adopted a mix of rap, gypsy fashion (gold, cell phones, etc...) and unwarranted violence recorded with cell phones as a way of life.
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 12:54 pm
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Kasrkin wrote:
Alez wrote:
Brit slang, derogatory a young working-class person who dresses in casual sports clothes
They aren't only working-class kids, they are stupid retards who have adopted a mix of rap, gypsy fashion (gold, cell phones, etc...) and unwarranted violence recorded with cell phones as a way of life.
Fuckin hit the nail on the head there bro.
Ya they are uber violent, and a total burden to society. They don't work (ever)
There is a massive influx of eastern europeans in western europe.
The marvels of capitalism
Well, it follows from the foundations of the EU and is supposed to benefit everyone. Countries like Spain and Ireland have developed greatly in the last few decades, thanks to the EU. More recently countries like Poland, Czechia and Slovakia have been making enormous progress. This would not have been possible without the EU.
The EU is now often ridiculed in some countries, but it has been (and still is) of incredible value to the development of all European countries and has been a great success during the last 50 years.
And this movement of labour from East to West is not as big as it may seem. Most of the Eastern Europeans are still in their own countries (language barriers are a major obstacle for working abroad) and most of the others will eventually return anyway (and invest their new earned money in their own countries, which is good).
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 4:29 pm
A Winner is me!
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Here, have some of my "chav". We call them "cocalari" or "manelist".
They are either gypsies or infected romanians. the song makes fun of them by the way, doesn't matter since you can't understand. Enjoy the pictures of the children of hell...and yes, i grew up among people like them.
There is a massive influx of eastern europeans in western europe.
The marvels of capitalism
Well, it follows from the foundations of the EU and is supposed to benefit everyone. Countries like Spain and Ireland have developed greatly in the last few decades, thanks to the EU. More recently countries like Poland, Czechia and Slovakia have been making enormous progress. This would not have been possible without the EU.
The EU is now often ridiculed in some countries, but it has been (and still is) of incredible value to the development of all European countries and has been a great success during the last 50 years.
And this movement of labour from East to West is not as big as it may seem. Most of the Eastern Europeans are still in their own countries (language barriers are a major obstacle for working abroad) and most of the others will eventually return anyway (and invest their new earned money in their own countries, which is good).
Good point, but I don't agree with equalizing immigration with development. Immigration ONLY helps development if it belongs to a long term, very detailed and structured model and it is made in a CONTROLED way. But if it only means "cheap labour" and is pointed to turn down the social benefits and labour condition of native people, it turns any country into a degraded and third-worlded country.
Here's the perfect example:
From 1986 (enter the EU) until 1997 Spain developed faster thanks to the EU funds (what you were saying), in that time there were barely no immigrants in Spain (on the other hand, France, England, Germany, Holland, Belgium and every single other country in Europe was full of them). This doesn't mean we were a poor country, because there is universal health care, social security and public pensions since the 1950s and the standard of living in 1997 was very similar to any other european country. Development here until 1997 was sustained and of certain long term nature.
Then in less than 10 years they are about 20% of total population, the massive immigration from Third World plus a short term model of business (housing bubble) have turned the country in the most unemployed of the whole word. Now we have a collapsing economy, a whole generation that haven't been able to buy or rent a house because of the extremely high prices, a downsize of the standard of living because of the high prices (the same as in other european countries with 1.5 X or 2 X bigger wages) and the low wages and millions of unemployed immigrants stepping into crime. Summarizing: you live much worse now than 10 years back. This song is about that:
Last edited by Kasrkin on Thu May 07, 2009 6:11 pm, edited 1 time in total
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 6:10 pm
A Winner is me!
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Location: Romania
Man my topic sure became depressing
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 6:15 pm
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Posts: 193
Alez wrote:
Man my topic sure became depressing
Don't worry, we only pretend to be discussing in a correct way but if you read the text with the appropriate code, it's only full of flaming and insults.
