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Seriously, the game kicks fucking ass. Better than every fucking game out there.
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Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 1:30 pm
Joined: Jun 26, 2009
Posts: 356
that's correct. RE4 is great, although it is more like an action game than a survival horror, but it still manages to be enjoyable unlike the latter titles of the series.
make sure to fully upgrade your magnum for you'll need it against the bosses.
Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 2:30 pm
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Yeah but I don't mind the action it's extremely well done and it can still get creepy and tough at parts I think the next RE game should be like RE4 but with a little less ammo laying about and more scares it owuld be perfect. I will get the free Broken Butterfly once i get ashley back because you need two people to get in but ashley got captured so i gotta make sure i come back later. I already beat this game several time on the wii/gamecube but it's been a while since i last played (3 years) so it's still fresh to me. I wish Capcom still made games like this.
I'm in the garden maze with the dogs right now in the castle area.
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Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:54 pm
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LOL, you are trying to fool us in believing that Capcom ever made a decent game? No one here is *that* stupid, not even FYA, you'll have to come up with something that is at least barely believable.
Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 5:41 pm
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Of course they've made good games. Resident Evil 4 is the best game ever fucking made. I liked the first DMC (got to play it on a friends ps2) as well, never played the others.
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Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 12:34 am
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I once owned the PC and the Gamecube versions. Never played the PC version because it was (1) a port (2) by Capcom, how could that ever result in anything decent (and IIRC the reviews at the time were not very positive). And I didn't play it on the Gamecube either because I don't play console games (the first 2 Paper Mario games being the only exceptions), and I could sell it at a higher price than I had bought it for.
Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:34 am
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I think the reason I'm favorable towards consoles is because my brother didn't get big on PC gaming till I was quite a bit older so I used to play a lot of consoles when I was young. You should really try RE4 though it's great. I like it better than PM TTYD, though that game was really great as well. Luigis Mansion is one that I liked as well, despite being quite sure. Another good Capcom game was okami, but I think they just published that one I don't think they developed it.
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Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:33 pm
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Have to admit, RE4 is great console or not. I played the PC port and it was nice. Smooth controls and high res gfx. IT'S GOOD. I also played DMC 3 on the PC. OF course you should play them with a controller, that is a must with these games.
Oh, and Zacho, I STRONGLY recommend you to try Silent Hill 3 on the PC. I loved it and chances are, that you're going to love it too.
Also: when it comes to consoles I cannot state as much as it deserves to be stated that PC gaming is the way to go although GBA is AWESOME. It gives something that PC can never deliver and it's amazing. Well, at least like 20 games only, but they are just perfect.
Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:00 pm
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Yeah I used to love my GBA as well unfortunately it is broken now. Once I get a new phone I will emulate some of my favorites on there. Yes PC's are much better than consoles however I do think a console has some merits to it. The 3DS has a fun game selection as well. I hated RE4 on the PC.
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Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:16 pm
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The only Silent Hill game I played was 2, on the PC, I played it for several hours but I thought it was utterly boring and decided to abandon it. I think this experience was one of the reasons not to play any RE game (although I do remember keeping the Wii version of RE4 for quite a few week, to give it a try, but in the end never did). I figured this probably isn't my type of game.
The only horror game I liked so far is System Shock 2, but there the horror element is more like an added value, not the mainstay of the game.
Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:35 pm
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RE4 is an action game it's not like silent hill 2 at all really. You should atleast give it a try.
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Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:56 am
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Actually the best thing with the GBA is not just the games but the system too. Playing it on the unnecessarily big, glossy, fragile but still bulky 3DS and mostly on one PART of ONE of the TWO screens is a bad idea. It's like playing a SNES rom on a huge and heavy laptop but in a window of 400*300 pixels and using the keyboard. You should experience GBA on a GBA SP or a GBMicro. The diference will be more than noticable.
Also: SH 2 is more for the story and it does start boring. You wander around don't even know where to go.. meeting stuff you cannot even use, or closed doors, without a weapon, and when you finally get a fucking STICK, it is super slow and the enemy hits you like 2 times while you are barely able to swing that shit if it actually HITS, because the radius is super short and the damage is minimal as you need a 2353452 hits for the lowest enemy to finally die or at tleast hit the ground but the get up like 3 times after that no matter what you do. And that's depressing. Although the story is nice and later it actually do gets great.
But SH 3 is awesome from start to finish. Completely different stuff, much more quality to be found. Basically everything is better in that one, the places, music, characters, dialogues, weapons and there are no parts where you get bored or uncertain of what to do. And it is WAY more scary. There's definetly more action but exactly the good amount, it's not an action game, you don't get HORDES of enemies like in RE4 and you can even outmanuver them if you want to, it's just as much as it should be. And the game too. Everything is just done right while being visually more atractive. You owe it to yourself Zerky to try it and realize how wrong you were.
Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 3:11 am
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OK, let me try to get another copy of the game, I'll give it a try. Since the PC version, in typical Capcom/Konami/othercraptasticpublisher-style, doesn't even have mouse-support, I'll steer clear of that one, I'll try to get the Wii version.
Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 5:41 pm
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You can probably find it for under $10 on ebay so if you don't like it wouldn't be a huge loss.
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Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 5:35 pm
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.
Descent 1 & 2 were the best games ever.
Try killing robots upside down, its hilarious.
Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 11:31 pm
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Alright this is late but RE4 has bosses so there is a good chance you won't like it berzerker. We all know how you hate bosses.
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Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 1:37 am
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zachofat wrote:
Of course they've made good games. Resident Evil 4 is the best game ever fucking made. I liked the first DMC (got to play it on a friends ps2) as well, never played the others.
You should play DMC3 as it's the best in the series, but avoid the PC version since Capcom sucked absolute dick at doing ports back then. DMC4 and RE5 were decent PC ports though.
Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 2:39 am
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Well, I got the Wii version and played it for a hour so far. I have been struggling with the controls mainly, as to be expected since I'm not familiar with the wii-mote and nunchuck.
Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 10:23 pm
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It's not just you the Wii controls for that game were a little weird I got used to it pretty quick though.
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Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 6:49 am
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I quickly got the hang of the controls indeed.
I am halfway chapter 2 and although, as expected, I really dislike the bosses, it is a good game. Environments are varied, voice-acting OK too, sounds are well-done, puzzles are easy enough not to annoy. Even the inventory is perfect (system-shock / DX-like), which proves that a good inventory system can be implemented in a console (or consolized) game after all!
It is a very good port too, there is nothing to suggest that this is a port at all, although the controls vary quite a bit from the original GC-version. This shows what a lousy PC company capcom are. With the PC version they didn't even bother to include mouse support, but in this Wii-port the wii-mote is perfectly supported. Apparently they consider the PC not worthy of their effort, hence I consider their games not worth buying on the PC. At least they didn't get my money for this one (I bought it second hand obviously).
I do find it odd that you can buy weapons and upgrade them, but apparently you cannot buy ammo in this game? I have run out of shotgun ammo a few times already. Loot disappears too soon after a kill, particularly when fighting large groups of enemies this can be annoying.
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