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PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 4:59 pm Reply with quote
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A Winner is me!
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berzerker wrote:
Please stop taking FYA seriously.

Make fun of him as you like, but do not respond like you would do to a sane person.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 11:22 pm Reply with quote
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Posts: 356

berzerker wrote:
Please stop taking FYA seriously.

Make fun of him as you like, but do not respond like you would do to a sane person.

i know, i know. but look at him.. he's been through tough times as he says. at least someone finally answered his lonely thread after a week.. let him have a good day for once.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 3:06 am Reply with quote
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ur good soul craterface......just like me alien.gif

follow me or get out of the way
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 11:48 pm Reply with quote
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A Winner is me!
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.

craterface wrote:
what a wast amount of bullshit you just wrote

First of all, anyone could say that to anyone's long posts, albeit much more articulately, so this is just redundant. You lack originality, and you have way too many craters on your face. I mean scars are one thing, but craters are just fucked.

berzerker wrote:
Please stop taking FYA seriously.

Make fun of him as you like, but do not respond like you would do to a sane person.

And second, shut the fuck up berzerker. Nobody takes anybody seriously here.

craterface wrote:

i know, i know. but look at him.. at least someone finally answered his lonely thread after a week.. let him have a good day for once.

No, you don't know. Your insults are inferior, as are berzerker's.

At the end of everyday, all is well. I've never had a bad day. Before I abandoned the legal methods of acquiring money, I was disturbed at the lack of fairness in life, as all kids are. Those were the only tough times, when I wasn't yet big enough to make and take my own path.

craterface wrote:
he's been through tough times as he says:

But life's a bitch right now, currently. Plans are in motion to change it, but right now, it sucks.

No, you see? You fucked up. Again. I'm talking about life in general on this planet. It sucks. Weak Negative energies are rampant, and are in control as of right now. Killing is currently an (although considered "forbidden") option originally out of necessity. But this planet is changing. A huge positive force is coming. How pure it will be I cannot say. Interesting times ahead.

My life on the other hand is perfect. I can take anything I need, and the decrees grow stronger.

craterface wrote:
killing for wallets just how pitiful can you possibly get? it clearly shows that you're without any rescpect to life.

It's not pitiful when the people you kill are idiots. Yes, it's "morally" disgusting, but that's society's morals. Looting, pillaging, killing, stealing - it's the most extreme risk reward system, and I am addicted to it because the rewards have been great with a steady aim at good targets. Drug lords and their hierarchy are examples of good targets. Just doing random jumps on pedestrians is a last resort if I need some change, or it's a drunken silly/fun thing to do.

craterface wrote:
the fact that you talk about love also tells me that you know almost nothing of what music can express. love and hate is not even edges on a scale of vast moods that can be felt.

Yes they are, fool. Love is the ultimate positive force (one edge), fear is the most negative force (the other edge). Hate is a mutation of love and/or fear. Everything else is in between. So, yes I do know what music can express, BECAUSE IT CAN EXPRESS ANYTHING, you fucking idiot. This part of your post is just plain half-assery.

craterface wrote:
i never said agression is pointless in general. you try to twist my words, that's what's pathetic. i said you display agression pointlessly. there is pointless agression too, that is what you're doing all the time. you put shame on yourself spilling bullshit while in a belief that you know what you're speaking.

All you are saying here is that you don't like my aggression, and you're not saying it very well. Duly noted. I twist your words because your words are weak, and I barely had to this time.

craterface wrote:
this "song" you linked is just not agressive at all. you see, agression comes in waves and bursts. it's variety makes it unmeasureable and unpredictable. and a song of brutality has to have phases like a starting, boiling session followed up by a momentary supression just to make ignition so it suddenly tears and rips through by itself. only to charge into a higher pace thus displaying that the first wave was only a fraction of the power the music is capable to express.

Right, that's how you get there. But if you're already there? What about the people ahead of you, who already have the build up? You just described a build up metal song that you gets into metal.

This song is for the already initiated, the ones who have ripped and torn at songs for ever. It's like taking bigger and purer doses of a drug you're body is getting used to.

And remember this one fuck bags: anything can be measured and predicted. In the above snippet from, craterface just did that. He measured a simple metal song, and predicted what simple metal songs sound like. Craterface is one hell of a mangled specimen. He's like a slow, cumbersome, autistic porch monkey.

craterface wrote:
that's the problem with your link. it starts out at one level and it just stays there for the whole lengh of the "song". and don't repeat that i don't understand, brutality is not quantum physics it's clear to even those minds that are ruled by mere instincts. and your song has none of it. it's just petty hysterical crying. and monotonious at that.