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 6:19 pm
Joined: Feb 25, 2007
Posts: 193
Alez wrote:
Here you can hire romanians exactly like that to break some bones for only 50 € (about $67).
These are the spanish version of the wigger fashion currently harassing the whole world:
Last edited by Kasrkin on Thu May 07, 2009 6:35 pm, edited 1 time in total
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 6:35 pm
A Winner is me!
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Oh yeah, i forgot to mention that last summer i went on a vacation in spain.
I spent a few days in a village or something, near madrid where you could speak romanian and had 50% chance a stranger would understand.
I pity your spanish future. Run for the hills man, the cocalars are coming.
Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 1:08 am
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Kasrkin wrote:
Immigration ONLY helps development if it belongs to a long term, very detailed and structured model and it is made in a CONTROLED way. But if it only means "cheap labour" and is pointed to turn down the social benefits and labour condition of native people, it turns any country into a degraded and third-worlded country.
Unlimited immigration is a recepy for problems, thats for sure.
After Spain became an EU member, there was no massive influx of poor Spaniards into the richer countries of the EU (Germany more in particular). IIRC that was because freedom of movement of labour was restricted during the first 7 years or so, and after those years had passed there was much less need for Spaniards to find wealth abroad: they could find it back home because the country had become much richer.
With the latest admissions of Eastern European countries there was a similar restriction, but member states were free to use it, and some countries choose to allow Eastern Europeans to their labour markets quite soon (based on the idea that this would benefit both them and Eastern Europe).
Then in less than 10 years they are about 20% of total population, the massive immigration from Third World plus a short term model of business (housing bubble) have turned the country in the most unemployed of the whole word. Now we have a collapsing economy, a whole generation that haven't been able to buy or rent a house because of the extremely high prices, a downsize of the standard of living because of the high prices (the same as in other european countries with 1.5 X or 2 X bigger wages) and the low wages and millions of unemployed immigrants stepping into crime. Summarizing: you live much worse now than 10 years back.
Spain had become richer and and therefore become more attractive for poor people from over the world (particularly Nothern Africa, because of the proximity, and South and Middle America, because of the low language barrier, I guess). That's logical and happens in all rich countries (maybe except relatively isolated countries like Japan).
I am not sure life for Spaniards is really worse now than 10 years ago (but then I am no Spaniard), but it seems to be human nature to remember the good things of the past and forget the bad things. I am sure average income of Spaniards has increased quite substantially over the last 10 years.
Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 1:19 am
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Alez wrote:
Run for the hills man, the cocalars are coming.
"Cocalars" means "gypsies" I suppose?
It seems Spain and Italy attract most of the Romenians who wish to leave their countries (probably because the languages are easier for Romenians than, say, Swedish, German or Dutch and this makes them feel more at home in Italy and Spain). Poles, on the other hand, tend to go to the northern countries (Germany, Netherlands, England).
If Italy and Spain somehow find a way to let these Romenians make some money and then return, it is no big deal, but if they settle permanently and do not integrate, this may be a problem in the long run (although it seems easier for Romenians to integrate into any Western European country than for, say, Turkish or North Africans, because of a shared Christian culture I think).
Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 6:50 am
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berzerker wrote:
Alez wrote:
Run for the hills man, the cocalars are coming.
"Cocalars" means "gypsies" I suppose?
It seems Spain and Italy attract most of the Romenians who wish to leave their countries (probably because the languages are easier for Romenians
Gypsies and romanians who have fallen to the dark side.
If you don't speak italian or romanian, you could swear it's the same one language.
Spanish is probably the second easiest. And since the gypsies gave us a REALLY bad name in itally, now romanians are going for the second easiest choice.
Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 6:59 am
A Winner is me!
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Alez wrote:
Gypsies and romanians who have fallen to the dark side.
Console loving gay homo romenians?
Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 7:09 am
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Actually no, most have PCs. I guess something's good in my country.
Or we're just too behind everyone else. I'm sure consoles will be big here too soon.
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