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Which console is the biggest joke?
Xbox One |   88.59% (458) | Playstation 4 |   11.41% (59) |
Total Votes: 517
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"Which console is the biggest joke?" | Login/Create an Account | 12 comments |
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Re: Which console is the biggest joke? (Score: 1) by zachofat (allahuakbar@jannah.com) on Saturday, May 25 @ 13:41:42 EDT (User Info | Send a Message) | Xbox One. PS4 looks pretty standard for a next gen console so far but Xbox One is just another step towards the complete monetization of games. Full MSRP for letting someone borrow a game? Visual DRM and privacy invasion? Xbox One isn't a console, it's a money stealing entertainment device. |
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Re: Which console is the biggest joke? (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Monday, May 27 @ 12:22:21 EDT | stupid poll, who cares...consoles are for fags (yes you) |
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Re: Which console is the biggest joke? (Score: 1) by Alez on Tuesday, May 28 @ 02:58:09 EDT (User Info | Send a Message) | LOL, one idiot voted for the PS4 (32 slightly lesser idiots for the xbox1) |
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Re: Which console is the biggest joke? (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Sunday, June 16 @ 19:21:45 EDT | a console is not a joke, its not like i see a console and start laughing hahahahahahaha......yeah so console aint no joke, its shit...and every day i console |
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