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PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 1:05 pm Reply with quote
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I regret opening this topic up... vegetarianism may still be right and OK to do, but it failed for me (again). I should have only opened this topic up after I had been on the diet for a considerable amount of time. You can resist without ANY food for 70 days (afterwards you die), but I didn't even go on 70 consecutive days without eating meat.

Sorry, guys, I'm an idiot, sorry for being a hypocrite (now that I'm again an omni).

I'm still puzzled about the ethics of eating meat, but I won't be doing it in the near future again. I admire vegetarians like berzerker who have been on the diet for 20 years with success, but maybe it's not for me, as he said.

Oh well sorry for being a jackass (sry, Suislide I condemned you for eating meat even though I was just trying to troll icon_bigsmurf.gif )
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 6:33 pm Reply with quote
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Who gives a shit about the ethics...animals are fucking stupid and are grown to be in my fucking stomach. I'm glad we treat them the way we do...they fucking suck. The only thing they are good for is eating.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 5:53 pm Reply with quote
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.

Look, you need meat, okay? You were born to consume other lesser creatures, why deny yourself?

Meat makes you strong, too much can make you fat... did you eat too much in the past, whoever it is that made this topic?

If you just eat veggies, you'll weaken yourself. If you just eat meat, you'll get fat. So eat them both.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 4:33 am Reply with quote
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No, I think it's possible but it's more difficult than eating both. There are plenty examples of successful vegetarians or even vegans, body builders too and athletes.

I think I failed because I didn't pay attention to the incomplete protein part.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 2:44 am Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
Look at the facts again, this time the number of newly registered here in the last 2 years:

5 in May 2009 (excluding 1 clone)
4 in April 2009 (including Alez)
3 in March 2009 (excluding 2 clones)
5 in February 2009 (excluding 4 clones, including Fuck you all)
3 in January 2009
3 in December 2008
8 in November 2008 (including pogma9)
4 in October 2008 (including Mihai)
4 in September 2008
5 in August 2008
13 in July 2008
7 in June 2008 (including puk)
8 in May 2008
9 in April 2008
3 in February 2008
9 in January 2008
11 in December 2007
7 in November 2007
17 in October 2007
13 in September 2007
16 in August 2007
17 in July 2007
38 in June 2007
57 in May 2007

So there is a decline, but it is not as recent as you suggest. The number of new members has been pretty constant since August 2008. You might even conclude it has been pretty constant since January 2008 (only July 2008 was an exception).

I was bored so I updated the list:

7 in November 2009
1 in October 2009 (excluding 1 clone)
6 in September 2009
10 in August 2009
6 in July 2009
6 in June 2009 (excluding 2 clones)
8 in May 2009

Despite October 2009 being an all time low, the situation seems pretty stable during the last 2 years.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 10:58 am Reply with quote
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Who are the clones from june?
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:52 pm Reply with quote
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Dick_In_Your_Ass wrote:
Who are the clones from june?

Hilda and HildaMatldaShtBlda (probably Mihai and the captn).
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 7:52 pm Reply with quote
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_Master_ wrote:
no knee jerk reaction. simply common logic. here do it yourself ->only in the religion of islam you are given full rights to marry eaisly 8-9 wifes. so at an avg say you can have 2 kids per incubator, so you have 16-18 kids. Those 16/18 will further have in the next generation 16*16=256!!! other religions you can only have one legal wife. so say at most you have 8 kids with an incubator. then in the next generation you have 8*8 = 64. and as you can see 256 > 64. to divorce a woman you just have to look at a mirror and say these words 3 times "talak talak talak"!! thats it and your divorced! i think islam is a disease not a religion.

I know itīs a old post and saying anything here would be like kicking the dust but i have to agree with puk, you are a fucking genocidal.
You canīt let your thoughts convince you that you are a second coming jesus or something.

