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Current Poll Results

Who writes the best reviews

Suislide23 %23 %23 % 23.07% (179)
D5 %5 %5 % 5.28% (41)
Monkey1 %1 %1 % 1.68% (13)
Alez3 %3 %3 % 3.35% (26)
Mean Mofo47 %47 %47 % 47.04% (365)
m9x0 %0 %0 % 0.77% (6)
Faggot Puk15 %15 %15 % 15.08% (117)

Total Votes: 776

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"Who writes the best reviews" | Login/Create an Account | 46 comments
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Re: Who writes the best reviews (Score: 1)
by berzerker on Friday, June 12 @ 00:04:53 EDT
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According to the top 10, the 10 most active news submitters are (not sure why Suislide and M0nkey are left out):

· 1: D - (14 news sent)
· 2: m9x - (8 news sent)
· 3: Fuckinghateyou - (6 news sent)
· 4: puk - (6 news sent)
· 5: Grumpy_Boy - (5 news sent)
· 6: GaMeRuInEr - (4 news sent)
· 7: flaming_ass_packet - (3 news sent)
· 8: mihai_alexandru73 - (3 news sent)
· 9: Mean_MOFO - (3 news sent)
· 10: fuhrer - (3 news sent)

So this poll does contain some unexpected names.

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Re: Who writes the best reviews (Score: 1)
by berzerker on Friday, June 12 @ 02:32:30 EDT
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I'l vote for M0nkey then because of his Scrabble review:

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Re: Who writes the best reviews (Score: 1)
by berzerker on Wednesday, June 17 @ 01:54:34 EDT
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Let the records show that yesterday the poll looked like this:

Suislide 37.29% (22)
D 1.69% (1)
Monkey 3.39% (2)
Alez 5.08% (3)
Puk 49.12% (29)
Mean Mofo 3.39% (2)
m9x 0.00% (0)

Now it is

Suislide 37.29% (22)
D 1.69% (1)
Monkey 3.39% (2)
Alez 5.08% (3)
Mean Mofo 3.39% (2)
m9x 0.00% (0)
Faggot Puk 0.00% (0)

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Re: Who writes the best reviews (Score: 1)
by berzerker on Monday, June 22 @ 03:25:33 EDT
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This is now officially the poll with the most comments. The previous No 1 was the "worst game site" poll: (31 comments).

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