Yeah, and that level is ahead of what you're used to. It's a bending of the rules, plus a really muddy production that forces you to run if you're a pussy (like you and especially master), or take it all in undisturbed. (like me and others past the basic death metal structures) Most death metal is considered petty hysterical crying by people who don't listen to death metal, like you.

craterface wrote:
oh and you're rambling about agression and stuff while telling me that long hair is not doucheness beyond all? i imagine you dye your nails too.. fuck, just go back and play with your barbie pony playground pinky mansion shit
also: country music?! WTF

You are confusing Emo/Scene douches with metal heads now. But any layman would do that. Yes, we all know country music makes us go, "WTF? This shit is boring". You fucking simpletons, saying and doing what your dumb community has taught you to do for hundreds of thousands of years. I'm so glad I help reduce your population on a monthly basis.

I mean, this end comment of craters is huge proof that he was only ever a poser when it came to metal, because only the posers even think about painting their nails and playing with dolls, and saying pinky.

You. Definitely. Fail. Just keep on diggin that hole for yourself.

Last edited by FUCK_YOU_ALL on Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:47 am, edited 3 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:34 am Reply with quote
A Winner is me!
A Winner is me!
Joined: Jun 18, 2009
Posts: 1711

what a whole load of crap!! no1s gonna bother reading it retard

follow me or get out of the way
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:44 am Reply with quote
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A Winner is me!
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.

_Master_ wrote:
what a whole load of crap!! no1s gonna bother reading it retard

You just did.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:55 am Reply with quote
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A Winner is me!
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_Master_ wrote:
what a whole load of crap!! no1s gonna bother reading it retard

You just did.

follow me or get out of the way
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 7:30 pm Reply with quote
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:56 pm Reply with quote
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It's not pitiful when the people you kill are idiots.

That you never can tell by looking at pedestrians. You should know that.

Emo and metal looks are considered the same idiocy in my book. They both want to look something they shouldn't since they do not live like someone who should look like that. It's the way of living that justifies the looks not the other way around. And don't tell me you live like a fucking viking. You constantly want to impress us by boasting with bullshit but it's not gonna work even in here so grow up already.

Your music with it's constant level of agression (at least for you) equals nothing. Don't want to even think how boring it would be to be allways agressive. It's predictable and its like not being agressive at all. Basically you are similar to that song, with your "agresion" (more like bitchin) degraded to constant bullshit wich no one can take seriously. Because it's just not believable that way.
We all know what to expect from you since we know that this is all that you can possibly do
Diagnosis: incapable of living
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:29 am Reply with quote
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A Winner is me!
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Dr.House is on our forums!
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:07 pm Reply with quote
A Winner is me!
A Winner is me!
Joined: Feb 02, 2009
Posts: 630
Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.

craterface wrote:

That you never can tell by looking at pedestrians. You should know that.

Emo and metal looks are considered the same idiocy in my book. They both want to look something they shouldn't since they do not live like someone who should look like that. It's the way of living that justifies the looks not the other way around. And don't tell me you live like a fucking viking.

You constantly want to impress us by boasting with bullshit but it's not gonna work even in here so grow up already.

Your music with it's constant level of agression (at least for you) equals nothing. Don't want to even think how boring it would be to be allways agressive. It's predictable and its like not being agressive at all. Basically you are similar to that song, with your "agresion" (more like bitchin) degraded to constant bullshit wich no one can take seriously. Because it's just not believable that way.
We all know what to expect from you since we know that this is all that you can possibly do
Diagnosis: incapable of living

That diagnosis is complete bullshit. I mean I'd be dead if I was incapable of living, fucking idiot. And again, all music is predictable - except for this piece. And what do you mean I can't tell who people are by looking at them? You must be disabled to not be able to yourself.

Craterface, you have a problem. You say you can't take it seriously. But you're not supposed to take it seriously. You're supposed to not give a fuck, you're not supposed to care to impress people. You simply rage, never giving anyone else a chance to soar higher than you. You decree chaos and achieve freedom. You to take it all away, you push everything, you smash everything. When you are what I just posted, you're god. It's tough to attain the feeling of it for longer than a few seconds, but it can be done.

You'd never get there though. You're not into it because your a softer creature. You probably had a rough upbringing due to dumb parents, therefore you prefer a slow, instrumentally and presentation ally simple song that stills your puny mind which pitifully tries to solve your "problems".

I had the best, relaxed, easiest upbringing imaginable thanks to superior genes. The world has never fooled me. People are greedy, it's organic. But they're clever by brainwashing massive amounts of people, generation after generation, I'll give them that. All I want to do is smash every structure they impose upon me, and those things are EVERYWHERE.

You, craterface, and everybody else are simple people in that they live by the clock and never think more than 10 times, sure you maybe think twice, but that's only twice for god's sake. Why don't you get out of that fucking box already? Stop ingesting the shit and cum pumped at you by your "leaders", who are only leaders due to a fucking million pieces of paper, most of them are completely brittle. Stop taking stuff so seriously. Instead, hammer the stuff until it is exposed.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:07 pm Reply with quote
A Winner is me!
A Winner is me!
Joined: Jun 18, 2009
Posts: 1711

craterface wrote:

That you never can tell by looking at pedestrians. You should know that.

Emo and metal looks are considered the same idiocy in my book. They both want to look something they shouldn't since they do not live like someone who should look like that. It's the way of living that justifies the looks not the other way around. And don't tell me you live like a fucking viking.