“Ghandi's seven sins:
Wealth without work
Pleasure without conscience
Knowledge without character
Commerce without morality
Science without humility
Worship without sacrifice
Politics without principle”

Now about your math, i hate say but you are doing it wrong, you are not counting the Infant mortality and other death factors,
People has more children in countries where more children dies.
And i know itīs a vicious circle and the only way out would be education and stuff, but that doesnīt means anyone is better, we just had different chances and choices.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 9:55 am Reply with quote
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Hen wrote:

I know itīs a old post and saying anything here would be like kicking the dust but i have to agree with puk, you are a fucking genocidal.
it doesn't seem you know what genocidal is, perhaps you read some history book, watched a few colorful movies. Cutting trees and killing/torturing animals for medical research can also also genocidal. Sure it helps human life, but it is also mass killing.

My point is muslims use their idiotic religious principles like all other religious idiots to justify their irrational way of living(insert other idiotic religions here). I cannot even imagine in today's world of limited resources the need to breed 8-9 kids. i was blissfully unaware of this in u.s. only when i came to india another depressing part of humanity touched me. there is no hell, its here, right here.

Hen wrote:

You canīt let your thoughts convince you that you are a second coming jesus or something.
my ideas are nothing like jesus. i am not a religious person, but i dont think he mentioned family planning in the bible. i see myself as rationalist and i go by the way of logic. seriously, is it that hard to see that having more kids will be bad for mankind as our resources are limited day by day? do you not see this or are you totally incapable of logic?

Hen wrote:

“Ghandi's seven sins:
Wealth without work
Pleasure without conscience
Knowledge without character
Commerce without morality
Science without humility
Worship without sacrifice
Politics without principle”
wtf does this have to do with muslim's overbreeing?

Hen wrote:
Now about your math, i hate say but you are doing it wrong, you are not counting the Infant mortality and other death factors,
the math is not wrong, it is fine. now your getting into parameters that are insignificant like Infant mortality. seriously out of an avg muslim family of 8 kids, what is the probability that all of them would die of infant mortality? it surely cant be 100% or 50%....perhaps less than 1%. And that parameter is going to remain constant all across the 2nd world, lower in 1st world and variable in 3rd world. it not a special parameter for just Muslims. correction er..unless they send out infants for pre-school jihad training.

Hen wrote:
People has more children in countries where more children dies.
you are talking about africa, 3rd world. i am talking about india 2nd world. no one is dying here, instead they multiply quite effortlessly.

Hen wrote:
And i know itīs a vicious circle and the only way out would be education and stuff,
if your a Muslim then your Muslim beliefs will overrule your education and logic. the same goes for other fanatical religions too. But i donot know of other religions that grant you a right to have a ton of kids because the heavenly one said so.

Hen wrote:
but that doesnīt means anyone is better, we just had different chances and choices.
ok probably the first sensible comment you said. Yes you are right that what you are is because of the different chances and choices you come across in life. but it is YOU who makes those choices. todays education is just a ladder to get a job, nothing more. being a human being you are empowered with a brain which is superior than animals, so you have that choice to make a rational decision. clearly some are not ready to exercise this higher brain function and that is why they rather like the idea of some fairy being telling them what do to in a stupid book like the quran or the bible.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 2:45 pm Reply with quote
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_Master_ wrote:
i donot know of other religions that grant you a right to have a ton of kids because the heavenly one said so.

Catholics do so too, at least the pope disapproves the use of anticonceptives (but catholics generally do not care about his view on this subject, even catholic countries like Poland and Ireland are not known for their high birth rates).
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 12:52 am Reply with quote
Flame Me
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_Master_ wrote:

My point is muslims use their idiotic religious principles like all other religious idiots to justify their irrational way of living(insert other idiotic religions here). I cannot even imagine in today's world of limited resources the need to breed 8-9 kids. i was blissfully unaware of this in u.s. only when i came to india another depressing part of humanity touched me. there is no hell, its here, right here.

Well, that makes it different, i had no idea you were there. You should know what you are talking about.

