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Who bought Skyrim on PC?
PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 2:44 am Reply with quote
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Curious about GFX and UI...
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Skyrim on PC
PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 11:06 am Reply with quote
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I am using a laptop with 3.0 GB nVidia GeForce GT 555m graphics card, Intel Core i7 processor and SSD. My resolution is 1600x900. The intro scene scared me because FPS would fluctuate wildly, but once I got out in the open and started the actual game (made it to the first or second town) I was able to run this game on High settings entirely. Some people with the same laptop are running this game on mostly Ultra settings with slight changes and getting 40-50 FPS. I am getting minimum 30 FPS.

If you have trouble just wait until you get past the opening sequences and then things should improve.

Regarding the graphics, I would say that it does look very beautiful although this does not really look so much like a totally new engine like they were implying. This looks more like a super-upgraded Gamebryo engine. The different races are a HUGE change from Oblivion in terms of their appearance.

I loved the warmth of the ambient lighting and music in Oblivion, and Skyrim is supposed to be a colder, harsher environment but they have still done a good job with that.

As for the user interface, it is obviously consolized so I recommed using a controller like I am. I think the inventory is worse than Oblivion, but the quest mapping and skills is fine. If you are playing this on a mouse and keyboard you will not like it as much as with a controller as the game is clearly for the Xbox.

Third person view looks MUCH better graphically and in general there are improvements that smooth things out but obviously rough edges are there. I think in third person mode in certain areas on High settings, the shadows and everything makes it ALMOST look like the Witcher 2 AT FIRST GLANCE. But when you look closer you see the low resolution textures.

So this game is meant to be enjoyed as a whole picture, which it paints VERY well -- better than any game really. But if you cry over one texture, then you will not enjoy it.

In Summary: Use a controller and yes, it is definitely worth $60.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:23 am Reply with quote
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Thx for the overview.
Apparently u can edit your ini file and improve the GFX, but obviously it'll tax your system.

One thing that worries me about this type of game is the combat, consider how good FONewVegas is for combat and how many awesome weapons it it'll be a 360 going from Vegas to Skyrim, especially as I also installed a lighting and texture mod+Nevada Skies to boot.

I'm thinking to buy DXHR, BATMAN and Skyrim next yr when they're a few bob each.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:56 am Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
Thx for the overview.
Apparently u can edit your ini file and improve the GFX, but obviously it'll tax your system.

One thing that worries me about this type of game is the combat, consider how good FONewVegas is for combat and how many awesome weapons it it'll be a 360 going from Vegas to Skyrim, especially as I also installed a lighting and texture mod+Nevada Skies to boot.

I'm thinking to buy DXHR, BATMAN and Skyrim next yr when they're a few bob each.

I would say that of those three games, Skyrim is the one that is most worth the $60. The longer you wait to play it, however, the less time you will have to wait for The Elder Scrolls VI: (Insert Favorite Tamriel Province Here) after completing Skyrim.

If you recall the combat in Oblivion, it was fine but sort of left you wishing you had a gun or something. It was also very clunky. I personally think that Skyrim's combat is definitely better than Oblivion. The dual wielding of attacks (so you can have a weapon and a magic spell, or two magic spells, or two weapons) is a plus. The magic spells have much more force behind them and this time when I use the basic Flames spell I really feel like I am doing some damage (the feeling you get when you fire a high end weapon in a videogame like Battlefield, but not qiute as much). So overall the combat is definitely adequate for an Elder Scrolls game, but do not expect it to be a complete overhaul of Oblivion. The game still has some of the same quirks and bugs as previous Bethesda games, but I am still more than happy to have purchased it and finally be playing it.

One other important note: The volume is very low for some people (including me) and the way to fix that is to go into playback devices by right clicking on the volume icon in the system tray, then selecting properties for the speakers, then go to the enhancements tab, then make sure that Loudness Equalization is checked. Along with this, the default Field of View is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too low. Like so low it makes me feel sick in first person view. So the console command is "fov XX" where XX is by default around 60. Raising it to 80 or 90 helps tremendously.

As I said the music and warmth/ambience of the atmosphere are once again beautiful and so far it is at LEAST Game of the Year. I have not played enough of it to say Game of All Time but I really think that is quite possible.

