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Stop trying to be edgy or stop playing it on a console. This game easily has some of the most beautiful level and art design I've seen in a game, and the technology is nowhere below average. I guess i ...
Art direction is great, but technology sucks horribly. Textures and characters all look like utter shit up close, and it has the worst overuse of bloom since Syndicate. Game is below average in the ...
You don't need to be in a rush to play this game. It is this year's overrated payola special . Graphics are pretty badly outdated. Gameplay is just a rehash of Bioshock 1, but without hacking and w ...
I'm amazed it isn't reviewed yet. While not the worst game ever, it's a degradation, a humiliation to the Diablo series. You have to be some sort of brainwashed retarded blizzombie to say otherwise.
I tried very hard to go into it with an open mind. But it really does suck as much as the review says. The games journalism really hit rock bottom wit ...
i just got done playing Infamous 2. Holy shit that game is fantastic and criminally underrated. I guess that the Marketing/PR budget for that game wasn't big enough to buy them some good reviews bec ...