Maybe if you have had used different words at the beginning i would have agreed with you.
Instead saying "im better than a average person"
saying "stupid people and criminals should die"

_Master_ wrote:
Seriously, is it that hard to see that having more kids will be bad for mankind as our resources are limited day by day? do you not see this or are you totally incapable of logic?

UNLESS, thereīs a zombie breakdown, in that case we would be good for a while.
In all seriousness now, i see your point, i had no idea you were seeing the problem with your own eyes so i canīt argue with that.

_Master_ wrote:

wtf does this have to do with muslim's overbreeing?

In my view you were doing science without humility to say the least

_master_ wrote:
the math is not wrong, it is fine. now your getting into parameters that are insignificant like Infant mortality. seriously out of an avg muslim family of 8 kids, what is the probability that all of them would die of infant mortality? it surely cant be 100% or 50%....perhaps less than 1%. And that parameter is going to remain constant all across the 2nd world, lower in 1st world and variable in 3rd world. it not a special parameter for just Muslims. correction er..unless they send out infants for pre-school jihad training.

What im saying is that everything is worse in places like that, the water is worse, the sanitary conditions are ridiculous, the food or the way itīs handled is wrong by far, violence and the list goes, what im saying is that out of those 8 kids maybe not even 4 will make it to adult life.
But im saying that judging by stuff i read and so on, as i never been there thats not much.

_master_ wrote:
if your a Muslim then your Muslim beliefs will overrule your education and logic. the same goes for other fanatical religions too.

Yeah but itīs not the exact same education that comes from school im saying, a educated person wouldnīt ever be a fanatical no matter to whom he decides to pray.
The education im saying is the ability to say "bullshit" when someone wants to says you are wrong or when someone try impose a idea or concept on you.
Personally i donīt have a religion, thatīs because no matter wich religion you choose, some other religion will state that you will go to hell because of something your religion doesnīt cover. Itīs just crazy talk.

Plus, i doubt any priest knows more than i do about the truth, or had actual orders from god.
I just believe in good and bad.

_master_ wrote:
ok probably the first sensible comment you said. Yes you are right that what you are is because of the different chances and choices you come across in life. but it is YOU who makes those choices. todays education is just a ladder to get a job, nothing more. being a human being you are empowered with a brain which is superior than animals, so you have that choice to make a rational decision. clearly some are not ready to exercise this higher brain function and that is why they rather like the idea of some fairy being telling them what do to in a stupid book like the quran or the bible.

Yep, gotta agree with that.
Personally i like to blame the media wich in my view, has totally convinced the masses that they are just meat.
You know, feed, produce, consume, reproduce and die as soon as you became worthless to do the previous steps of the process.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 1:40 am Reply with quote
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Hen wrote:
Maybe if you have had used different words at the beginning i would have agreed with you.
Instead saying "im better than a average person"
saying "stupid people and criminals should die"
do you know that the avg person is a stupid person. these avg people voted for bush just a recent while back. that dont seem like a smart move to me.

Hen wrote:
What im saying is that everything is worse in places like that, the water is worse, the sanitary conditions are ridiculous, the food or the way itīs handled is wrong by far, violence and the list goes, what im saying is that out of those 8 kids maybe not even 4 will make it to adult life.
But im saying that judging by stuff i read and so on, as i never been there thats not much.
i have been to Kenya and to Nigeria, it is not Somalia or Ethiopia. People don't die of starvation, they die of violence and armed robberies. You dont have that problem in india or the uk/us on a daily basis. uk/france particularly is seeing increase in Muslim population. if Muslims think other religions are infidels, then why the fuck do they have to come out of towel-head states? not only do they come to foreign lands,but also reproduce and make a developed country less developed. if you are moving into another country then you should follow that countries laws. Every morning a fucking mosque like 2 miles from my place starts off with some idiot howling at 5am....."allahaaaaaaaaawowowowoowalalalalaaaaaalalalalal" that is so irritating and disturbs my sleep. if he wants to howl like a mad dog why the fuck cant he do it in his pvt silence? you want to pray to imaginary being then fine! dont pollute the public sound medium with you dog howl and that to early in the morning.

