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Ya even MGS1 got criticized for its lengthy cut scenes. I actually really liked the story in the first one. And the second one was good too. But then Kojima went insane and started really going off the reservation.
Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:39 am
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Back to the topic: a comparison picture of a village near Ieper (Belgium) before and after a battle there gives some idea of the scale of devastation.
I'm not sure who did the counting and its accuracy, but it is safe to say that everything has been obliterated there.
Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:59 am
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Ya I've seen that picture, I guess WWI they used mortars which left a massive crater (proportionately), and thus destroyed all the infrastructure. In WWII they used magnesium bombs and nukes which cause a firestorm, but no [proportional] crater.
There's other crazy stories, like how some forests smell like iron when it rains.
Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 6:03 am
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so whats your point with all these war stories bezerker?
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Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 6:07 am
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puk wrote:
There's other crazy stories, like how some forests smell like iron when it rains.
Yeah, around Ieper they still retrieve 250.000 kilos of live WWI explosives each year. That's 90 years later and 250.000 kilos is more than a few isolated cases. BTW these explosives can also contain nerve gas which gives an additional risk.
Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 6:13 am
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captnPugwash_halabalobale wrote:
so whats your point with all these war stories bezerker?
I find it intriguing what people can do to each other if the conditions are 'right' and how we do not learn from our history. Even in Europe we tend to forget these lessons the further they get in the past, for example the support to the Iraq war (which was no doubt illegal under international law) and the bombings of Serbia.
If you are trying to say you do not care about these posts, fine, skip this topic and you will not be bothered.
Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 6:17 am
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berzerker wrote:
captnPugwash_halabalobale wrote:
so whats your point with all these war stories bezerker?
I find it intriguing what people can do to each other if the conditions are 'right' and how we do not learn from our history. Even in Europe we tend to forget these lessons the further they get in the past, for example the support to the Iraq war (which was no doubt illegal under international law) and the bombings of Serbia.
yes that was quite clear from your first post and subsequent contributions.
berzerker wrote:
If you are trying to say you do not care about these posts, fine, skip this topic and you will not be bothered.
what i care wont make a difference to the ppl who make the call. anyways i think your getting a bit obsessed over it. snap it out of your thoughts, no good will come over it.
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Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 6:18 am
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Yeah I'm about done with it now.
Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:24 am
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berzerker wrote:
Yeah I'm about done with it now.
NOOO fuck man, we had one civilized discussion going and it's over now.
Well, I'm gonna go blame the jews with Kasrkin then.
Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 10:13 am
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puk wrote:
Well, I'm gonna go blame the jews with Kasrkin then.[/quote]
Don't forget about little ole me
Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:39 pm
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puk wrote:
NOOO fuck man, we had one civilized discussion going and it's over now.
If you have anything interesting to say, don't hold back. I think I have nothing more to say about this topic but if you have, maybe I will too, or someone else of course.
One more thing maybe. This series I started the thread about was also about the later half of the century. E.g. the Carnation Revolution in Portugal of 1974. This was interesting because the participants are still alive and it was quite interesting to see how they looked back now.
One of the causes of the revolution was dissatisfaction about the war Portugal had to wage against liberation movements in its colonies (Angola and Mozambique). One of the soldiers who was sent there explained that all the soldiers there cared about was to get home safely. They did not care about that strange country they had to fight in at all. He explained they got points for kills, confiscated rifles, etc, and these points entitled them to privileges. So they ended up killing everyone, innocent men, women and children alike.
That makes you wonder: it will probably always be like that with armies fighting in far away countries who do not pose an immediate direct threat against their own country. This was the case for all struggles against independence movements in former European colonies I suppose, and also in the situations of the Americans in Iraq and in Vietnam. These soldiers do not care one bit about the countries they fight in and rather destroy complete cities than risk their own lives.
I had never thought about it that much but it makes sense.
