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i've submitted SO much goddamn stuff on this site that it makes the "special" olympics seem normal, and people with downs syndrome seem like they have the "genius gene"
Im a seventeen year old jewish girl..and i kno ur probably not gonna take me seriously because of your prejudice-but i just wanted you to know, my grandmother went through the holocaust becuase of pre ...
You got riped off buying minesweeper for..... FIFTY BUCKS! Damn, that is one of the worst quality games out there. You could have downloaded that game for free off the net.
i have a fan made game.. well actually a game i made out of my fan..
its like a helicopter, except it doesnt look like one, or fly... kinda like tag... only with blood
it's not a bad game, IF you have patience and/or a brain. You have to do shit in a specific order.. it can get boring after a while (20 minutes).. but thats when you turn it off, and then play again ...
It's true... most video games suck... except i found a badass one, its called "minesweeper".. most people don't realize this, but you ALREADY HAVE IT!!