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Maybe, just maybe if there weren't people like Mean Mofo in here that used the same fucking "jokes" everytime and lame ass insults, people would actually post on these forums.
Educated white trailor trash? That's pure gold right there you fuck fecal filler. You must have confused "talking shit in a educated way" (it would be "an educated way" you ignorant slut fist) with "t ...
Man, reply to me when you learn some fucking english. BITCH!
sayed?? wtf is this shit? some type of your gay ass lubricant? get the fuck out with that shit you faggot!
Why is this happening in the USA. black people are mexicans are killing each other in C.A, Asians picking at white people because they think they are smarter then every body. White people saying they ...
Maybe, just maybe if there weren't people like Mean Mofo in here that used the same fucking "jokes" everytime and lame ass insults, people would actually post on these forums.