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 2:47 am
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puk wrote:
berzerker wrote:
The only game that springs to mind that may be worthy of porting to the PC would seem The Darkness.
Ya I played the demo and it was pretty good.
LOL, I just notice the review has a massive 226 votes and an incredibly low score of 1.08 (on a scale of 1 to 5). Since the review seems quite OK, it would seem this score has been manipulated quite a bit.
Last edited by berzerker on Thu Apr 23, 2009 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:30 am
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Pogma9 wrote:
Don't forget about little ole me
Dr Think says you have a small dick and your pubes are white.
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Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 6:56 am
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I recently watched a movie called All Quiet on the Western Front, this is about the hardships of the soldiers in WW1 (German soldiers in this case, but that doesn't really matter).
Highly recommended I'd say. The original movie is from 1930 and has been remade in 1979 (I liked the latter a bit better). I'm no movie expert, so YMMV, but the 1930 version got an Oscar for best film so it cannot be all bad.
Another pretty good WW1 movie is Paths of Glory, which is pretty high ranked on (45). Both show the insanities of this war quite impressively.
Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:33 am
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Ya all was quiet on the western front is actually a really famous book
Mel Gibson was in that WWI movie (Gallipoli?)
I think WWI is just so overshadowed by WWII that it never gets any attention.
Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 8:19 am
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puk wrote:
Ya all was quiet on the western front is actually a really famous book
I know, it was banned by in nazi Germany (and also by Franco in Spain IIRC), quite ridiculous.
Mel Gibson was in that WWI movie (Gallipoli?)
I'll check it out if it's not too expensive. Paths of Glory too contains some names that ring a bell even with me, i.e. the movie-illiterate (Stanley Kubrick and Kirk Douglas).
I think WWI is just so overshadowed by WWII that it never gets any attention.
Absolutely. It may also have to do with the fact that no one knows (or knew) what WWI was actually about (why were they fighting) whereas WWII was about fighting against evil dictators, that's much easier to relate to.
In WWI basically they were just fighting to teach the other parties a lesson (only France was in to get the territory back they lost to Germany in 1871 and Germany was seeking Lebensraum, but neither started the war for this reason).
Last edited by berzerker on Fri Oct 09, 2009 12:38 am, edited 1 time in total
Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 11:42 am
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yes with WWII one can paint a "good vs evil" picture.
Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 1:48 pm
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I recently also read that in those days there was a sort of darwinian view of nations: the strongest would survive and war was just natural and necessary to determine who was strong and would survive. War was not considered a bad thing at all by all parties, I guess humanity needed 2 world wars to learn that this view was not tenable and had some detrimental side-effects (i.e. total collapse of economies and loss of many millions of lives).
I also read about the military budgets of those days. About half the total budget in Germany went to the military (as shown here and here). Maybe Germany is a good example, because it was even more militaristic than the other countries (Prusia was said to be an army with a country, and after the German unification of 1871 this applied to all of Germany) and their armies were vastly superior. But Germany lost the naval arms race with England (so the English spent even more on their navy than the Germans) so by today's standards the other nations must have had incredible military budgets too.
I guess the more powerful a country is, the more likely it is it will go to war, which will wear down its dominancy in the end. Dominant powers will be quickly offended and will try to bully others around if they do not get it their way quickly, just like on the school yard.
This concludes the history lesson for today my children.
Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 3:14 pm
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puk wrote:
But the worst atrocity ever was committed by America: Fat man and little boy cost the lives of 200,000+ people INSTANTLY!
Wow, imagine how it went down on the otherside..
All quiet near the gates of heaven/hell/valhalla/whatever.. then suddenly BAAM 200,000+ asian people appears in a second and st. peter's like "hoooly shit! ..the fuck just happened down there?!"
It was a hard day on the job for the admins of heaven and hell. Lots of after ours for each team.
Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 7:45 pm
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They'd have to start transferring people over to purgatory.
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