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Posted on Sunday, August 17 @ 11:02:32 EDT by Suislide
FPS reviewsSome game made in another country. Its called Chaser and yeah what the hell can i say about it. It came from a company called Jowood or something.

Graphics: They kind of suck ass. The water looks nice but everything else is just bland. Infact the bland enviorments almost made me want to fall asleep with my finger in my asshole. Although its not like that throughout the game. It gets better and yeah.

Story: Actually it was fucking good. You're some guy and you wake up in some space station. You dont know who you are but you have flash backs. Then you fucking crash a big station to Earth like a badass and kick some poor starving people asses. Then you think you are John Chaser and everyone thinks you are. You are actually Scott Stone and you killed the original Chaser. Then this fucking old pussy man gave u surgery and stuff to look like Chaser. Yeh i know I gave spoilers lick my asshole you pussies.

Sound: Music is nice and the gunshots sound nice. Nothing too extravagent (if i spelled it wrong, then fuck you).

Gameplay: Yeah standard FPS gameplay except theres one extra feautre! ADRENANLINE MODE WOWWOWOWOW OMG FUCKING COOL! Basically its like slow motion. Some places i read said it was bullet time. Well its not you fucking retards, bullet time is a lot slower than that shit. Besides you cant see the bullets so who the hell cares. Last the game kind of drags on and gets fucking annoying to where i want to shove my keyboard into my monitor then piss in my case.

So it had a good story, mediocre graphics, and got fucking annoying at spots so i give it a 6/10

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Most read story in FPS reviews:
Half-Life 2

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Re: Chaser (Score: 1)
by FukinHateJOWOOD on Thursday, January 18 @ 07:07:36 EST
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Oh dear Christ in heaven, strike the creators of this steaming heap of shit DEAD! For the love of God, stop making games JOWOOD!

I suggest you Germans gather all of the villagers nearby, and storm Victor Von Fuckups castle with torch in hand.

JOWOOD should be known as the WORST game company on Earth!

Compare Ed Wood (worst director in history) to JoWood studios...get the picture? Wonder if the JoWood staff are cross dressers too? Hmmm.

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