Mods should make this game satisfactory for the super Elite PC gamers out there who rate this 9.5/10 or 10/10 game a 1/10 because the menu does not suit them. Oh and I recommend using a controller if you play on PC (in case I forgot to mention that). This is not really a game for mouse and keyboard, but the modding community and better appearence make this fine for PC.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:10 am Reply with quote
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As long as you need to use a controller to play it properly, I'll pass.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 3:36 am Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
Thx for the overview.
Apparently u can edit your ini file and improve the GFX, but obviously it'll tax your system.

One thing that worries me about this type of game is the combat, consider how good FONewVegas is for combat and how many awesome weapons it it'll be a 360 going from Vegas to Skyrim, especially as I also installed a lighting and texture mod+Nevada Skies to boot.

I'm thinking to buy DXHR, BATMAN and Skyrim next yr when they're a few bob each.

What's this? We have a new member here and Pogma doesn't immediately start 'fucken cunting' him in all caps, but gives him a 'normal' reply, even thanking him? icon_monkey.gif

He must have had an off-day or so.

Sigs are for n00bs!
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 2:44 pm Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
I'm thinking to buy DXHR, BATMAN and Skyrim next yr when they're a few bob each.

That seems a good strategy (at least wrt Skyrim) based on Ars Technica's findings. I remember Morrowind went down in price really fast, but Oblivion remained full price for a pretty long time, so it remains to see how fast Skyrim will come down in price.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:06 pm Reply with quote
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Fallout4 wrote:

Mods should make this game satisfactory for the super Elite PC gamers out there who rate this 9.5/10 or 10/10 game a 1/10 because the menu does not suit them. Oh and I recommend using a controller if you play on PC (in case I forgot to mention that). This is not really a game for mouse and keyboard, but the modding community and better appearence make this fine for PC.

If I have to play on xbox pad, I'll probably hate it....consider that both FO3 and Vegas work beautifully with KB&M.

That said, there's a lot of love for this game, but one thing I'm curious about is the necessity of leveling up, for example, in FO3, increasing your lockpick, repair, small guns, science and speech all make life easier, but DO NOT turn you into a God amongst men, but I'm worried that the leveling process in Skyrim will allow for crazy inconsistencies later in the game, almost making questing pointless...
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:07 pm Reply with quote
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Alez wrote:

What's this? We have a new member here and Pogma doesn't immediately start 'fucken cunting' him in all caps, but gives him a 'normal' reply, even thanking him? icon_monkey.gif .

I'm one of this forums most respected members, and given the sensible nature of FO4's posts, it was natural that I respond in kind.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:12 pm Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
Pogma9 wrote:
I'm thinking to buy DXHR, BATMAN and Skyrim next yr when they're a few bob each.

That seems a good strategy (at least wrt Skyrim) based on Ars Technica's findings. I remember Morrowind went down in price really fast, but Oblivion remained full price for a pretty long time, so it remains to see how fast Skyrim will come down in price.

Problem is that I'm now playing a modified New Vegas{textures/lighting and Nevada Sky mods}, and I have the excellent F1 2011 and Dirt3 to finish{F1 2011's playtime is unknown, I'm already at 50hrs and haven't done squat in the career mode}.

I also reinstalled ME2, FEAR and Quake4 FFS, so I don't have time for another game unless it's one of the greats.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 4:36 am Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:

If I have to play on xbox pad, I'll probably hate it....consider that both FO3 and Vegas work beautifully with KB&M.

That said, there's a lot of love for this game, but one thing I'm curious about is the necessity of leveling up, for example, in FO3, increasing your lockpick, repair, small guns, science and speech all make life easier, but DO NOT turn you into a God amongst men, but I'm worried that the leveling process in Skyrim will allow for crazy inconsistencies later in the game, almost making questing pointless...

The only way to get perks is to have a high enough number of points in the related stats. So if you are using lots of destruction spells then you will end up being able to choose perks relating to destruction magic. For example, I have 32 points in Destruction right now, which I got from repeated use of those spells on enemies. Perks in Destruction require you to have enough points, like 30 or 50 and so on. So once I get 50 points in Destruction, I can then spend 1 perk point on a perk that increases my Flame spell damage, or on a different option that lets me cast Adept or Apprentice level spells rather than Novice level Destruction spells.