You constantly want to impress us by boasting with bullshit but it's not gonna work even in here so grow up already.

Your music with it's constant level of agression (at least for you) equals nothing. Don't want to even think how boring it would be to be allways agressive. It's predictable and its like not being agressive at all. Basically you are similar to that song, with your "agresion" (more like bitchin) degraded to constant bullshit wich no one can take seriously. Because it's just not believable that way.
We all know what to expect from you since we know that this is all that you can possibly do
Diagnosis: incapable of living

That diagnosis is complete bullshit. I mean I'd be dead if I was incapable of living, fucking idiot. And again, all music is predictable - except for this piece. And what do you mean I can't tell who people are by looking at them? You must be disabled to not be able to yourself.

Craterface, you have a problem. You say you can't take it seriously. But you're not supposed to take it seriously. You're supposed to not give a fuck, you're not supposed to care to impress people. You simply rage, never giving anyone else a chance to soar higher than you. You decree chaos and achieve freedom. You to take it all away, you push everything, you smash everything. When you are what I just posted, you're god. It's tough to attain the feeling of it for longer than a few seconds, but it can be done.

You'd never get there though. You're not into it because your a softer creature. You probably had a rough upbringing due to dumb parents, therefore you prefer a slow, instrumentally and presentation ally simple song that stills your puny mind which pitifully tries to solve your "problems".

I had the best, relaxed, easiest upbringing imaginable thanks to superior genes. The world has never fooled me. People are greedy, it's organic. But they're clever by brainwashing massive amounts of people, generation after generation, I'll give them that. All I want to do is smash every structure they impose upon me, and those things are EVERYWHERE.

You, craterface, and everybody else are simple people in that they live by the clock and never think more than 10 times, sure you maybe think twice, but that's only twice for god's sake. Why don't you get out of that fucking box already? Stop ingesting the shit and cum pumped at you by your "leaders", who are only leaders due to a fucking million pieces of paper, most of them are completely brittle. Stop taking stuff so seriously. Instead, hammer the stuff until it is exposed.
ya blah blah....and now sir will you please step into the thrash compactor please?

follow me or get out of the way
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:06 pm Reply with quote
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A Winner is me!
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:43 pm Reply with quote
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I don't like the death/heavy metal stuff, but sometimes like the imagery in their film clips.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:05 am Reply with quote
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You mean like these 2?

Sigs are for n00bs!
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:19 pm Reply with quote
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.

_Master_ wrote:
ya blah blah....and now sir will you please step into the thrash compactor please?

Stay in your own shit.

And whats with all the pleases? You trying to be polite or something? If so, your wasting your time.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:19 pm Reply with quote
A Winner is me!
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 1711

_Master_ wrote:
ya blah blah....and now sir will you please step into the thrash compactor please?

Stay in your own shit.

And whats with all the pleases? You trying to be polite or something? If so, your wasting your time.
it took you 2days to come up wit that?? fuck your incredibly dumb

follow me or get out of the way
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:16 pm Reply with quote
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Posts: 356

my reaction also delays. but understand that i have lost all my interest on this one. i mean what does being god and political leaders do with musical taste? FYA, you defend your view but it's unnecessary since we won't meet face to face. nevertheless.. my opinion is that you belong to the middle age since you are a chaotic evil barbarian from the Forgotten Realms. at least that is what you're POSING on this forums.
but believe me when i say that there are some music that is neither about love and hate but something similar just not ignited yet. something that is above hate since it can handle it without getting worked up. some songs are just about that and you can revel in them too. maybe you didn't experienced it before. it's really up to you to believe me or not. it really does't matter if you do, i mean i won't profit out of that, i'm just telling you that it exists.
basically the thing is, i just doesn't like people claiming that they are on top. it's maybe similar how you feel about the illuminati. these people allways ignites hostile attention from the formerly passive and always bound to fall by ignorance.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 10:12 pm Reply with quote
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A Winner is me!
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.

craterface wrote:
my reaction also delays. but understand that i have lost all my interest on this one.

So then the entirety of the rest of your post is completely moot.


Since any desperate attempt by craterface to create even a shadow of a point (which wouldn't happen) would be moot, I didn't read further.

It's the pinnacle of experimental death metal! YOU BUNCH OF FUCKS! BOW TO IT!
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 1:09 pm Reply with quote
Joined: Jun 26, 2009
Posts: 356

craterface wrote:
my reaction also delays. but understand that i have lost all my interest on this one.

So then the entirety of the rest of your post is completely moot.


Since any desperate attempt by craterface to create even a shadow of a point (which wouldn't happen) would be moot, I didn't read further.

It's the pinnacle of experimental death metal! YOU BUNCH OF FUCKS! BOW TO IT!

wel.. that's a nice way to give up although a bit pitiful. ran out of valid points? (who are we kidding you never had any.) so you take out the i won't read it - card. talking about last resorts. well.. i guess someone also lost interest.
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