Hen wrote:
The education im saying is the ability to say "bullshit" when someone wants to says you are wrong or when someone try impose a idea or concept on you.
by education these days it commonly means getting a degree and latching on to a job. thats not education, what your talking about, thats self-knowledge by introspection.

Hen wrote:
Plus, i doubt any priest knows more than i do about the truth, or had actual orders from god.
well most people do believe in that concept of a rewarding being. fyi in the us it is 80% of the population.

Last edited by _Master_ on Sun Jan 31, 2010 1:46 am, edited 1 time in total

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 1:44 am Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
_Master_ wrote:
i donot know of other religions that grant you a right to have a ton of kids because the heavenly one said so.

Catholics do so too, at least the pope disapproves the use of anticonceptives (but catholics generally do not care about his view on this subject, even catholic countries like Poland and Ireland are not known for their high birth rates).
they prefer to use condoms over contraceptives. In Sweden it is quite the opposite. the govt has asked the people to start re-populating because of deficit birth rates!

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 7:30 am Reply with quote
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Science never had anything with humidity.. every new invention or idea was first tested on the battelfield. Poeple wanted to see how they can use it to destroy others. That makes science just another pawn for war.
Nowdays, where the the lab-folks discovered a way to extend memory in exchange for everlasting grief, or creating basic lifeforms to alter evolution and develop something else, disposeing the genes responsible for ageing, cloneing humans...
Of course science is not necessaily a bad thing, as nothing is, it's just mankind that uses stuff for either good or bad purposes.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 7:43 am Reply with quote
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_Master_ wrote:
Every morning a fucking mosque like 2 miles from my place starts off with some idiot howling at 5am....."allahaaaaaaaaawowowowoowalalalalaaaaaalalalalal" that is so irritating and disturbs my sleep. if he wants to howl like a mad dog why the fuck cant he do it in his pvt silence? you want to pray to imaginary being then fine! dont pollute the public sound medium with you dog howl and that to early in the morning.

You should make an advisement on soundproofing their mosque.. Or your own room. Of course here christians pray in solitude, that is more like an activity that requires privacy. But I never exactly get the idea of praying. I mean for what should people pray? Better health? Good scores on their tests? To win the lottery?! If any god exists, don't think it's judgeing us according to our prayers. If somebody believes in himself and able to reach his goals on his own.. well if that's not to god's likeing, than nothing is.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 1:21 am Reply with quote
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i am not going to be here for long, so they can live in what ever prehistoric way they desire

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:43 pm Reply with quote
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So its agreed that most of us here don't see a point of religion in modern society?
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:33 pm Reply with quote
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so why are you in india anyway? because of your job okay, but what are you doing that relates you to that place? I thought that living in a country that's so different from our own would be quite cool..
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:47 am Reply with quote
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craterface wrote:
so why are you in india anyway? because of your job okay, but what are you doing that relates you to that place?
being a startup in these days is difficult, so we are trying to expand our business taking advantage of relatively cheaper offshore costs.

craterface wrote:
I thought that living in a country that's so different from our own would be quite cool..
well it is and also it is not. every1 should get out and visit a strange place once in their lifetime.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 11:46 am Reply with quote
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_Master_ wrote:
being a startup in these days is difficult, so we are trying to expand our business taking advantage of relatively cheaper offshore costs.

that means your company opened up another place in india, because everything comes cheap on that side of the globe?

_Master_ wrote:
well it is and also it is not. every1 should get out and visit a strange place once in their lifetime.

yea it's always good to test yourself in a relatively unkown and different place. not to mention that if you are in the bunch that first set foot in that land, you might go up the ladder faster if you remain there..
not to mention that you do not need an alam clock either to get up in the morning...
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