So it seems like a risk they have taken in changing the stats leveling and I have no idea how it will play out in the middle or end of the game, but so far it has not been a problem. Something like this makes me worry that they are trying to simplify/consolize things and this is one game series (along with Fallout) that I want to stay as complicated as possible.

I would wait until there are mods for the user interface and inventory menus because they not nearly as functional with a mouse and keyboard like the Pip-Boy menu was in Fallout. In fact I think the menu disappoints even for a console controller.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 6:05 am Reply with quote
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In Vegas, you had the Deathclaws, and whilst you could take them down with a 308 sniper, it was fairly tedious, ideally you had the Golbi or the AMRifle{Quarry Junction}, but consider that taking down the NCR at Camp Golf seems rather difficult as they won't come out of the building and there's a number of rangers inside, so being L30 with all your implants from Vegas Medical might be needed.....if so, there's a compelling reason to bother leveling up.

For the first time in yrs, I'm slightly overwhelmed by games, but as soon as I see Skyrim for $30 aud I'll buy it.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 6:13 am Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
In Vegas, you had the Deathclaws, and whilst you could take them down with a 308 sniper, it was fairly tedious, ideally you had the Golbi or the AMRifle{Quarry Junction}, but consider that taking down the NCR at Camp Golf seems rather difficult as they won't come out of the building and there's a number of rangers inside, so being L30 with all your implants from Vegas Medical might be needed.....if so, there's a compelling reason to bother leveling up.

For the first time in yrs, I'm slightly overwhelmed by games, but as soon as I see Skyrim for $30 aud I'll buy it.

Yea I know what you mean. In Quarry Junction the head guy says "You ever seen a Deathclaw? You'd have to be the meanest, roughest, toughest bastard in the Wasteland to kill one of those and you ain't it," or "I think you could actually take care of them" depending on if you are sufficiently leveled. The DLC also reqiured you to have a high level otherwise you would struggle.

Skyrim has not abandoned this if you use the normal difficulty or higher, but if you use novice then obviously you can just play for the story and killing is secondary.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 12:21 pm Reply with quote
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Hey Fallout,are you using one of those "gaming laptops"? icon_cyclops_ani.gif
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:14 am Reply with quote
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Dick_In_Your_Ass wrote:
Hey Fallout,are you using one of those "gaming laptops"? icon_cyclops_ani.gif

More like GAYming laptop. AMirite?

I have to until I return home from the Moon. Then I can use my big boy computer.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:25 pm Reply with quote
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Fallout4 wrote:
Dick_In_Your_Ass wrote:
Hey Fallout,are you using one of those "gaming laptops"? icon_cyclops_ani.gif

More like GAYming laptop. AMirite?

I have to until I return home from the Moon. Then I can use my big boy computer.
HAHA,I like this fella,are you planning to stay on this forum?
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 2:39 am Reply with quote
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Fallout4 wrote:

Yea I know what you mean. In Quarry Junction t.

Do you have Nevada Skies mod?
It has a pitch black night mode, but also has brighter nights and default nights, but I can't get it out of pitch black.....
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 5:07 pm Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
Fallout4 wrote:

Yea I know what you mean. In Quarry Junction t.

Do you have Nevada Skies mod?
It has a pitch black night mode, but also has brighter nights and default nights, but I can't get it out of pitch black.....
Did Skyrim's price drop? drunken_smilie.gif
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:10 pm Reply with quote
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$65 is the best price I can get and that involves postage time from the UK.
As I said, I've got other games to get thru, but I do plan to buy DXHR, BatmanAC and Skyrim at some point.

I now have a 1 t Samsung spinpoint{got it just before huge price rise as well}, and also added a 6850 to my PC, anyway, load times on F1 2011 went down from a maximum time of 29secs to 10secs..
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:12 pm Reply with quote
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I've been waiting to buy a monster PC but it seems pointless atm.
Don't know how long I can hold out with this, but it could serve me till the end of 2012 the way these gaming fuckers operate.
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